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Aen.VI.450-475. Inter quas Phoenissa recens a volnere Dido Among whom Phoenician Dido fresh from her wounding errabat silva in magna; quam Troius heros Was wandering in the large forest; whom the Trojan hero ut primum iuxta stetit adgnovitque per umbras
Inter quasPhoenissarecens a volnereDido Among whom Phoenician Dido fresh from her wounding errabatsilva in magna; quam Troiusheros Was wandering in the large forest; whom the Trojan hero utprimumiuxtastetitadgnovitque per umbras As he first stood near her and recognized her dim(ly) through the shades obscuram, qualem primo qui surgeremense as one who at the first of the month autvidet, autvidisseputat per nubilalunam, either sees or thinks he has seen the moon rise through the clouds,
455demisitlacrimas, dulciqueadfatus amore est: He released tears, and spoke with sweet love: “Infelix Dido, verusmihinuntius ergo “Unlucky Dido, therefore a true message to me had come veneratexstinctam, ferroqueextremasecutam? that you had been destroyed, and had pursued the ultimate things by the sword?
Funerisheutibicausafui? Per sideraiuro, Was I, alas the cause of death for you? By the stars I swear, per superos, et si qua fides tellure sub imaest, by (the gods) above, and if any trustworthiness is below the deep earth, 460 invitus, regina, tuo de litorecessi. unwillingly, queen, I withdrew from your shore. Sed me iussadeum, quae nunc has ire per umbras, But the commands of the gods, which now compels me to go through these shades, per locasenta situ coguntnoctemqueprofundam, Through the places rough with neglect and the deep night,
imperiisegeresuis; neccrederequivi They drove me with their orders; and I was not able to believe that hunctantumtibi me discessuferredolorem. I was bringing this so great grief to you by (my) departure. 465Siste gradum, tequeaspectu ne subtrahenostro. Stop/stay your step, and do not withdraw yourself from our gaze/sight. Quemfugis?Extremumfato,quodteadloquor,hoc est.” Whom are you fleeing? This is the last (word) by fate which I address to you.”
Talibus Aeneas ardentem et torvatuentem With such words Aeneas was (trying to) soothing (her) burning mind and lenibatdictisanimum, lacrimasqueciebat. (her) looking with a piercing stare, and he was stirring us tears. Illa solo fixosoculosaversatenebat, That one having turned away was holding her eyes fixed on the ground, 470 necmagisinceptovultumsermonemovetur, and she is not moved in (respect to) her expression more by the conversation begun, quam sidurasilexaut stet Marpesiacautes. than if hard flint or Marpesian rock stood (there).
tandem corripuitsese, atqueinimicarefugit Finally she took herself off, and, hostile, fled back in nemusumbriferum, coniunxubipristinusilli Into the shade-bearing grove, where her former husband Sychaeus respondetcurisaequatqueSychaeusamorem. Replies to that one in cares and matches his love (to hers). 475 Nec minus Aeneas, casuconcussusiniquo, Nonetheless Aeneas, struck by her harsh/unjust misfortune/downfall, prosequiturlacrimislonge, et miseratureuntem. Follows/pursues (her) with tears from afar, and pities her going (i.e. as she goes).