Sra. Oddo23 de noviembre 2011Español Dos = Spanish 2Objectivos = Objectives: To understand Spanish at a conversational level. Actividades = Activities: 1. use your time to find 3 articles about an Hispanic historical figure and print them out 2. You will need your Rubric for the Quarter 2 project so that I can give you the points for today’s activity ~ All articles are DUE at the end of CLASS! ~Tarea = Homework: Review how to create commands from infinitive verbs in Spanish.
Use this database to find authoritative biographies: • www.chipublib.org • Click on Online Research • Click on A-Z databases • Choose Biography in Context • Enter your library card number and zip code in to the section that says My CPL 6. Click on the nationality tab 7. Type in a Spanish speaking nation and choose an article