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Empowering Education: Dubai Cares' Impact in Pakistan 2008-2016

Explore Dubai Cares' comprehensive support for Education in Pakistan, focusing on ECE in schools, Learning for Access initiatives, school improvements, teacher training, and innovative programs. Engage with core areas of support, strategic partnerships with the government, private sector, and civil society. Follow the scale-up strategies and updates on key educational interventions from 2008 to 2016. Witness the transformative impact on children's learning outcomes, enrollment, and overall educational quality.

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Empowering Education: Dubai Cares' Impact in Pakistan 2008-2016

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  1. Dubai Cares in Pakistan-2008 to 2016

  2. Core Areas of Support-Scale Up Strategy Partners: Government + Private Sector + Civil society

  3. 1. ECE in Government Schools

  4. ECE - Phases

  5. ECE- Beneficiaries

  6. 2. Learning for Access (L4A) • Measureable Impact on Learning and Enrolment with sustainability - A 12 month intervention • Area of Operation: Lowest Performing Union Councils will be selected on the basis of: • ASER Survey • Govt. Data (Reform Road Map, Other Reports) • PEC Exams/other equivalent/ ASER test • Mapping of Un-enrolled Children • Maximum 10 – 15 Schools per Union Council

  7. L4A- Interventions • CPB/Literacy Camps - Accelerated Learning Program • Located in Village Schools • 02/03 volunteers will be hired per village • Training of volunteers on CAMal (Combined Activities for Maximized Learning) by ITA • CPB Camps during School timing ( April – May ) or (Aug/Sept.- Oct) - 02 hours • Volunteer(s) to remain in school after conducting camps • Multiple CPB Camps can run simultaneously for maximum 150 Children per village Continue ….

  8. Continue ….

  9. School Improvement • Provision of Para Teachers as per need assessment • Strengthening School Council – School Development Plan (SDP) • Students Clubs- Enrolment; Creative Learning Ideas; SC members/SDP inputs; Hygiene • Grade 4 & 5 or up to 7 students Prim/Elementary Schools • One focal teacher to be a mentor/guide from time to time • Summer Leadership Camps • Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs)/Sports Kit

  10. L4A- Beneficiaries

  11. Proposed No. of Schools in Each District

  12. Proposed Percentage of Schools in Each Province

  13. Proposed No. of Para Teachers (ECE and L4A) – Phase I Para teacher are selected for ECE and L4A separately

  14. Updates –ECE and L4A Pre-proposal Activities • Meetings/Field Visits with Provincial/District Departments of Education • Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) • Identification of Field Sites • Establish the District Offices • Hiring of Project Staff • Project Staff Training • Union Councils (UCs) and Schools Selection • Baseline Need Assessment Survey

  15. Updates- ECE and L4A • Signing of Tenders for the Rehabilitation of Schools • Tenders have been signed between ITA and the education ministries for the rehabilitation of schools in the districts and construction will begin in September • Hiring of EC/L4A Teachers • 304 Teachers hired in 174 Schools • ASER/CPB Baithaks (Community Meetings) • Meeting conducted in the selected villages • Training of ECE Teachers • Master trainers conducted training of ITA hired Para Teachers and Government Teachers for ECE in August in Sukkur and Shikarpur. Training of Para Teachers in Lasbela, Quetta, Ziarat and Karachi have been planned for September

  16. 3. Teachers without Frontiers (TWF) Unique outreach through trainers and e-enabled platforms in far flung areas of Pakistan • Super Mentors, comprising thought leaders and visionaries. It will lead a coordinated network of teachers to train teachers at district level • TRCs will act as vibrant hubs of learning resources and activities for teachers in districts all across Pakistan • An Online Teachers Portal will provide teachers access to a range of resources and an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with others

  17. Super Mentors • Pool Online Teachers Portal • Teachers • Resource Centers

  18. Updates-TWF • Teachers Without Frontiers (TWF- unique outreach through trainers and e- enabled platforms in far flung areas of Pakistan) • First meeting was held on December 21, 2013 at Beach Luxury Hotel, Karachi • Frequent discussions have been held in line with Dubai Cares recent launch of teachers training programs globally and initiatives to be taken in Pakistan have been concluded and will be taking off soon in the field

  19. 4. Learning Metrics Task Force (LMTF & ASER) Objectives:  • Leverage and build consensus on measuring learning among the global and national education/assessment community • Develop concrete recommendations for measuring learning at the national levels through the learning metrics for global comparisons • Have recommendations translated into action (including inform the post-2015 agenda) • Long-term: Shift the conversation on education from access to access plus learning, and improve learning outcomes for children and youth

  20. Learning Champion Framework

  21. Updates-LMTF • ITA has been successfully chosen as a Learning Champion for Pakistan • The first Skype call by Brookings Team is on September 16th, 2014 • ASER 2014 has been launched with the national workshop conducted in Lahore from 28th-30th August • Provincial workshops are scheduled for September

  22. 5. Children Literature Festival A social movement for promoting reading, creativity and critical thinking; producing alternative texts to influence curriculum and supplementary materials An exciting and fun-filled programme featuring: • talks and readings by famous children’s writers; • provide opportunities for children to listen to their favourite books being, read, sung aloud and discussed; • attend sessions on creative writing, bookmaking, book reviews;  attend book launches and plenary sessions, • popularizing mother tongue; theatre, cartoons and puppet shows, films; art/craft and pottery sessions and many more

  23. It will generate 6 titles for children’s literature and activities to popularize readings • It will prepare standard folding libraries and collapsible book displays as innovations for pre-school, primary and middle grades to promote elementary reading • It will innovate a teacher’s literature festival for one day prior to CLF to train them to take back good practices to the classrooms • A qualitative impact study will be conducted on the CLF component based on pledges made by schools to replicate the CLF in their spaces Ashort journey, a huge impact

  24. Updates-CLF • CLF held in Karachi at the in February • CLF held in Islamabad at the Federal College of Education on the 2nd and 3rd of May. • Planning of the upcoming CLF in Lahore in November and in Multan in December • Provision of two copies of Uran Tashtari, official magazine of the Children’s Literature Festival, to each school in the districts

  25. 6. Advocacy and Influencing Government Policy • Linked to Right to Education 25 A – legislationand reformationwithimplementation • ITA worked with alliances and collected 2 million signatures for laws to be passed on RTE, presented to Gordon Brown and the President in November2012 leading to : • First legislation passed in Dec. 2012 for Islambad Capital Territory (ICT) • Followed by legislations in Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab in 2013 -14. • Several initiatives underway some with Gordon Brown and Sarah Brown • Other initiatives are with the Parliamentarians, coalitions , Teacher Unions • Advocacy days opportunities to influence – for evidence based briefs demanding actions • Using data such as ASER to reform policies

  26. Updates-RTE • Advocacy and Policy Influencing • Celebrated Global Action Week in May, 2014 • Sir Gordon Brown, the Special Global Envoy for Education in United Nations, visited Pakistan and on 29th March, 2014 following critical initiatives were taken: • A World at School’s Global Youth Ambassadors Program for education • End to Child Marriages , Girls Education • The Global Business Coalition for Education • Vigils for the release of Nigerian girls conducted all over Pakistan in the following districts: Islamabad, Dureji, Lasbela, Shikarpur, Lahore, RahimYar Khan & D.G Khan • Activities for the International Literacy Day 2014 on the 8th of September were organized that included postcard campaigns, walks, arts/debates/essay writing competitions and signing of pledge • Right to Education and ECED South Asian Conference on September 16th-17th at Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi

  27. Thank You

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