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Welcome to the Organization Budget Council Budget S chool ! . 2011-2012 Committee Members Kiaya Gray: Web Master Brandon Harris: Meeting Chair Julia Rabadi : Public Relations Risa Rojas: Clerk Jenna Saadeh : Accounting Manager.
Welcome to the Organization Budget Council Budget School! 2011-2012 Committee Members Kiaya Gray: Web Master Brandon Harris: Meeting Chair Julia Rabadi: Public Relations Risa Rojas: Clerk Jenna Saadeh: Accounting Manager
This section will tell you the where, what, who and how of the OBC. By Kiaya Gray
How does the Organization Budget Council fit into the overlying structure of what is funded by your Student Incidental Fee at Portland State University?
Each term students pay tuition and fees to attend PSU. One such Fee is the Student Incidental Fee, this fee covers important services to students such as Smith Memorial Student Union, Campus Rec, Athletics, SALP and also your student organizations! The Student Incidental Fee is allocated to different areas on campus by the Student Fee Committee (SFC). This committee decides how much of the Student Incidental Fee should be budgeted towards student organizations and then tells the Organization Budget Council (OBC). The OBC then serves as a funding board to the student organizations recognized by SALP.
A Helpful Analogy • Think of SALP as your student organization’s accountant. They process and track your group’s spending, but where does the money come from? • The OBC is analogous to your student organization’s funds granter. Your group comes to the OBC when it would like to receive funding for a programming event or travel.
What is the Purpose of the OBC? • The role of the OBC is to serve as a funding board to student organizations recognized by SALP. This OBC is dedicated to provide funding and assistance to student organizations in the forms of budget development, event planning, and expenditure processing in order to enhance the university community. • In order for the OBC to allocate funds in accordance with the OBC mission and guidelines, SFC guidelines, university policies, and state and federal law, it is vital that there be a strong communication between your student organizations, the OBC, and your SALP Advisor. • A list of OBC Liaisons Assignments can be found on the OBC’s OrgSyncportal under the Files tab and on our website soc.groups.pdx.edu
Where is the OBC? • Our office is located in SMSU 118, on the first floor of Smith, just down the hall from the information desk. • You can also find us on OrgSync under Organization Budget Council or on the web at soc.groups.pdx.edu. • In our OrgSync portal and website you will find schedules for OBC public meetings as well as each OBC member’s office hours and contact information. • Don’t be a stranger!
This section will discuss the Tier Spending System and Base Operating Budgets.
What is a Spending Tier? A spending tier is a placement decided by the OBC which determines the maximum amount of student fee money a group can spend. Many factors come into play when determining tier placement such as ongoing student organization activity and leadership, engaged membership, and the scale of programming and initiatives. The OBC also bases their tier placement on the student organization application, OrgSync event/membership, and reports from advisors.
Why Do We Have Spending Tiers? • Previous budgeting systems gave each student group an annual budget from which to spend from. Some student organizations did not spend their entire budget and would thereby tie up funds which other student organizations could not access for event programming and travel. • Tier placement spending rewards and encourages active student group leadership. Under tier placements, responsibly active student groups have access to more money which they can attain by submitting a programming or travel request to the OBC.
What Are the Spending Tiers? Base Operating Budget: $500 Tier Spending Cap: $3,000 Base Operating Budget: $3,000 Tier Spending Cap: $15,000 Base Operating Budget: $5,000 Tier Spending Cap: $30,000
How Does the Base Operating Budget Work? • Each student organization is given a base operating budget as part of the tier placement. Groups do not need to obtain approval from the OBC to spend out of their Base Operating Budget; however, all expenditures will require the approval of your SALP advisor. • Base Operating Budgets may be used for the general management of the organization at their discretion. These expenses should be in line with the mission of the organization and be beneficial to the campus community. • Should these funds be exhausted prior to the end of the fiscal year, all other expenditures must be in the form of programming or travel requests submitted to the OBC which be deducted from that student group’s tier spending cap.
Program Requests& Processing Times Section by Julia Rabadi & Jenna Saadeh
Program Funding Requests • Must comply with the guidelines of the SFC, PSU, and the State of Oregon. • Open to campus and free for students • Must be in line with group’s mission
Program Funding Requests • One request for entire event • Agenda and price quotes must be included • Charging admission or other revenue generation must be approved by OBC • Submit PFR as earlier as possible
Program Funding Requests • Events with contracts for speakers/ services must include a price quote from contractor. • Explanation of how lecturer fits in with event and group’s mission • Groups can access separate budget for lecturers – Speaker’s Board
Program Funding Requests • Every OBC funded event requires post-event evaluation • Evaluations must be submitted by the 20th of the month following the completed event • Future funds will be blocked until evaluation has been submitted
Program Funding Requests Post-event evaluation will include: • Detailed expenses and incomes • Documentation for actual expenses and incomes • Other event documentation (receipts and contracts) • Photos • Strength and Weaknesses • Event Summary
SALP Processing Times • International Contracts and Alcohol Requests: 30 business days • Domestic Contracts and Travel Requests: 20 business days • Payments for Delivery: 15 business days • Enterprise, Food Waivers, and Catering Requests: 10 business days • Personal Vehicle Request: 5 business days • Kinkos/Clean Copy Requests: 3 business days
OBC Processing Times • For funding requests greater than 500 dollars must be submitted no less than 6 business weeks prior to the event. • All other requests must be submitted for review no less than 3 weeks in advance.
Co-Sponsorships • Co-Sponsorships means that your student organization is collaboratively partnering to plan and support an event with another student group • There are two steps that must be followed when multiple student groups are co-sponsoring an event: 1. All organizations must submit separate requests indicating the appropriate level of funding and which line items they are sponsoring 2. The purpose of the event must correspond with the mission statement of the student group
Other Sources of Funding • AAA • Speaker’s Board • Excellence Fund • Other Sources Section by Risa Rojas
AAA: Academically Controlled Auxiliary Activities Fund • Funded by the SFC, AAA is available to all PSU Students, regardless of student organization affiliation. • Funding is provided only by reimbursement. • Covers: registration, transportation, and lodging. • $4,000 maximum awarded to an organization per year. • Funding cannot support speakers of a religious nature or partisan political speakers. • For the application and instructions, the link can be found below and if you have any questions, contactShannon Timm at shannonw@pdx.edu or at 503.725.5652. https://orgsync.com/38409/forms/show/35176
Speaker’s Board • The Speakers Board is SFC funded and has six members: 3 students and 3 faculty members. The primary objective for the Board is to bring speakers of educational importance to PSU. • Application consists of aproposal and supporting documentation, details are provided on the website. • $5,000 maximum awarded to an organization per year. • The Board meets every 4 weeks at the beginning of the month to vote on proposals- plan ahead and remember that the OBC and your SALP Adviser also need time to approve the request. • Speaker’s Board does not have an office or phone number, for questions contact Shannon Timm at shannonw@pdx.edu or at 503.725.5652. The link to the form and instructions can be found below. https://orgsync.com/20714/forms/show/19158
OBC’s Excellence Fund& Other Sources • Depending on the remaining balance of unallocated funds, the OBC offers additional funding for student groups who meet the following criteria: • All required quarterly reports & program evaluations have been completed • Programming funds have been exhausted • Need for funding has been justified • Expectations in all areas of communication, engagement, leadership, and success have been exceeded. • If a group meets the qualifications to receive money from the Excellence Fund, the amount the group receives cannot be equal to or more than 20% of the allowed combined funds for any organization.
OBC’s Excellence Fund& Other Sources Organizations are welcome to: • receive grants & scholarships • to fundraise (not using OBC money) • establish co-sponsorships with other student groups, PSU departments, and external parties as long as the group’s mission & SALP policies are adhered to. • Stay in touch with your OBC liaison and most importantly, your SALP Adviser while seeking other sources of funding!!
Guidelines For Spending Section by Brandon Harris
Overview • Food Policy • Travel Policy • Restricted Expenditures • Resources For More Information
Food PolicyWhen Can You Buy Food? You need… • Documentation justifying the need of food for the furthering of the event and how this meets the group’s mission. Food Dos • Food expenditures may be approved only for events and trainings, which conform to the following criteria: • The event is widely publicized to members and non-members using multiple methods of advertising; • The event is of interest to the general student population; • The event is vital to the service provided by a Program; or • The event is an annual training. Food Don’ts • Departments and Programs supported by Student Fees should not purchase food and/or beverages for the exclusive use of staff or student members. (Example: food and beverages served at general membership meetings or continuously available in an office.)
Food Policy Purchasing Spending Limit • Groups should not spend more than $8/person on food Who you can buy from • Groups using Smith Memorial Student Union as a venue will need to use Aramark Catering for all food needs • The exception: student groups may fill out the food waiver form under the Student Admin Club group if they can prove another food provider is cheaper • Food for use in all other venues can be purchased from any caterer or store (note: contracts with off-campus businesses take more time to process) Fiscal Sense • It is the SFC’s recommendation that, in the interest of being financially responsible, groups do not spend student fee dollars on single-use disposable plastic water bottles
Travel Policy How much can you spend? • $2,100 total for non-essential travel • $500 for conference registration/competition entry fee. • Travel funds may be used to pay for conference registration/conference entry fees but not the other way around. • *NAIC groups are exempt from travel restrictions What documents do you need to provide the OBC? • Travel and conferences, regardless of conference fees, must include documentation of the event, including an agenda or itinerary for the conference to support the value of the event. • Documentation and an agenda from the organizers of the conference must be provided during the post-event follow-up. • Documentation of travel may be asked for, and may include but not be limited to receipts, photos, participant signature list, or conference materials. *See the OBC Guidelines for a description of NAIC Groups
Travel Policy Oh no, I missed my plane!!! • Student fees will not go towards travel expenses (ex: plane tickets, registration fees…) that are not used. The individual will be charged for unused expenses unless they are forgiven for the cost by the OBC. • The individual(s) must notify the OBC within one week of the cancellation. • Forgiveness may be granted for situations including but not limited to medical emergencies, death or extreme circumstance
Restricted Expenditures OBC will not allocate funds for…. • Per Diem (Funds that pay for individual meals while a group is travelling) • Unforeseen costs incurred by an organization due to the disregard of its membership. This includes: • Room or premises damages • Rental Vehicle damages • Additional cleaning costs • Insurance • National or state membership fees or dues. • Any item deemed excessive by the OBC and/or not fully justified by the organization to be essential to the operations, primary purpose, or programming of the organization.
OBC/SFC Guidelines • SFC Guidelines: http://www.aspsu.pdx.edu/uploads/8/0/9/3/8093528/_sfc_guidelines_2011-12.pdf • OBC Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HOfRNUHoaq9nBCMsckErKmLrksyvCLpfisdfc0IExbw/edit?hl=en_US
How to submit a Program Request Organization Budget Council
Go to your student organization portal in OrgSync.2. Click on Treasury/ Budgets in the left navigation bar. 1 2
3. Click on New Budget at top right corner of screen.4. Choose Program or Travel Request and name it.
5. Select the type of budget item, fill in a detailed description and give the estimated amount.
6. Click the small arrow to add additional line items.7. When finished, click “Fill Out” to complete form.
Important! Undetailed programming/travel requests are the main reason the OBC refuses to grant funds to student organizations! Don’t become a victim of vague!!!!! • Any catering or food requests must include a description of every items being purchased and estimated cost for each item • If you are requesting funds for a contract, make sure that you are specific and sufficient in the details regarding: who you are contracting with, why your group is motivated to bring the service to the PSU community, and how the service provided fits into your groups mission • When requesting money for supplies, it is mandatory that you list each item which you plan to purchase
How to submit a Program Evaluation Organization Budget Council
Go to your student organization portal in OrgSync.2. Click on Treasury/ Budgets in the left navigation bar. 1 2
3. Click on the Budget that needs an evaluation. 4. Click on the name of the event
5. Click Request Payment 6. Put the amount actually spent on each line item and select payment type
7. Fill out the entire form. 8. Click submit at the bottom of the page.