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Lord of the Flies vocabulary

Lord of the Flies vocabulary. Chapters 11-12. Luminous (adj). Emitting light. Myopia (n). Near-sightedness. Sniveling (adj). To sniffle; to complain or whine tearfully. Quaver (v). To tremble, or speak in a trembling voice. Talisman (n). An object with magical power. Acrid (adj).

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Lord of the Flies vocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lord of the Flies vocabulary Chapters 11-12

  2. Luminous (adj) • Emitting light

  3. Myopia (n) • Near-sightedness

  4. Sniveling (adj) • To sniffle; to complain or whine tearfully

  5. Quaver (v) • To tremble, or speak in a trembling voice

  6. Talisman (n) • An object with magical power

  7. Acrid (adj) • Unpleasantly sharp or bitter taste/smell

  8. Incantation (n) • A chant to create a spell or magic effect

  9. Cower (v) • To cringe in fear

  10. Inimical (adj) • Harmful or hostile

  11. Ensconce (v) • To settle (oneself) securely and comfortably

  12. Distended (adj) • Swollen from internal pressure

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