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Discover how Facebook generates revenue, evolved its business model, and influenced society. Explore its history, founders, impact, and response to new technologies.
An In-DEPTH LOOK AT MY FAVORITE medium Dario Gonzalez
How does the business generate revenue? • Facebook makes most of its money through advertising. • You can also purchase "gifts" to send to your friends (birthday cards, calendars, etc). • Basically, a term that is used for how Facebook generates revenue is called “pool investing”- meaning, the more investors the more money, the more money, the more revenue.
How are its annual revenues earned today compared to when it started? • Revenue used to come by advertisers paying every time an ad of theirs appeared. • Now, advertisers pay a certain amount for users’ clicks (every time a Facebook user clicks on an ad). Advertisers could pay around $1 or more for each click.
Has the business model changed over the years? • Mark Zuckerbergrecently announcedthat Facebook will revert back to the old terms of service because too many people were complaining about the new ones. • What makes Facebook’sbusiness model task daunting is that the (free, advertised based) forces them to leverage the size of the network.
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Who are the people who deserve credit for starting Facebook? • Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow computer science students (Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes). The website's membership was initially limited to the founders and for Harvard students. However, it started to expanded to other colleges in the Boston area. Eventually, it added support for students at other universities and high school students. Finally, it was opened to anyone who was 13 and over. Immediately
What to know about its history, the impact its made. • Facebook was launched in February 2004. • It’s been able to get over 8 million users in the U.S. alone. • Has expanded worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, most likely with more to follow. • If Facebook were a country, it would be the sixth most populated country in the world.
How has it affected society? • Something to know about Facebook is that it is banned in several countries that include Pakistan, Syria, China, Vietnam, and Iran because they don’t want its influence in their countries. • I believe it has taken away from time spent with friends and family. However, it has expanded the number of people we have the opportunity to meet to a limitless possibility.
Are new technologies impacting Facebook’sgrowth? • Yes new technologies are impacting its growth because it adds applications like a box that allows people to become a “fan” of your site. • Facebook hopes to make it even easier for users to share information from the Web on Facebook and to have that information associated with their Facebook identity. • Facebook also plans to discuss a soon-to-be launched feature that will allow users to share their physical whereabouts through the site.
How is the medium responding to challenges by newer technology? • Facebook Inc. have developer conferences to find technology to better bridge the Web site with the rest of the Internet. • The software Facebook uses is called the Open Graph API, which Facebook said late last year (2009) it planned to release during the second quarter of this year. • A Facebook spokesman said the company is “constantly experimenting with new ideas and products internally and we don’t have anything to share at this time.”
Examples of Facebook • iBowl • Movies by Flixster • Urbanspoon • Live Poker by Zynga • Tap Tap Revenge 3 • Livescribe • Realisingdesigns • Dcgraphics • Schedulicity
The reasons why I chose Facebook as my favorite medium.. I chose Facebook as my favorite medium because it’s something that I login to almost everyday. Since I use it everyday it has a personal affect on my life and how I communicate with people. I interests me because I know I’m not the only one who uses it and also know that millions of people are on it everyday. It is part of one of the many tools that society is using to communicate with each other, and changing how people think about the internet.