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Biofuel Jeopardy!. Waterford Union High School. Rules. Each team sends one person per turn. They cannot get help from their team First to “buzz” in gets 15 seconds to answer.
Biofuel Jeopardy! Waterford Union High School
Rules • Each team sends one person per turn. They cannot get help from their team • First to “buzz” in gets 15 seconds to answer. • If the first person to buzz cannot get the answer, the second team can buzz in. Once they buzz in, they too have 15 seconds. They also cannot get help. • You either gain or lose points on each turn. • If no team buzzes within 10 seconds, the question ends and the answer is given.
Transester-rification EngineInterest Fossil Fuel Facts Combustion Concepts CO2: Get a Clue BiofuelBenefits $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Fossil Fuel Facts • Fossil fuels currently provide ___% of energy used in the United States • 85%
Fossil Fuel Facts • Fossil fuels formed from… • Dead plants and animals
Fossil Fuel Facts • These are all of the elements found in a hydrocarbon • Hydrogen and Carbon
Fossil Fuel Facts • Petroleum products are separated from each other by ___ the crude petroleum. • Heating (or boiling)
Fossil Fuel Facts • In order for a hydrocarbon to form, organic matter had to be exposed to intense ______ and ______ • Heat and pressure
Combustion Concepts • These are the two byproducts of combustion of fuel • Carbon dioxide and water
Combustion Concepts • Combustion is an ____________ reaction • Exothermic
Combustion Concepts • Soot and carbon monoxide occur when a combustion reaction ____________ • Does not occur completely
Combustion Concepts • For something to burn more cleanly, it has to burn more_______ • Completely
Combustion Concepts • A reaction that absorbs energy would be called an ________ reaction • Endothermic
CO2: Get a Clue • CO2 consists of the following molecules • One carbon and two oxygens
CO2: Get a Clue • This process absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere • Photosynthesis
CO2: Get a Clue • How does CO2 change surface temperatures? • It absorbs and re-emits solar radiation, slowing its release into space
CO2: Get a Clue • CO2 levels are currently at _____ppm • 395 ppm
CO2: Get a Clue • US Citizens contribute _____% of CO2 emissions • 25% (5x their proportion of the world’s population)
Biofuel Benefits • What does it mean that ethanol and biodiesel are “carbon neutral”? • There are no net emissions of carbon dioxide
Biofuel Benefits • If ethanol produces carbon dioxide when it is burned, how can it be “carbon neutral”? • The crops that are used to produce ethanol absorb the CO2 that is released when it is burned
Biofuel Benefits • When combusted, ethanol releases ________ energy than it requires to be produced • More
Biofuel Benefits • Ethanol will have a ____ gas mileage compared to gasoline • Lower
Biofuel Benefits • Ethanol burns more completely because of what element found in its molecular structure? • Oxygen
Transesterification • Transesterification is a chemical reaction in which the branched chains of an oil molecule are…. • Straightened out
Transesterification • Besides oil, transesterification involves what other two ingredients? • Methanol and a catalyst (such as KOH)
Transesterification • To what temperature must the oil be heated to in order for transesterification to occur? • 55-57o
Transesterification • To wash biodiesel, we must use…. • Filtered water
Transesterification • Drying biodiesel means to …. • Remove all water after washing
Engine Interest • The energy in fuel is converted into motion how? • The fuel explodes, pushing down a piston that turns a crankshaft
Engine Interest • In order for combustion to occur in a gasoline engine, you need a ________ _______ • Spark Plug .
Engine Interest • Combustion in a diesel engine is created by … • Compressing diesel fuel until it heats to the point of combustion
Engine Interest • Diesel engines are more efficient because why? • The compressed air has a higher concentration of oxygen
Engine Interest • The first diesel engine ran on … • Peanut Oil
FINAL JEOPARDY • Make your wagers! • Combustion of octane produces ___ times more CO2 than the combustion of ethanol • Four times (8 CO2 vs. 2 CO2)