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ARRA Funding for Carnegie Learning. Dr. Jennifer House, President Dr. Donna Craighead, Senior Analyst RedRock Reports www.redrockreports.com.
ARRA Funding forCarnegie Learning Dr. Jennifer House, President Dr. Donna Craighead, Senior Analyst RedRock Reports www.redrockreports.com
“In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity - it is a pre-requisite. The countries that out-teach us today will out-compete us tomorrow.” - President Barack Obama, 2/24/09
Agenda • Mathematics Movements Today • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act • Carnegie Learning and ARRA Funding Alignment • State Fiscal Stabilization Funds • Title I, Part A • Title I School Improvement Funds • Title II Part D Enhancing Education through Technology (E2T2) • IDEA, Part B – Grants to States • Race to the Top (RTTT) Fund • Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund • 2010 High School Graduation Initiative (future funding) • Educator’s Action Plan & Timeline • Resources • Q & A
Mathematics TodayA Little Bit of History…. • Reform efforts in 50’s & 60’s – failed – major change with no backing…followed by Back to Basics movement. • Australian efforts in 80’s followed by 1st NCTM publication of standards – • NCTM changed education – not only mathematics education. • States creating state standards and assessments to align to standards. • Revised NCTM standards 2000 • Meantime, states continue to work on standards/assessments – not all standards equal. • Problem – teachers teaching strands independently – not connecting strands or emphasizing higher order thinking skills. • NCTM’s Curriculum Focal Points 2005 – focus on connecting strands and developing problem solving, reasoning, and critical thinking skills.
Mathematics TodayAdvancing Mathematics in 90’s & 21st Century • Key Focused Practices • Providing instruction based on researched based-practices. • Targeting higher level thinking skills (Bloom’s Taxonomy, problem solving, reasoning, etc.) • Focus on student understanding and application of mathematics (hands-on math, technology, real-world settings, writing in math for understanding) • Using assessment to drive instruction (individualizing instruction) • Engaging in algebraic thinking (leading to state initiatives) • Providing targeted professional development to teachers • NCTM Now – Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making (download from NCTM) • Guide for future publication in Algebra, Numbers and Measurement, Functions, and Geometry
Mathematics TodayUS Government Advancement in Mathematics • Reauthorization of Title I and IDEA focus on: • Improve academic achievement for ALL students. • Stringent curriculum standardsand correlating assessments. • Ensuring STEM skills needed for the 21st Century. • Using assessment to drive instruction (individualizing instruction). • Providing targeted professional development to teachers. • Foundation for Success: National Mathematics Advisory Panel 2008 – The Impetus for Funding Change • best use of scientifically based research to advance the teaching and learning of mathematics, with a specific focus on preparation for and success in algebra. • The Panel recommends that governmental agencies that fund research give priority 1) to increasing the supply of research that addresses mathematics education and 2) ensure that such projects meet stringent methodological criteria.
Mathematics TodayUS Government Funding Focus in Mathematics • Improve academic achievement for ALL students. • Focus on mathematics skills for the 21st Century. • Employ researched-based best practices – solid methodology, pedagogy, and proof…proof…proof! • Subscribe to Common Core States Standards Initiatives aka “Governor’s Standards”. • Use assessment to drive instruction. • Provide evaluation and accountabilityfor all funds. • Ensure long-term data collection and evaluation. • Programs are scalable. • Link results to instruction. …..Standard and ARRA Funding….
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) • Guiding Principles for ARRA Funding ARRA Education Funding $100+ Billion The ARRA represents an historic infusion of funding into US K-12 and Higher Education. The Obama administration has set the following goals for the use of these funds: • Spend funds quickly to save and create jobs • Improve student achievement through effective reforms • Ensure transparency, reporting and accountability • Invest one-time Recovery funds thoughtfully to minimize the impact of the “funding cliff” in two years
Impact on Budgets of Schools Serving Students Most in Need Additional funds available through ARRA over next 2 years
ARRA Title I, Part A Purpose: To provide supplemental education funding, especially in high- poverty areas, for locally designed programs that offer extra academic support to help raise the achievement of students at risk of educational failure or, in the case of schoolwide programs, to help all students in high-poverty schools meet challenging State academic standards. • Serves more than 20 million students in nearly all school districts and more than 54,000 public schools—including 2/3 of the Nation's elementary schools. • Spending should fund short-term activities that have a lasting impact and must follow the statutory and regulatory requirements of Title I, Part A standard funding. • Examples of spending that align to Carnegie Learning product are: • intensive professional development. • activity that supports the needs of students in the school that are identified through comprehensive needs assessment and included in a schoolwide plan. • targeted assistance programs – for those students at-risk of failing. • Funds will be available for obligation until September 30, 2011.
ARRA Title I School Improvement (SIF) Purpose: To support the State Education Agency’s statewide system of technical assistance and for local educational agencies with schools in need of improvement, corrective action or restructuring. • SIF must be spent for improvement in the lowest performing schools and may be used for activities that include: • implementing a new curriculum based on effectiveness data • reorganizing the school internally for program delivery and management • improving school administration and management • 50% of schools in need of improvement, corrective action or restructuring are middle and high schools • 40% of these funds are designated for middle and high schools • SIF will be available between September 1 and October 31, 2009 • Carnegie Learning products offer schools and districts researched-based instruction with proven effectiveness that teach skills in mathematics necessary for the 21st Century. The programs offer organized delivery, management, and reporting capabilities.
ARRA Enhancing Education through Technology (E2T2) Purpose: To use new or existing technologies to improve academic achievement, acquisition of curricula that integrate technology into the curriculum, and use of technology to collect, manage, and analyze data to enhance teaching and school improvement. • States can distribute E2T2 funding by formula and/or competitive application. This decision is left to the states; however, it appears that a large proportion of the grants are competitive grants. • E2T2 provides opportunities to fund Carnegie Learning products for middle and high school students by: • providing technology integrated curricula with proven results in mathematics to increase academic achievement. • collecting, managing, and analyzing data that enhances teaching and school improvements • using state-of-the-art technology complementing school-to-work skills. • These funds were available 50% on July 1, 2009 and 50% on September 30, 2009. • Twenty-five percent (25%) of E2T2 funding that must be spent on professional development.
E2T2 Competitive Ratios • FY06 FY07 • AR 100% 100% • GA 100% 100% • ID 100% 100% • IN 100% 100% • IA 100% 100% • MO 100% 100% • NH 100% 100% • NM 100% 100% FY 06 FY 07 • PA 100% 100% • RI 100% 100% • WV 100% 100% • MN 50% 100% • DC 50% 85% • CT 50% 70% • NJ 50% 68% • MI 50% 54%
ARRA IDEA, Part B – Grants to States ($11.3 Billon) Purpose: To ensure that children with disabilities, including children, aged three through five, have access to a free appropriate public education to meet each child's unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living. • Schools and LEAs have a unique opportunity to improve teaching and learning and should focus these funds on short-term investments with the potential for long-term benefits rather than make ongoing commitments that they might not be able to sustain once ARRA funds are expended. • Funds can be used to provide: • support and direct services, • technical assistance and personnel preparation including professional development; • programs to help students meet challenging academic standards; and • improved uses of technology in the classroom. • States and LEAs must obligate all IDEA, Part B ARRA funds by September 30, 2011.
ARRA State FiscalStabilization Funds (SFSF) Purpose: To help stabilize state and local government budgets in order to minimize and avoid reductions in education and other essential public services. • The Governor of each state manages the distribution of these funds to alleviate budget cuts and return education spending to the budgeted 2008-2009 levels. • If funds remain after stabilizing the education budget, the funds may be used for any activity authorized under ESEA, IDEA, Adult Education, or Perkins, including modernization of school facilities and salaries to avoid teacher layoffs. • Carnegie Learning products align to standard ESEA, IDEA, Adult Education, and Perkins funding. • Note: To date, approximately half the states used SFSF fund to supplement deficit budgets in education and had no funds remaining to support the following activities.
SFSF - $0 Left After Phase 1 • New Jersey • North Dakota • Oregon • Rhode Island • South Carolina • Utah • Virginia • Washington Alabama Arizona California Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Michigan Nevada
ARRA Race to the Top (RTTT) Purpose: To reward states and provide incentives for States to develop and implement comprehensive reform strategies that are integrated across the four ARRA education reform areas and lead to improved student outcomes • Phase 1 competitive application is due out before year’s end with awards in early 2010 • Phase 2, which is planned to open in late Spring of 2010, will be made in September 2010 • Governor applies on behalf of the state at least 50 percent of the funds under a State's Race to the Top grant must be provided to LEAs • Proposed priorities are: • Absolute Priority--Comprehensive Approach to the Four Education Reform Areas • Competitive Preference Priority--Emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) • Invitational Priority--Expansion and Adaptation of Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems • Invitational Priority--P-20 Coordination and Vertical Alignment • Invitational Priority-- State plans to address how early childhood programs, K-12 schools, postsecondary institutions, and workforce organizations will coordinate to improve all parts of the education system and create a more seamless P-20 route for students
ARRA Investing in Innovation (i3) - $650M Purpose: To provide competitive grants to applicants with a record of improving student achievement, in order to expand the implementation of, and investment in, innovative practices that are demonstrated to have an impact on improving student achievement or student growth for high-need students, as well as to promote school readiness, close achievement gaps, e teacher and school leader effectiveness. • Eligibility: Eligibility is based on historical success closing achievement gaps and • improving academic achievement. Eligible applicants are: • - Local education agencies (LEAs) • Nonprofit organizations in partnership with (a) one or more LEAs or • (b) a consortium of schools • Eligible applicants MUST: • - Demonstrate 20% private sector matching funding or request reduced matching level • - Conduct an independent program evaluation • - Cooperate with technical assistance • - Share broadly the results of any evaluations • - An applicant may not submit an application for the same proposed project under • more than one type of grant
ARRA Investing in Innovation (i3) - $650M (continued) • Three types of grants… • 1. Development Grants (up to $5 million per award): The largest possible grant category is focused on programs and practices with the potential to reach hundreds of thousands of students. Applicants must have a strong base of evidence that their program has had a significant effect on improving student achievement. • Evidence Required: Reasonable – research-based findings or theories • Scaling Required: Able to further develop and scale • 2. Validation Grants (up to $30 million per award): Existing, promising programs that have good evidence of their impact and are ready to improve their evidence base while expanding in their own and other communities. • Evidence Required: Moderate – either high internal validity and medium external validity, or vice versa • Scaling Required: Able to be scaled to the regional or state level • 3. Scale-up Grants (up to $50 million per award): The smallest grant level designed to support new and high-potential practices whose impact should be studied further. • Evidence Required: Strong – both high internal validity and high external validity • Scaling Required: Able to be scaled to the national, regional, or state level
ARRA Investing in Innovation (i3) - $650M (continued) • Awardees may use the funds to: • Expand their work and serve as models for best practices • Partner with private sector and philanthropic community • Identify and document best practices that can be shared and taken to scale based on demonstrated success • Carnegie Learning products is used as a model for best practices in • mathematics and is scalable and the products align with the goals of • Investing in Innovation (i3) Funds.
2010 High School Graduation Initiative - $50M (future funding) Purpose: To provide local educational agencies grants to support effective, sustainable, and coordinated strategies that will increase high school graduation rates, particularly in the “dropout factories” (and their feeder schools) that produce the great majority of high school dropouts. • Increasing the number of students who graduate from high school prepared for the challenges of work and postsecondary education in the 21st Century. • In addition to supporting a range of local activities, the fiscal year 2010 request would give the Department the opportunity to • evaluate approaches to dropout prevention and high school completion in order to determine which are most effective and • identify and disseminate information on best practices.
Educator’s Call to Action 1. Learn the nuisances of the ARRA funding source. • Sign-up for ARRA announcements at both the national and state levels. • Know and explore your state’s ARRA Educational site. 2. Find out “Who’s on First?” • Who is in charge of writing a specific grant (Title I Director, Special Ed director, Grant Writer, etc.)? • Are you permitted to submit the grant? If not, can you help write or ghost write it? • Most grants require administrative (principal or superintendent) sign-off. Does your administrator approve? 3. Choose funding for which 1) you believe you can qualify and for which 2) your proposal concepts align to the funding priorities.
Educator’s Call to Action • Review successful grants. • Review your school or district’s successful grants. Use them as a model. 5. Assemble the information! • Collect demographic data related to your proposal. • Create a budget. • Build a timeline. • Determine the key players in administrating and evaluating the grant. • Partner with vendors to line-up the best products to meet your student’s needs. • Request research information, testimonials, alignments to standards, etc. 7. DO NOT focus on Stimulus! Remember, ESEA still flows!
Resources • 1. State allocations of the ARRA education budget • http://www.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/statetables/index.html (updated 10/7/09) • 2. State recovery sites listing • http://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/state-recovery-page • 3. ARRA main site for all programs • www.recovery.gov
More Resources • 4. Daily updates just for education • www.learningpt.org • 5. PowerPoint Presentation from USDoE • (Use with your Board, Executive Staff, Principals) • http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/recovery/presentation/index.html
State Specific Information • 6. State specific information • http://www.staterecovery.org/education • Click on Federal Assistance to exam what they are • providing: • Look at the new (in red) guidelines that were issued on April 1st for Title I, IDEA and SFSF under Department of Education • House Committee On Education - includes district allocations where available • http://edlabor.house.gov/blog/2009/01/school-districts-will-benefit.shtml • Interactive state map for state allocations • http://dpc.senate.gov/dpcmap.cfm
For More Information Jenny House, Ph.D. Jhouse@redrockreports.com 650-561-9223 Donna Craighead, Ph.D. craighead@aol.com 360-366-9149