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Sunday Evening Worship. The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof; The world and all who dwell therein. We belong to the LORD, for God made us. We are the children of God’s Love and redemption. Let us worship God.
Sunday Evening Worship • The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof; • The world and all who dwell therein. • We belong to the LORD, for God made us. • We are the children of God’s Love and redemption. • Let us worship God.
In Him was the Light and He gives light to everyone who comes into the world.Come now Lord Jesus and be our Light, guide us in our worship and fill us with your radiance. And God said, Let there be light! And there was light. And the Light shines in the darkness, And the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was Jesus.
Chant Where two or three are gathered in my Name, I am there, I am there. Where two or three are gathered in my Name, I am there, I am there.
Scripture Lesson Genesis 2:21-23 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall over haAdam (The Earth Creature) and as haAdam slept God took one of its ribs …. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man (isha) God made into woman (ish). And God brought ish to isha. … she shall be called ish (woman) because she came from isha (man).
HYMN I have called you by your name, you are mine, I have gifted you and ask you now to shine, I will not abandon you, all my promises are true, You are gifted, called and chosen; you are mine.
I will help you learn my name as you go.Read it written in my people, help them grow.Pour the water in my Name,Speak the word you soul can claim,Offer Jesus’ Body given long ago.
I know you will need my touch as you goFeel it pulsing in creation’s ebb and flow,Like the woman reaching outChoosing faith instead of doubt,Hold the hem of Jesus’ robe and let it go.
I have given you a name, it is mine,I have given you my Spirit as a sign,With my wonder in your soul,Make my wounded children whole,Go and tell my precious people they are mine.
Yet, there is a longing for a place called home…Like an exiled person, we long for someone who speaks our language, someone with whom we share an heritage, someone who knows us even before we speak, someone called a ‘soul friend – anam cara’. ANAM CARA “my soul’s friend” In birth we are propelled outward away from the Source of our origins, hurled forth on an adventure called life, expanding,…
Anam Cara – Soul Friendship As a single loaf of bread can be broken into a myriad of crumbs all of which share their origins in a single loaf, so humanity shares a common origin yet is fractured and lives in loneliness, until….
The Prodigal In our journey through this world, we meet someone…. Anam cara – soul friend Like displaced persons fleeing for their lives, we meet someone from whom we have been exiled…..
And we know we know them. We share a comfort level A familiarity that is not forward or intrusive or invasive but one that welcomes us, liberates us and holds us… Finally there is an open and honest understanding of ‘us’.
Spiritually, when we come to Christ We are embraced by someone who knows us… It is from Christ that our souls have been cleaved at creation… Christ is the other part of our Anam Cara…
We are held in Christ who comes from our homeland, speaks our language, knows our parentage and has missed us…
Time for Prayer Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your spirit in this place, Lord, listen to your children praying, Send us love, send us power, send us grace.
Time for Prayer Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your spirit in this place, Lord, listen to your children praying, Send us love, send us power, send us grace.
Time for Prayer Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your spirit in this place, Lord, listen to your children praying, Send us love, send us power, send us grace.
Departing Prayer May God’s sheltering wings God’s gathering wings protect you, May God’s nurturing wings, God’s cradling arms sustain you, And hold you in God’s love, and hold you in God’s love.
So come and join us for Ice Cream and conversation in the Church Hall!!!