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http://successmantra.com/ctet-and-state-tet/ - The CTET Exam Comprises of Various section like CDP (Child Development and Pedagogy), Social studies, Science, English and Hindi.
5 tips to clear CTET Exam • The CTET Exam Comprises of Various section like CDP (Child Development and Pedagogy), Social studies, Science, English and Hindi.
Set your Goal • You need to identify your strong areas and also plan on how much time you spend on each of the sections in order to complete everything on time. 2. identify the Important topics • Go through the syllabus, divide your time according to the topics and note down the topics which you need to prepare first. • Try to go through the previous year Exam papers of Targeted Exam. • Make list of the topics according to their importance and previous year question papers.
Focus on Pedagogy • Child pedagogy is a complete subject and will constitute 30 Marks, besides that each subject contains 50% questions from Pedagogy. • If you focus on Pedagogy then you will have more chances of attempting more questions and qualifying the exam.
Time Management • Time managed is half paper done. From July, 2013 onwards CBSE has extended the time duration for the CTET Exam from 1.5 hrs to 2.5 hrs.There are 150 questions in total for CTET Exam. Now you have 60 seconds to answer a single question. If you find any question difficult then leave that question mark that question, move on other questions. Try to finish the exam before time so that you can again attempt all the marked question at the end and revise your answers.
Elimination Method • If you find any question difficult, if possible use elimination method to eliminate the incorrect answers first then from the remaining choices move to the best answer for your question.
Avoid information overload before Exam • Do not overload yourself with information before the exam. • You cannot study all the things before the exam. • Do not panic, just relax take complete sleep. • If you get stressed and do not sleep you will become anxious which is certainly not good for you. • Try to reach Examination center before time, so that you can relax and focus well on question paper.
Contact us • Website : http://successmantra.com/ctet-and-state-tet/ • Address: A-1/89, 2nd Floor RajaTower, Guru Nanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi -110092 • Landmark: Opposite V3S Mall, Near NirmanVihar Metro Station • Mobile: 9811560490Email Contacts:For New Enquiries: successmantraclasses@gmail.comFor Recruitment: hr@successmantra.comFor Marketing: rajan@successmantra.com