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Evaluating the Effect of Predicting Oral Reading Miscues

Evaluating the Effect of Predicting Oral Reading Miscues. Satanjeev Banerjee, Joseph Beck, Jack Mostow Project LISTEN (www.cs.cmu.edu/~listen) Carnegie Mellon University Funding: NSF IERI. Why Predict Miscues?. Reading Tutor helps children learn to read.

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Evaluating the Effect of Predicting Oral Reading Miscues

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  1. Evaluating the Effect of Predicting Oral Reading Miscues Satanjeev Banerjee, Joseph Beck, Jack Mostow Project LISTEN (www.cs.cmu.edu/~listen) Carnegie Mellon University Funding: NSF IERI

  2. Why Predict Miscues? • Reading Tutor helps children learn to read. • Speech recognizer listens for miscues(reading errors) • E.g.: listen for “hat” if sentence to be read has word “hate” • Accurate miscue prediction helps miscue detection.

  3. Real Word Substitutions • Miscues = substitutions, omissions, insertions • Real word substitution = misread target word as another word • E.g. read “hat” instead of “hate” • Most miscues are real word substitutions • ICSLP-02: predicted real word substitutions • Here: evaluate effect on substitution detection

  4. # substitutions detected Substitution detection rate = # substitutions child made 1 1 4 2 How Evaluate Substitution Detection? substitution substitution undetected false alarm substitution detected = # false alarms False alarm rate = = # words correctly read

  5. Evaluation Data • Sentences read by 25 children aged 6 to 10

  6. Rote Method • Uses the University of Colorado miscue database. • For each target word • Sort substitutions by # children who made them. • Predict that the top n substitutions will reoccur, for this word.

  7. Extrapolative Method • Predict the probability that a word is a likely substitution for another word • Pr ( substitution “hat” | target “hate”) • Use machine learning to induce a classifier • Train using University of Colorado miscue database.

  8. Extrapolative Method cont’d Given a target word, predict substitution if Pr ( substitution candidate | target word ) > threshold

  9. Combining Rote and Extrapolative • Aim: Get n substitutions for a given word. • Step 1: Use top n substitutions from rote. • Step 2: If rote predicts k substitutions, k < n, • Then add top n – k substitutions from extrapolative. • Intuition: rote is more accurate, so use when available. If not available, fall back on extrapolative.

  10. Results from Combining Algorithms Truncation = The first 2 to n-2 phonemes of a word – models false starts. [/K AE/ and /K AE N/ for /K AE N D IY/; none for “hate”] Theoretical max = use only those miscues the child actually made.

  11. Conclusion • Evaluated effect on substitution detection of • Two previously published algorithms • A combination of the two algorithms. • Combined approach improved on current configuration (truncations) by • Reducing false alarms by 0.52% abs (12% rel) • Increasing miscue detection by 1.04% (4.2% rel) • Take-home sound byte: Listening for specific reading mistakes can help detect them!

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