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EVİL EYE BEAD. People have used blue stonesfor keeping away bad eyes for long time. It is common belief that evil eye bead keeps people from bad eyes . People say that bad eyes sometimes break evil eye beads .

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  2. Peoplehaveusedbluestonesforkeepingawaybadeyesforlong time. It is commonbeliefthatevileyebeadkeepspeoplefrombadeyes. People say thatbadeyessometimes break evileyebeads.

  3. Infactevileyebeadbelief has been in Turkishpeoplebelief “ Şamanizm”. Accordingto Şamanizm blueeyesrepresenteyes of god of sky. Theykeepthemselvesfrom underground god.

  4. Accordingto a blief, BeforeChrist 5000 whentheempereor of Egypt son opens his eyes, thegoognessappears, but whentheempereor of Egytp son closes his eyesdarkness (badness) appears.

  5. WhenHoruswantedtokillSethwho is god of darknessandbadness, his eyeswerebrokenintopieces. Tothwhowasfounder of medicineandscience, collectedthesepiecesand he completedthemissingpieceby his magic.

  6. WhenHoruswantedtokillSethwho is god of darknessandbadness, his eyeswerebrokenintopieces. Tothwhowasfounder of medicineandscience, collectedthesepiecesand he completedthemissingpieceby his magic.

  7. This Picture of Horuseye is symbolimmunity of body, prolificnessand far sightness. Egytpionsdrewpictures on thematterstokeepawaybadness. AfterthatthiscametoAnatolia. Fenike (BeforeChrist 2500) peopledrew his picture on theglasses.

  8. BeforeChrist 190 Thisfigureweredrawn on thegate of Hierapolis. PeoplewantedtokeepawayMedusa. ThisbeliefpassedtoTurkishculture as evileyebead. Accordingtobelief, ifyouweartheevileyebead, it destroysthebadthings of badeyes.

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