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Amanda Mangels. 405 English Homeroom Teacher 4 年信班 外籍導師. Background 背景. I am from Keokuk, Iowa, USA 來自美國 愛荷華州 I have an Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree is Teaching and Education 商業管理 / 學士;教學與教育 / 碩士. Background 背景.
Amanda Mangels 405 English Homeroom Teacher 4年信班 外籍導師
Background 背景 • I am from Keokuk, Iowa, USA 來自美國愛荷華州 • I have an Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree is Teaching and Education 商業管理/學士;教學與教育/碩士
Background背景 • This is my first year of teaching in Taiwan. 第1年在台灣教書 • In the past I have been a substitute teacher in Keokuk, Iowa曾在愛荷華州擔任代課老師。 • Before that I was a legal assistant for 10 years and before that I was in the U.S. Navy. 在律師事務所擔任助理10年,也曾在美國海軍服務。 • I love to travel, read,write, and play with my nieces and nephews. 熱愛旅行、閱讀、寫作,以及和家中的侄子與侄女一 起玩。
Treasures英語科課本 • For the most part the schedule and information for language arts is the same this semester as it was last semester. 本學期大部分的課程安排與上學期相同。
Treasures英語科課本 • Students will use Treasures books in English class.課堂上使用Treasures 課本。 • These books will help students with: 提升學生以下各方面的語言能力: • Reading skills閱讀 • Conversation skills會話 • Writing skills寫作 • Vocabulary words字彙 • Grammar skills文法
How the Classes Work上課方式 • Some classes are taught with all 42 students. 有些節數全班一起上課 • Some classes are split into 21 students. When this happens half the class is in English class, the other half is split between two teachers. 有些節數以座號單、雙號分組上課。分組時,另一半學生到另一 間教室上以下的課程: • Other Classes: • Social Studies社會 • Grammar文法 • Health健康 • Art and Music 音樂與美術
Goals For the Semester教學目標 • Be able to communicate in a fluent manner. 能以英語流利溝通 • Be able to read and write and edit their own work.能閱讀、寫作並修正自己的文章 • As an English teacher writing skills are extremely important to me, writing exercises will be done as much as possible. 寫作技巧極其重要,因此會增加孩子的寫作機會。
Journal小日誌 • Every day they are assigned a journal entry. They are given time at the beginning of the day, if they do not finish it is homework.每天都需寫小日誌。晨光時間發下後即可開始寫,若未能在校完成,再帶回家寫。 • This is NOT graded. We just want to get the students writing. They need to write at least five sentences. They can write more than that if they wish to do so. 此項作業不評分,目的是讓孩子養成寫作的習慣。 每篇至少要寫5句,也可寫超過5句。
Journal 小日誌 • We will check to be sure they are doing the journal, but we will not read them. 老師不會詳讀日誌內容,但會不定期檢查孩子是 否有按時完成此項作業。
Writing Assignments寫作作業 • Each week they will be assigned a writing assignment. This is usually assigned on Tuesdays and due either Friday or Monday, depending on assignment.每週都會有寫作功課,通常週二發下,週五或隔週一完成並繳交。 • Please ask to look over these writing assignments and have them read them to you, as this will help their verbal skills and maybe catch any mistakes they might have. 當孩子完成寫作後,請他們先自行檢查內容,並讀出給家長聽,如此可提升口說能力,也許亦可發現自己錯誤之處。
Tests and Quizzes定期評量與小考 • We will still be giving the weekly assessments (for every theme) on Fridays. 每週五配合單元教學,舉行週考。 • We will also be giving the weekly spelling test on Fridays. The spelling words are from their spelling workbooks and will be in the weekly notice for you to practice with your child.每週五舉行拼字小考,字彙出自搭配課本的拼字練習簿中,也會列於每週發下的英語學習通知上,以便您可陪同孩子練習。
Tests and Quizzes定期評量與小考 • Please remember that the purpose of these tests and quizzes is NOTfor scores. 評量與小考的目的,並非為了分數。 • These are all tools to allow us to assess our students’ progress and help them succeed! 目的在了解學生是否已經學會、學習困難在何處。 • And a score of 80% or higher is a good score! 80分或80分以上,都算是很好的成績。
Informal Assessments非正式評量 • Assessments of student progress and understanding will also be on-going throughout the semester. 教師一整個學期會持續評估學生的學習狀況。 • Informal assessments used in the classroom: 教室內非正式評量的範圍 • Conversation與同儕及老師之間的對話 • Observations觀察 • Participation上課參與
Grading評分方式 • Here is a breakdown of what will be graded and how it will be used to determine a student’s final score: 各項所佔總成績比率: • Quizzes (weekly theme & spelling) 小考(每週單元考試及拼字小考)– 20% • Projects (Weekly Writing) 每週寫作– 10% • Homework & Assignments回家功課及作業– 15% • Participation上課參與– 15% • Tests定期評量– 40%
Math Class數學課 • The English Math curriculum will be based on the Chinese Math curriculum.課程以中文的數學課本為主。 • We are doing this, so that students can learn the vocabulary in English and Chinese but still learn the Chinese method of working problems out. 以雙語學習課程,但仍以中式方法解決問題。
Math Class數學課 • We will take the Chinese curriculum and translate pages from the books. This will help students link up the two curriculums and gain a full understanding.英譯數學課本,使學生能以雙語連結課程,更深入了解。 • We are working closely with the Chinese teachers to ensure that we teach the same methods and therefore will not confuse students. 中、外師密切配合,使教學方法相同,學生不會有所疑惑。
Important Reminders重要提醒 • Learning and using a new language is HARD! 學習並使用一種新語言並非易事。 • The Treasures program is designed for native-English speakers in America. The Treasures為以英語為母語的美國學 生所設計之課程。
Important Reminders重要提醒 • It is a comprehensive program that would be challenging even for native-English speakers. 綜合性的課程內容,對以英語為母語的學生 而言,亦極具挑戰性。 • We must encourage and praise the students for their hard work in learning a new language. 孩子學習新語言時,對他們的努力應該多鼓勵並 讚美。
Cambridge Exams • We teach students the general ability in class, not teaching towards the tests, but kids will have what it takes to take the exams. • We will be giving them some practice tests starting 6 weeks before the actual exams. • If they want more practice, they can attend the afterschool Cambridge classes. • They can choose to purchase Camrbidgepractice paper and practice at home, in which case, they can go to the English department website to download the order form.
Cambridge Exams • Starters, Movers, Flyers test date - 6/22(Sun) • KET/ PET test date - 5/24(Sat.) • Regular classes • Gr2- Starters, Gr4 – Movers, Gr6 - Flyers / KET • Gr4 Class A / Gr6 Class A、B are required to take the exam • Bilingual classes • Gr1 Starters, Gr2 Movers, Gr3 Flyers, Gr4 KET • Flyers, KET will be used for Gr7 grouping: • KET/ PET – A Class / Flyers – B Class
How to Help Your Child如何幫助孩子 • Read treasures book with your child on a daily basis. 每天陪伴孩子閱讀課本 • Go over the homework to study for the weekly assessment. 看孩子的功課並督促孩子準備每週單元考試 • Allow your child to watch English television.讓孩子多看英語電視節目 • Review vocabulary on a daily basis. 每天複習字彙
Thank You!!感謝聆聽 • Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. I am happy to answer or help you with anything you need. 若有任何問題,歡迎隨時與我聯絡。 • You can contact me by writing in the communication book, emailing me, or just stopping in and talking to me. 歡迎透過聯絡簿、電子郵件或直接來教室與我談談。 • My email: amanda@tea.chjhs.tp.edu.tw