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Videolearning platform in practice

Videolearning platform in practice. Mission and Visions from 2008 to 2015. Kristian Madsen VUC Storstrøm Head of project develpoment krm@vucstor.dk. Denmark. Jan Bodholdt Head of Department VUC Storstrøm Nykøbing. Mission and visions of VUC Storstrøm.

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Videolearning platform in practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Videolearning platform in practice Mission and Visions from 2008 to 2015 Kristian Madsen VUC Storstrøm Head of projectdevelpoment krm@vucstor.dk

  2. Denmark Jan Bodholdt Head of Department VUC Storstrøm Nykøbing

  3. Mission and visions of VUC Storstrøm • To ensure that all young people and adults in our area have access to Upper Secondary Education, Lower-secondary school, High School Education and the teaching of dyslexics. • To ensure - in cooperation with companies and institutions – that the employees are given the opportunity to continuous training in relation to their jobs • To enhance the possibilities for young people and adults to participate in society and to improve their own situation in life • To build bridges between the basic education system and advanced studies • To improve the individual, personal development :

  4. TeachersCompetence Knownknowledge to Unknownknowledge TraditionalClassroom Blended Classroom More to come Traditionalteacher Teacher as a Coach

  5. FirstVideolearning platform 2008 • VUC wassuported by the local Region to do the firsttwo video classroom’s. • POLYCOM HDX 8000 - Bridget / Smartborad • One teachertwoclassroom’s • Education in lower populated areas

  6. PC PC Social Fund project 2011-2013 CMA MCU PC RSS/ VCM PC PC


  8. Videolearning for UniversityesBalticSea EU program, Videoplatform around the BalticSeatogetherwith 5 universityes all using POLYCOM HDX 6000.

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