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http://davemale.typepad.com/churchunplugged/. My story. By knowing and loving God and each other, we seek to enable non churched people to develop a real and relevant relationship with Jesus. 2004 30,000 copies sold Unanimous approval at General Synod

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  1. http://davemale.typepad.com/churchunplugged/

  2. My story

  3. By knowing and loving God and each other, we seek to enable non churched people to develop a real and relevant relationship with Jesus.

  4. 2004 30,000 copies sold Unanimous approval at General Synod Discussed and implemented in Dioceses Influence in UK Ecumenical Worldwide influence

  5. A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church.

  6. The Mixed Economy

  7. both-and continue to grow and develop the church as it is establish fresh expressions of church

  8. This is not new but fresh

  9. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

  10. Headlines On average 10% of church attendance 15% of church communities. In 7 out of 10 dioceses it reversed the decline in average weekly church attendance 20 different models of FX & across socio-economic groups. 75% people outside church, 40% unchurched, 35% dechurched 5820 team sent out, 20,863 now attending. 250% growth rate. ‘ Nothing else in the CofE has this level of missional impact and adding further ecclesial communities.’ 40% started in 2010-2012

  11. 20 types of fxc- most common are Messy Churches, Café Churches and child focused church. The average size is 44 and starting team size is 3-12. 91% are new ecclesial groups Large teams and transplants are 1.2%- team 50+ 7.4%-team 20-49 83% parish, 11% deanery and 6% Diocese. 45% progression and 61% pioneer.

  12. 33% have communion services 10% Messy Churches 60% weekly gatherings 33% have baptisms 62% of fxc have grown or maintained 10% have died. 48% ordained – 66% male 52% lay- 66% female https://www.freshexpressions.org.uk/research

  13. Six basic principles “From Safety nets to Fishing nets”

  14. ‘Are there structures and patterns which let that basic event of encounter happen again and again? Because if not , the church has become something very different from where it started; it’s become a community which says once there was an encounter with Jesus and we like to remember that. We have to ask much more radically , how do we structure a community in which it goes on being possible ,even likely ,that people will meet Jesus and in meeting Jesus will want more people to meet Jesus.’ Rowan Williams

  15. I am suggesting that the only answer is a congregation of women and men who believe the gospel and live by it. Leslie Newbiggin.

  16. 1 There is no return address

  17. ‘ The defining aspect of this change of epoch is that things are no longer in their place…… we cannot simply wait for what we are experiencing to pass under the illusion that things will return to being how they were before.’ Pope Francis.

  18. Half the picture Judea Samaria Ends of the Earth Jerusalem

  19. The eccentric effects… The ends of the earth Samaria Judea The centre and the Acts story shift Samaria is not a return ticket story moves from a focus on Peter to Paul the Church goes west church is done differently among Gentiles

  20. In working with young people . . . do not try to call them back to where they were, and do not try to call them to where you are, as beautiful as that place might seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have ever been before. Christianity Rediscovered: An Epistle from the Masai (1978)

  21. Vincent Donovan This is not only ‘Good missionary advice’, ‘a beautiful description of the unpredictable process of evangelization, a process leading to that new place where none of us has ever been before.’ Christianity Rediscovered (1982)

  22. “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

  23. Playing Away

  24. “ we understood mission one way and organised life to accomplish it. We have awakened to find out the mission moved on us. To keep focusing on mission, we have to turn the furniture around and face a different direction. We may even have to move into another room.” Loren Mead. The Once and Future Church

  25. 2 Public worship services probably are not the best starting point

  26. Prayer Love Relate Create Prayer

  27. 3 Who is church for?

  28. ‘ the church is missionary by it’s very nature……. the church does not have a mission but the mission has a church.’ Prophetic Dialogue. Bevans and Scroeder

  29. Church as a place where certain things take place to a body of people sent on a mission ‘ Either we are defined by mission , or we reduce the scope of the gospel and the mandate of the church.’ p6

  30. The ship is safest when its in the port. But that’s not what ships were made for.

  31. Who is the mission for? • Who is the mission by? • Who is the mission with?

  32. 2007 Tear Fund survey of 7000 adults in contact or not with church

  33. “ this majority (66%) presents a major challenge to churches. Most of them are unreceptive and closed to attending church; churchgoing is simply not on their agenda.” Churchgoing in the UK. A research report from Tearfund. April 2007

  34. The church is Gods gift to the world.

  35. 4 Discipleship rather than attendance

  36. How we see God • How we see ourselves and others • How we see our community • How we see creation and society

  37. John Wesley Forming a holy people, capable of being a living witness of the Christian life. • fullness of Gods love • completeness of devotion & dedication • works of piety and mercy

  38. “If not part of a mutually discipling community the culture will disciple you.” Graham Cray

  39. What kind of people are we called to be? What kind of community is capable of raising people like that?

  40. Evangelism as the overflow • of discipleship. • Discipleship operates in the • context of mission, making • disciples who make disciples.

  41. ‘ We would intend to make disciples and let converts happen rather than intending to make converts and let disciples happen.’ The Divine Conspiracy, p334.

  42. Personal • Co-operative • Life long learning • Communal • Whole of life

  43. 5 Church is multi level

  44. “every expression of the church is, in it’s own way, another worked example of what the encounter with Christ looks like in the life of a particular community.”

  45. “ the theological doctrine of the church cannot be simply expressed in abstract terms about the churches timeless nature. It will have to provide points of departure for reforming the church, for giving it a more authentic form. Faithfulness and the fresh start are not antitheses in the history of the Spirit.” Jurgen Moltmann, The Church in the Power of the Spirit

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