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Room 312

Stay informed with Mrs. McCabe's classroom guide at Markley Elementary School. Find daily schedules, homework policies, and important information for a successful school year.

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Room 312

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  1. Room 312 Back to School Night Kathryn D. Markley Elementary School September 7, 2016

  2. Mrs. McCabe • This is my twelfth year teaching at KDM. • I taught 1st grade for 9 years. Prior to KDM, I taught 1st grade at Oak Park Elementary in Brentwood, NY for one year. This is my 4rd year teaching second grade. • I attended Saint Joseph’s University for my undergraduate work and Eastern University for my Master’s degree. • I was born in Wantagh, Long Island. • I have a 2 year old daughter named Lyla Jane and baby boy named Joey who will be turning one at the end of October.

  3. Daily Schedule • Our Daily Schedule • 8:40-9:00 Morning Routine • 9:00-9:15 Interactive Read Aloud/Olweus • 9:15-10:00 Writer’s Workshop • 10:00-10:45 Special • 10:45-12:00 Snack and Reader’s Workshop • 12:00- 12:45 Recess/Lunch • 12:45- 1:25 Word Study/Grammar • 1:25-2:30 Math • 2:30-2:45 Recess • 2:45- 3:35 Science or SS • 3:38 Dismissal

  4. Our Specials Schedule • Here at KDM we work on a 5 day rotating schedule.

  5. Homework • Homework Folder • Please check the red folder each night • Please check the agenda book each night • Book Buddies! • Monday-Thursday (Friday is optional) • Students should read for 10 - 15 minutes each day (parent or child may read) • The reading log will come home each night and should be returned to school each day. • Word Sort Menu • Word Study tests will be given after students have studied their words for two weeks. The test will be every OTHER Friday (at the end of the second week). • Spellingcity.com • Reading Log • Reading Log is due on Friday. The children are asked to fill out the entries on their own. The number of entries per week will be specified, but they can always do more than the number requested. • Math • Homework most nights • Math workbook MUST be returned each day!! Because the workbooks will not stay in school over night, it will be hard for me to check them each day. Please initial your child’s workbook pages and write me a note if your child had trouble. If you correct mistakes with your child, please let me know in the note, otherwise I may assume that your child understood the material when they may have struggled. • Thinkcentral.com (Your child’s username is their student ID and their password is kdm2013 (lowercase!!) • Math Facts to 20 should be automatic • Science/SS homework as needed

  6. Reading Log

  7. Word Study Homework Word Study Menu! Choose 6 Word Study activities from the menu to practice during the two week period. Students, write the date you complete the chosen activities. You should complete at least 6 activities (activities can be repeated). Parents and Loved Ones, please initial or write the date next to the completed activity. Explanations of each sort are on the back of this worksheet. Your “Word Sort Test” will be ________________________.

  8. Important Information Birthdays -In the past, students have brought in a “goody bag” for each student OR donated a book to the classroom. We have a new school rule stating that ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD/CANDY can be sent home in the “goody bags.” Parents often try to sign up to be a guest reader during the week of their child’s birthday. Mystery Reader 9:00, 10:50 or 3:10 -Please see the sign up sheet on the table if you have a specific date or month in mind. -Information about being a Mystery Reader can be found on my website. -You will be responsible for submitting 3 clues to Mrs. McCabe prior to your date. You will also be asked to supply your own book. Mystery Readers will have 15 minutes with the class. Snack -We have a water fountain here in the room. -Snack should be small and easy enough for students to eat while listening to a story or working independently at their desks. -WE ARE A NUT FREE CLASSROOM! -We do not have forks, knifes or spoons in the classroom. -We do not have extra snack and students are not allowed to share snack. Book Orders -Once a month -Checks payable to “Scholastic Book Clubs” -If you order online, our class will receive a free book! The paperwork will come home tonight!

  9. Responsibilities -Students should return their book buddies, red folder, agenda, word study folder (also red) and math book to school each day! Homeroom Parents -If you are interested in being a homeroom parent or volunteer please let me know and contact Suzanne May (the coordinator) at Em4sm@hotmail.com. Homeroom parents must have their CLEARANCES! E-mail -Please check the e-mail information I have on the table. If you do not want to receive e-mail updates from me, please cross off your e-mail address. As long as I have one e-mail per family that is fine! There is also a PTO sign up sheet. Please add you e-mail information so I can give it to our homeroom mom. Clearances -As you know, one of the many reasons (school) is such a wonderful place to learn and grow is due to parent involvement at home and school. School Board Policy #916 now requires parent volunteers to have background checks/clearances. Parents are urged to read more about the requirements by visiting www.gvsd.org/clearances. You can find this link on the KD Markley website. Website -I have added some helpful information to my website!

  10. Classroom Behavior Each student will be held responsible for his or her own behavior. There are three behavior plans in place in our classroom: Clip Chart The children all begin their day on a clip chart at “Ready to Learn.” They have the opportunity to move up the chart and down the chart, depending upon their behavior. Students who end up at the top of the chart take home a green behavior sheet. Once they have earned 3 green sheets, they may be traded in for a KDM Key! If a child moves down the chart, a blue behavior sheet will be given. This requires a parent signature. Whole Class Positive Behavior In the classroom throughout the year, we will have a behavior incentive in which the whole class will participate. The ultimate goal is to encourage a positive classroom community and teamwork. The class will work to earn a prize that everyone will be able to enjoy. Table Points Table points are given to encourage teamwork and good listening skills. A table that earns 10 tally points will earn a trip to the treasure box!

  11. Language Arts: Reading • Phonics and Word Study • Word Sorts • Fluency and Independent Reading • Reader’s Workshop/Guided Reading (small group instruction)/Self and Teacher-selected texts • Comprehension • Retelling • Make Connections (text to self, text to text) • Infer • Question • Making Mental Images • Predicting

  12. Language Arts: Writing Program - Lucy Calkins “Writer’s Workshop” Students start the year writing stories based on their own personal experiences. Help your child to think of ideas that they could write about in school. You can add to your child’s “idea pocket” all year long! In second grade, our students also learn to write nonfiction, persuasive (opinions and reviews), poetry and fairy tales!

  13. Fight the urge to say “math is hard!” We hope to inspire critical thinkers who can find solutions to their problems in more than one way. Most likely, sometime throughout the year, this will contradict the way you were taught. Be open to new methods so your child will be open to them as well! Remember to write a note or e-mail me if your child struggles with a homework assignment. As long as they attempt it, they can wait to work with me the following day. Math • Second Grade Math Curriculum- Skills • * Number Patterns/Addition Strategies • * Greater Than, Less Than, and Equal To • * Odd and Even • * Place Value • * Reading a pictograph • * Addition • * Attributes • * 2-D and 3-D Shapes • * Symmetry • * Time to half and quarter hour • * Elapsed time • * Recognizing hour and minute hand • * Counting by fives • * Time vocabulary • * Measurement units • (inch, foot, yard, centimeter, meter) • * Capacity (gallon, quart, pint, cup) • * Area and Perimeter • * Making and arranging an array • * Equal grouping • * Conceptual understanding of multiplication • * Probability Vocabulary (least likely, most likely, equally likely • * Creating a pattern • * Explaining a pattern • * Using a hundreds chart • * Regrouping addition • * Regrouping subtraction • * Regrouping multi-digit addition/subtraction • * Reading word problems • * Estimating • * Recognizing parts of a whole • * Equivalent fractions • * Making change • * Showing change in more than one way

  14. Social Studies and Science • Pillars of Character • Communities • Government • Native American Tribes Geography Landforms Map Skills • Pennsylvania • Air and Weather • Balance and Motion • Life Cycle: Butterflies

  15. Open Lines of Communication Phone calls 610-644-1790 x1312 Email * This is the best way to reach me! kmccabe@gvsd.org Letters/Notes Place inside Take-Home Folder

  16. Reminders from Mrs. Morris • Families are invited to the cafeteria to meet special teachers, • counselor, reading specialists, intervention teacher, ESL, • etc….. • 2) GV Community Organizations will be in the gymnasium • PTO will have a table in the Main Lobby to enter/verify • KDM Directory information • Please remind families to sign-in and provide an email • address if they are interested in having someone from the PTO contact them.

  17. Questions and Comments

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