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Chapter 14

Formation of Western Europe. Chapter 14. Lay investiture Simony Clergy marriage. Problems in church . Led to reform. Curia Canon Law T ithe. Gothic Cathedrals. Crusades. Effects on Trade. 1. Stimulated Trade 2. Strengthened Kings and Centralized Power 3. Weakened Serfdom

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Chapter 14

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Formation of Western Europe Chapter 14

  2. Lay investiture Simony Clergy marriage Problems in church Led to reform • Curia • Canon Law • Tithe

  3. Gothic Cathedrals

  4. Crusades Effects on Trade

  5. 1. Stimulated Trade 2. Strengthened Kings and Centralized Power 3. Weakened Serfdom 4. Encouraged Learning Effects of the Crusades

  6. Towns grew in size and Importance New Products and greater mobility 1. Stimulated Trade

  7. While kings and their knights were away fighting, their lands were confiscated or conquered by those left behind. Few kings emerge rather than many. 2. Strengthened Kings and Centralized Power (Weakens Feudalism)

  8. Serfs gained freedom on crusades Or when lords died People moved to the manor or to new towns Power moved from lords to leaders of the town 3. Weakened Serfdom (Weakens Feudalism)

  9. New materials form the middle east (also Spain) 4. Encouraged Learning

  10. To unite the Christians in a common cause To make the Kings, Nobles and Vassals under his spiritual leadership. To subject Eastern orthodox churches to Rome To return the Holy Lands to Christian Control Why Did Pope Urban call for a Crusade?

  11. Religious beliefs • Glory • Wealth (Trade) • The lower classes could: • Avoid jail • Have their taxes Cancelled • Wealth from Plunder Why did people go on the Crusades?

  12. No overall comander Poor strategy (about the region and in regards to the enemy) Lack of geographical knowledge No Supplies- led to brutality to locals The Crusades failed because…

  13. Children’s Crusade

  14. Reconquista

  15. Inquisition

  16. The Food Supply: • 1. Warmer Climate • 2. Horsepower • 3. Three Field System • Leads to… Chapter 14 Section 2:Changes in Medieval Society

  17. Chapter 14-2 Changes in Medieval Society • The climate warmed • -end of a mini ice age • Horsepower • The three field system The food Supply grows

  18. The Three Field System

  19. Effects of increased food supply

  20. Guilds • Merchant Guilds • Craft Guilds • Wheelwrights • Glassmakers • Winemakers • Tailors • Druggists • Organization of individuals in the same business or occupation working to improve the economic of social conditions of its members. • Controlled the number of goods traded • Provided security in trading • Set standards for quality, size and weight • Trained workers

  21. Commercial Revolution Fairs and trade Banking and Business

  22. Urban Life Burghers

  23. Muslim connection in Spain • Vernacular • Chaucer • Aquinas • Scholastics The revival of Learning

  24. England

  25. England Scotland Great Britain Ireland United Kingdom

  26. England Chapter 14 Section 3 • England and the Vikings • United under Alfred the great 871-899 • Land of the Angles = England • 1016- Canute – (Danish Viking) conquers England • Anglo-Saxons +Vikings= 1 people • 1042 Edward the Confessor dies with no heir • 1066 William the Conqueror • “The Norman Invasion” (French Northmen=Normen)

  27. 1066 William the Conqueror • “The Norman Invasion” • (French Northmen=Normen) • Battle of Hastings – defeats Harold Godwinson • William claims all of England • Kept 1/5 for himself • Took land from Harold’s supporters and gave it to Norman Lords • He is a King of England and a Prince of France • Unified and Centralized England William the Conqueror Video

  28. Henry II added to these lands by marrying Elenor of Aquitane (France) • Vassal to the French king –BUT a king in his own right. • Sent out judges once a year • Taxes, lawsuits, crimes • Introduced juries • Decisions formed “COMMON LAW” • Basis for US laws English kings tried to keep all of their lands & french lands too!!!

  29. Richard the Lionhearted http://www.fleurdelis.com/royal.htm John Softsword 1199-1216 -Lost all English lands in Northern France -Cruel -Raised taxes, revoked charters -Nobles revolted -Forced him to sign the Magna Carta

  30. Magna Carta Limited the Kings power No taxation without representation Jury trials Pasfasdfsdf of Law

  31. The Model Parliament • Need $$$ for wars against Welsh, French and Scots. • 1295- Summoned • 2 Burgesses & 2 Knights from every county. (Lords and commoners) • Served in a Legislative body. • From 1300-1400 called whenever a tax was needed. House of Commons= Knights and Burgesses House of Lords = Nobles and Bishops Eventually Parliament provided a check on royal power. Edward I

  32. France

  33. The Capetian Dynasty rules France 987- Louis the Sluggard dies Hugh Capet -great-great-great-great-great grandson of Charlemagne through both of his parents -Becomes king, the Capetians rule 987-1328 -for 300 years expanding their power to unite France.

  34. At age 15 set out to weaken the power of English Kings • 1204 seized Normandy from King John Softsword • By the end of his reign, 3x lands were in his control. • 1st time the French king was more powerful than his vassals. • Created bailiffs- • presided over kings courts and collected the kings taxes. Phillip II (Phillip Augustus)

  35. Pious and Saintly- • seen as the ideal king • Created an appeals court Louis the IX-(1226-1270) Phillips grandson 1st Estate= Church Leaders 2nd Estate=Lords 3rd Estate=Commoners, merchants and land owners The Estates General Never became independent like in England Beginnings of Democracy Centralized gov’t Common law, court system Included commoners Philip IV (1226-1270) • Fought with the Pope-1302 • Pope refused to allow priests to pay taxes to the king • Disputed the right of the Pope to control the church in his kingdom • Called a meeting of lords bishops and commoners to win support against the pope

  36. Church Divided 1300- Pope Boniface tried to enforce papal control over Kings French Kings resisted Pope issued a document that said … Philip arrests Boniface who dies shortly after. This is the end of Papal control over kings!!! “Kings must always obey Popes”

  37. Avignon • 1305-Philip IV persuaded the cardinals to elect a French Pope- Clement V. Moved to Avignon. • Popes lived there for 69 years.(Avignon Captivity) 1378 Urban VI was elected in Rome BUT Clement VII was elected in Avignon. Each excommunicated the other. This leads to the GREAT SCHISM- 3 Popes at once. 1417-All 3 resign and Martin V is elected. 1 pope but much weaker. Led to challenges to authority. Pope’s fortress in Avignon

  38. Plague Fleas on Rats video

  39. Joan of Arc • Vision • Battle of Orleans • Executed

  40. Nationalism King as national leader Increased power of monarchs Effects

  41. The 95 Theses

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