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Mobile Data Project. Ian Readhead Deputy Chief Constable Hampshire Constabulary. The Customer Benefits of Mobile Data. More effective face to face policing. Fewer requirements for public to attend police stations. Access to information about occupants before visiting specific addresses.
Mobile Data Project Ian Readhead Deputy Chief Constable Hampshire Constabulary
The Customer Benefits of Mobile Data • More effective face to face policing. • Fewer requirements for public to attend police stations. • Access to information about occupants before visiting specific addresses. • Direct connectivity between the public and police officers. • Less paper duplication. • Reduced time in stations.
The Business Benefits for Police Officers • Ability to do PNC names and vehicle checks without contacting the control room. • Improved information flow, remote completion of forms. • Faster response. • Remote access to e-mail. • Remote access to Courts. • Professional Image. • Better work/life balance. • Better data quality (MoPI).
Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness for Police Authorities • Reduction in running costs (accountable, accessible, visible). • Improved resource allocation. • Reduced time in Police Stations. • Full return on investment in Airwave o2 network. • Potential return on other Force applications and systems integration, RMS, Microsoft.
Volumes of Data • Within three years in Hampshire we will have... • 60 Terabytes of log data • In addition to the data within RMS • Teras = Greek for Monster • 1 Terabyte = 240, 10004, 1012 or roughly 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
Data Volumes • The United States’ Library of Congress has 20 Terabytes of information The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with more than 130 million items on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. The collections include more than 29 million books and other printed materials, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 58 million manuscripts
Task of the Mobile Data Project • Design a number of experiments which will demonstrate whether a selection of mobile data applications can deliver a qualified business benefit in the scale desired. • To support Forces in implementing and evaluating those experiments. • To validate the use of Airwave as the bearer of preference.
Project Objectives • Determining business benefits through changing the way we work across a whole BCU • Documenting & sharing Lessons Learned, Best Practice and Standards as a result of Business Change • Secure access to local and national services • Assessing the suitability of technology to meet current and future needs • Maximising return on investment from Airwave • Investigating Commercial Bearers e.g. 2.5G (GPRS), 3G and WiFi
Investment – 5 Year Forecast • Third Party costs e.g device, airtime, integration • £1.5 – £2.5 Million (1000 – 2000 users) • Equates to £300 per officer per year • Support costs dependent upon complexity of services mobilised and procurement route.
Return on Investment • Efficiency Savings • Time saved claimed between 35 and 60 minutes per day • West Yorks claimed 35 minutes per day (conservative) per officer (2500 users), equated to £8.8 million / year • Important that we understand what is done with this time saved and opportunity for more savings • Cashable savings are more likely to be realised by submitting information e.g. forms as opposed to just receiving information • No force to date has claimed cashable savings • Closely monitoring during trials, work is continuing
Forces Working in Partnership for Trials • British Transport Police • Staffordshire Police • Strathclyde Police • Hertfordshire Constabulary • Bedfordshire Police • Sussex Police
British Transport Police • 400 Officers in underground using Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s). • Gives access to PNC conviction data and address, information, intelligence. • Claimed will save around one hour of administration time every shift. • Early indications 100% increase in number of Intel reports. 50% increase in stops. • All dealt with by printer (record). • (No independent evaluation yet).
Bedfordshire • 100 users involved in pilot, 80 of these are Inspectors, remaining 20 are operational. • Pilot in Jan / Feb • If successful rollout force wide (1000) • Initial pilot doesn’t satisfy the original criteria of whole BCU, but they are intending to go force wide • Predominately browsing capability using BlackBerry • PNC, email, e-Briefing, Crime Tasking
Hertfordshire • Police Authority has approved collaboration with Essex, similar decision awaited from Essex. • Phase 1 replicate Essex system in Hertfordshire • PDA browsing capability • Pilot involving 100 officers Jan / Feb 07 • Rollout to 1000 by July 07 • Essex originally recruited additional expertise via SCAT • Phase 2 link both systems together • Share information and Infrastructure • Phase 3 develop new common services
Staffordshire • Technical issues have introduced 4 week delay. • Operational expected from end Feb 07. • Continue to manage 14 different vendors. • Ability to interchange components. • Attempting to baseline business benefits with management information only. • Aligning measurements with BTP so we can contrast.
Strathclyde • 10 new resources have joined team • Proposal has been to deploy MDT’s by Feb 07 • Involving two suppliers • Proposal to deploy PDA’s by Apr 07 • 50 Airwave, 200 GPRS • PNC, SCRO, SID, Briefing, Intranet, Forms • Trial now taking place in Govan sub division • Advantage Project team and IT within area
Sussex - PVP • Supporting continued deployment of Voice Recognition technology • Access PNC vehicles, C&C status / call signs • Very positive user response • Release of suppressed demand among TWs, PCSOs • Trial will involve 300+ officers in North Downs division (Crawley, Horsham and large rural area) • Commences Jan 07 • Accessible via Airwave Telephony and Mobile Phones • Impact of recent SEN affecting ‘PSTN’ needs to be considered
AIRWAVE • Multi Slot Packet Data (MSPD) intention to enable with R5.5 upgrade (Nov 06 – Apr 07) • During testing packet loss experienced, O2 have asked Motorola to investigate • Featured is already on network, just needs enabling • Motorola PDA approved for use on Airwave network • BTP, Strathclyde, Avon & Somerset • PITO reviewing conformance testing process with O2 with emphasis mobility and qualification for free testing. • Mobile suppliers are one group that is disadvantaged by O2’s current policy
Stops Assistant Being Stopped by a Police Officer The Officer that gave you this slip is legally entitled to stop you. Your co-operation will get you on your way sooner. You are not under arrest but please remain with the officer during this procedure and wait to be told that the officer is finished before continuing (FINISHED). The officer has stopped you either to obtain some information from you or to search you and any of your bags (SEARCH). You are entitled to a record of this encounter, printed in English, but not in your own language. If a printed record cannot be supplied, you will be given a written receipt. The officer will ask you for your name (NAME), where you normally live (ADDRESS) and your date of birth (DATE OF BIRTH). You are not obliged to provide this information. If the officer is not satisfied they may arrest you pending further enquiries (ARREST). Please note that this sheet is meant to provide you with an explanation of this process, it is not formal legal advice. For more information write to British Transport Police, 25 Camden Road, London, NW1 9LN or www.btp.police.uk/stopandsearch.html • Wording approved by Home Office • Contract let for translation (43 languages) • Proposal to change contact details (force specific) • BTP will print and issue • Could host on CJX or Portal 你被英国运输的一名官员停止了警察。 你不被指控任何东西,不在逮捕下面和一NAME 次可以离开官员有一些本人的细节完成这次遭遇的一个记录。 你不必须提供你的名字和地址但是警察需要所作在自找麻烦和记录的法律旁边它如果你提供它 ADDRESS。 他们依赖你的帮助在反对罪行和恐怖主义的战斗中帮助。 官员刚刚可以要求你的名字和地址或者他们可能希望搜查你但是只有当他们有合法的权力时。 你的名字是什么? 你哪里居住? 如果你被搜查将以最小不便迅速地被进行,你的合作被请求但是官员被准许使用合理的武力是绝对必要的。 如果你为任何理由被逮捕或者扣留,官员将在他们的语言中解释为什么。你将被送到警察局和将能对说你的一个独立的人说语言。你也将有资格获得免费独立的法律咨询。 你可以被上手铐和在所有案例官员将抓住你。 如果你关于这次遭遇有任何批注,请在伦敦坎登路 25 号 NW1 9LW 或者 020 7380 1400 或者 www.btp.police.uk 联系英国运输警察总部。我们然后将商定说你的一个独立的人是未缺失的语言。 你被英国运输的一名官员停止了警察。 你不被指控任何东西,不在逮捕下面和一NAME 次可以离开官员有一些本人的细节完成这次遭遇的一个记录。 你不必须提供你的名字和地址但是警察需要所作在自找麻烦和记录的法律旁边它如果你提供它 ADDRESS。 他们依赖你的帮助在反对罪行和恐怖主义的战斗中帮助。 官员刚刚可以要求你的名字和地址或者他们可能希望搜查你但是只有当他们有合法的权力时。 你的名字是什么? 你哪里居住? 如果你被搜查将以最小不便迅速地被进行,你的合作被请求但是官员被准许使用合理的武力是绝对必要的。 如果你为任何理由被逮捕或者扣留,官员将在他们的语言中解释为什么。你将被送到警察局和将能对说你的一个独立的人说语言。你也将有资格获得免费独立的法律咨询。 你可以被上手铐和在所有案例官员将抓住你。 如果你关于这次遭遇有任何批注,请在伦敦坎登路 25 号 NW1 9LW 或者 020 7380 1400 或者 www.btp.police.uk 联系英国运输警察总部。我们然后将商定说你的一个独立的人是未缺失的语言。
Bluetooth • CESG advised that they consider RISK of using Bluetooth for RESTRICTED is not manageable • Cannot use with Airwave unless business accepts the risk • PITO reviewed CESG’s concerns • SyOps have now been strengthened • Consulted ethical hackers on known attacks • Assessment that 99% of attacks are addressed by SyOps so RISK may be manageable • Consultation with CESG is continuing
WiFi Security • SEN issued in 2002 advising of known risks of using WEP • CESG completed recent assessment of WPA 2 • CESG producing Infosec Manual Y to cover wireless services • Expected to be published December 2006
Health & Safety • A number of forces have raised questions about carrying multiple devices e.g. Airwave, Phone, PDA, BlackBerry etc • Consulted with Home Office, advised forces need to conduct their own assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) • Advised to seek guidance of Health Protection Agency • Information Briefed issued on project web site • Project team is not authoritative in this field, so is not intending to get involved