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HRU and TAM. Ravi Sandhu Laboratory for Information Security Technology George Mason University www.list.gmu.edu sandhu@gmu.edu. The Access Matrix Model, Lampson 1971. The HRU (Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman) Model, 1976. G. F. U. r w. r. r w. V. The HRU (Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman) Model, 1976.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HRU and TAM Ravi Sandhu Laboratory for Information Security Technology George Mason University www.list.gmu.edu sandhu@gmu.edu

  2. The Access Matrix Model, Lampson 1971

  3. The HRU (Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman) Model, 1976 G F U r w r r w V

  4. The HRU (Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman) Model, 1976 G F U r w r r w own V

  5. The HRU (Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman) Model, 1976 G F U r w r r r w own V

  6. HRU Commands and Operations • command α(X1, X2 , . . ., Xk) • if rl in (Xs1, Xo1) and r2 in (Xs2, Xo2) and ri in (Xsi, Xoi) • then • op1; op2; … opn • end • enter r into (Xs, Xo) • delete r from (Xs, Xo) • create subject Xs • create object Xo • destroy subject Xs • destroy object Xo

  7. HRU Examples

  8. HRU Examples

  9. HRU Examples

  10. HRU Examples

  11. The Safety Problem • Given • initial state • protection scheme (HRU commands) • Can r appear in a cell that exists in the initial state and does not contain r in the initial state? • More specific question might be: • can r appear in a specific cell [s,o]

  12. The Safety Problem Initial state: r’ in (o,o) and nowhere else

  13. Safety is Undecidable in HRU

  14. TAM adds types to HRU

  15. TAM adds types to HRU

  16. TAM commands

  17. TAM primitive operations

  18. TAM operations: enter and delete

  19. TAM operations: create and destroy

  20. TAM operations: create and destroy

  21. The Safety Problem • TAM has much stronger safety properties than HRU

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