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Journey of Faith: Four Biblical Roads to Redemption

Explore the roads to Calvary, Emmaus, Damascus, and Jericho in the Bible, reflecting on the significance of each path in finding redemption and following Christ. Discover the lessons each road teaches about faith, repentance, and compassion.

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Journey of Faith: Four Biblical Roads to Redemption

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  1. Bible Roads

  2. Introduction All roads lead to a destination. But not all roads lead to heaven as is commonly taught, believed, & practiced today in religion. Isaiah prophesied, “A highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, But it will be for him who walks that way, And fools will not wander on it.” (Isa. 35:8) John the Baptist prepared this Highway for Christ in fulfillment of prophecy. (Isa. 40:3; John 1:23, 27; 14:6)

  3. Introduction Sadly and tragically many are following a highway leading to ungodliness and eternal condemnation rather than holiness and everlasting bliss. (Matthew 7:13-14) This morning we will discuss four famous Bible roads, what they lead to, and how we are following on the same road. We hope and pray that you will be able to make application to your own life as we all examine ourselves by the divinely approved examples we give this morning.

  4. The Road to Calvary It is a road which was wrought with prolonged agony, excruciating pain, and many sorrows. On this road (place of the skull) he endured being falsely accused, scourged, abused, mocked, beaten, spit upon, and humiliated. (Mt. 26:59-62;67-68; 27:27-33) We recall his broken body beaten to a bloody pulp with hatred as he is tortured for our sins. (Isa. 52:14; 1 Peter 2:24)

  5. The Road to Calvary This is the road in which we realize God’s love for us and how helpless, hopeless and godless we are without Christ. (Luke 23:34; Rom. 5:8-9; Eph. 2:12) As Christians, we must walk this road daily as we take up his cross and bear His reproach. (Luke 9:23ff; Heb. 13:13) Walk this road with joy and do not be ashamed of being a Christian. (1 Peter 4:12-16) Are you walking this road to Calvary or are you ashamed of the gospel? (Mark 8:38)

  6. The Road to Emmaus Two men were on this road and Jesus joined them in conversation after His resurrection. (Luke 24:13-18) They had the evidence: Jesus was a Prophet mighty in miracles and deeds; the rulers put him to death dashing their dreams of redemption from Israel; the women testify that Jesus was not in the tomb and they saw angels telling them He was alive. (24:19-24) Their problem was that they were slow to believe in all that the prophets had spoken about Jesus. (24:25)

  7. The Road to Emmaus What is going to change the doubts about Jesus today? The Scriptures (Luke 24:25-27) God’s word will produce faith which will give you a conviction to stand up for it. (Romans 10:17; 5:1-2; Hebrews 11:1) As Jesus explained the truth to the two men their doubts were replaced with hope in Christ. (Luke 24:32-35) Are you moving away from the hope of the gospel because of your doubts or continuing in the faith? (Colossians 1:23)

  8. The Road to Damascus Saul was a persecutor of the church. (Acts 8:1-3) But on the road to Damascus, he was blinded and after meeting the Lord, he realized he was really persecuting Him. (Acts 9:1-8) He demonstrated repentance by refusing to eat or drink for three days. (Acts 9:9) He hastened to obey the command to be baptized so that his sins would be washed away. (Acts 22:16; 9:18) He immediately was preaching in the synagogues that Jesus was the Christ. (Acts 9:20-22)

  9. The Road to Damascus We need to realize that when we are living a sinful life we are serving the devil and are enemies of God just as Saul had been. (Romans 6:16; Proverbs 6:16-19) But God’s grace is more than abundant so that though we were blinded, we can open up our eyes to see, know, and obey the gospel as Saul had done. (1 Tim. 1:12-16) We can preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. (Ephesians 3:8) Are you being the light of the world? (Mt. 5:16)

  10. The Road to Jericho Of the three men who saw the beaten man only the Samaritan had compassion, showed mercy, and sacrificed to help him. (Lk. 10:29f) Opportunities to serve others will come in our lives to help others in their time need. Will you choose to do good to all people and especially the household of the faith or will you pass by on the other side as the Levite and the priest did? (Galatians 6:10) When we serve others, we must be careful not to do it to be seen by others. (Matthew 6:1-4)

  11. Conclusion The road to heaven takes us down the road to Calvary, Emmaus, Damascus, and Jericho. The road to Calvary helps us to recognize that we are sinners in need of a Savior. (Rom. 5:6ff) The road to Emmaus give us evidence so that we will believe that Christ is the Son of God. The road to Damascus should cause us to repent and be baptized so that our sins will be forgiven and be faithful. (Acts 22:16) The road to Jericho should help us to have compassion on others and help those in need.

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