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Vocabulary. . A blend: A combination, A mixture  To chat: To talk in a friendly, informal way; to discuss things for fun . Decaf: Without caffeine, with reduced caffeine  A fad: A fashion , a trend, a short-term interest

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  1. Vocabulary . A blend: A combination, A mixture  To chat:To talk in a friendly, informal way; to discuss things for fun. Decaf: Without caffeine, with reduced caffeine  A fad:A fashion, a trend, a short-term interest To hang out:To spend time at a place (just relaxing or being with friends)

  2. Vocabulary . Overpriced: Costing too much money To pop up: To suddenly appear To sip:To drink slowly

  3. Vocabulary

  4. What are these people doing in the Coffee Shop?

  5. Role Play Waiter: Hi, welcome to Café Mocha. How can I help you?" John: "Can I please have a largefrappuccino with a muffin?" Waiter: "Yes--would you like whipped cream on the frappuccino?" John: "No thank you." John: "I'm sorry, actually, I want a doughnut instead of a muffin." Waiter: "Okay, that's fine!" John: "Can I substitute the cream for an extra mocha shot?"

  6. Waiter: "No, I'm very sorry, we can't do that." John: "Okay.“ Waiter: "That will be $7.32.“ John: "Thank you.“ Waiter: "Have a nice day.“ John: "Thank you, you too."

  7. Coffee Houses Vocabulary in Conversation Fill in all the gaps using the new vocabulary. Christine: Did you notice they just built another coffee house across the street from the movie theater?Sarah: Yeah, isn't that great! It looks really cool, and they have live music every Saturday night. It'll be the perfect place ___________ after seeing a movie.Christine: Are you serious? I think it's ridiculous! They open a new coffee house every five minutes. They ________ all over the city. There're three coffee houses on Main Street alone. •   a fad      appeal to      are popping up •      blends      chat      decaf      overpriced      sip      to hang out      trendy   

  8.   a fad      appeal to      are popping up •      blends      chat      decaf      overpriced      sip      to hang out      trendy    • Sarah: I think that's wonderful - the more coffee houses, the better. I'm sick of bars and night clubs! I want a relaxing place to sit with my friends and_______. It's nice to sit back, listen to the music and slowly ________ a really good cup of coffee.Christine: Coffee houses are _________. They ________ people who have nothing better to do than sit around and drink ________ coffee. Did you know they charge four dollars for a cup of coffee at that new place across from the theater? That's crazy! They have menus with fifty different _______________ “special” __________ from all over the world: Java, Ethiopia, Kenya, Brazil... It all tastes exactly the same to me.Sarah: Coffee houses are not just for __________ people!Christine: Yes, they are! Did you just hear what that guy over there ordered? He ordered a double, __________ cappuccino. That's so stupid. If you drink coffee, you should drink it with caffeine.

  9.   a fad      appeal to      are popping up •      blends      chat      decaf      overpriced      sip      to hang out      trendy    • Sarah: Wow, you are really judgmental today. Are you finished with your coffee? Can we go?Christine: No, I paid over three dollars for this cup of coffee. I'm going to drink the whole thing.

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