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Stem List 17

Stem List 17. Day 1 Stems 1-6. Stem 1. Stem: lingu. Definition: tongue Example: bilingual – able to speak two languages. Stem: mot. Definition: move Example: demote – to reduce or move down in grade or rank motor, motion, emotion. Stem 2. Stem: nav. Definition: ship

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Stem List 17

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stem List 17 Day 1 Stems 1-6

  2. Stem 1 • Stem: lingu • Definition: tongue • Example: bilingual – able to speak two languages

  3. Stem: mot Definition: move Example: demote – to reduce or move down in grade or rank motor, motion, emotion Stem 2

  4. Stem: nav Definition: ship Example: circumnavigate – to sail around or be able to go around Stem 3

  5. Stem: und Definition: wave Example: undulate – to move in a wavy manner Stem 4

  6. Stem 5 • Stem: flect • Definition: bend • Example: reflection – to bend back an image or likeness

  7. Stem: coron Definition: crown Example: coronation – the crowning ceremony of a new monarch Stem 6

  8. lingu – tongue mot – move nav - ship und – wave fleet – bend coron - crown Review Stems 1-6

  9. Stem List 17 Day 2 Stems 7-12

  10. Stem: aur Definition: gold Example: aurora – the dawn or streamers of light in the atmosphere Stem 7

  11. Stem 8 • Stem: liter • Definition: letter • Example: illiterate – a limited or inability to read

  12. Stem: rat Definition: think Example: rational – the ability to think and act in a reasonable manner Stem 9

  13. Stem 10 • Stem: sis • Definition: condition • Example: osmosis – a gradual process of absorption

  14. Stem 11 • Stem: par • Definition: equal • Example: disparity – made up of different and unequal elements; compare

  15. Stem 12 • Stem: mens • Definition: measure • Example: dimension – any of the basic units of measurement

  16. aur – gold liter – letter rat – think sis – condition par – equal mens - measure Review Stems 7 - 12

  17. Stem List 17 • Day 3 • Stems 13 - 18

  18. Stem 13 • Stem: mony • Definition: condition • Example: acrimony – a condition of sharp words or feelings

  19. Stem 14 • Stem: quin • Definition: five • Example: quintet – a musical group made up of five musicians

  20. Stem 15 • Stem: socio • Definition: society • Example: socialism – a society in which the means of production are controlled by the state

  21. Stem 16 • Stem: ovi • Definition: egg • Example: oval – egg-shaped

  22. Stem 17 • Stem: phasia • Definition: speech • Example: aphasia – loss of ability to use speech

  23. Stem 18 • Stem: pter • Definition: wing • Example: pterodactyl – an extinct bird-like flying reptile

  24. Stem List 17 • Day 4 • Stems 19 - 25

  25. Stem 19 • Stem:phen • Definition: appearance • Example: phenomenon - an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence

  26. Stem 20 Stem:hist Definition: tissue Example: histolysis – break down of organic tissue

  27. Stem 21 • Stem:glott • Definition: tongue • Example: glossectomy – to remove the tongue

  28. Stem 22 • Stem:phan • Definition: appearance • Example: phantom - something existing in appearance only

  29. Stem 23 • Stem:peri • Definition: near or around • Example: perimeter - the boundary of a closed plane figure

  30. Stem 24 • Stem:pot • Definition: drink • Example: potion - a mixture of liquids (as liquor or medicine

  31. Stem 25 • Stem:via • Definition: road • Example: viaduct – a long elevated roadway

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