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Frontal Lobes. Receive input from the thalamus, limbic system, hypothalamus, and connections from other lobes making it a
1. This is not like my mum used to beDifferent faces of Fronto-Temporal Lobe Dementia Snezana Mitrovic Tosovic
Kingsley Mortimer Unit
8th National NZPOPs
Auckland February 2007
2. Frontal Lobes Receive input from the thalamus, limbic system, hypothalamus, and connections from other lobes making it a “control centre”.
Frontal lobes contain the following specialised regions:
Motor cortex: governs fine motor control
Brocca’s area: governs language production
Prefrontal cortex: governs planning, organisation, the monitoring of recent events, the probably outcome of actions and the emotional value of such actions, decision making, emotional regulation
3. Fronto-temporal dementia: overview of the syndrome Demographic features:
Pre-senile onset (most commonly between the age of 45-60; range of onset 21-75)
Family history in 50% of cases
Equal sex incidence
Median illness duration 8 years (range 2-20 years)
The prevalence of dementia increases with age from 1% at age 60 to about 40% at age 85.
Four types of dementia--account for 90% of all cases.
FTD accounts for 20% of pre-senile dementias (Brun,1987,Neary,1988)
4. Frontotemporal lobe degenerationA consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria Clinical Diagnostic features of Frontotemporal dementia:
Core diagnostic features
A –insidious onset
B-early decline in social interpersonal conduct
C – early impairment in personal conduct
D –early emotional blunting
E – early loss of insight Supportive diagnostic features:
A –Behavioural disorder (decline in personal hygiene and grooming, mental rigidity, distractibility and impersistence, hyperorality, perseverative and stereotyped behaviour, utilization behaviour)
B – Speech and language (aspontaneity and economy of speech, perseveration, echolalia, mutism)
5. Frontotemporal lobe degenerationA consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria, cont. Physical signs ( primitive reflexes, incontinence, akinesia, rigidity, and tremor, low and labile blood pressure).
Neuropsychology (significant impairement on frontal lobe tests in the absence of severe amnesia, aphasia or perceptuospatial disorder)
Brain imaging (predominant frontal and anterior temporal abnormality Clinical diagnostic features of progressive nonfluent aphasia
Core Features:
A –Insidious onset
B – Nonfluent spontaneous speech with at least one of the following: agrammatism, phonemic paraphasia, anomia
6. Frontotemporal lobe degenerationA consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria, cont. Supportive diagnostic features:
A – Speech and language (impaired repetition, stuttering, alexia, early perseveration of word meaning, late – mutism)
B – Behaviour ( early – preservation of social skills, late – behavioural changes as in FTD)
C – Physical signs – late as in FTD Investigations:
Neuropsychology – nonfluent aphasia in absence of severe amnesia or perceptuospatial disorder
Brain imaging – asymetric abnormality predominantly affecting dominant hemisphere
7. Frontotemporal lobe degenerationA consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria, cont. Clinical diagnostic features of semantic aphasia
Core diagnostic features:
A – insidious onset
B – Loss of word meaning manifested by impaired naming and comprehension, semantic paraphasias
C – Perceptual diosorders ( prospagnosia and associative agnosia)
D – preserved perceptual matching and drawing reproduction, single word repetition, ability to read loudly and write to dictation). Supportive diagnostic features:
A - Speech and language (idiosyncratic use of words, surface dyslexia and dysgraphia, preserved calculation)
B – Behaviour (loss of sympathy and empathy, narrowed preoccupations)
C – physical signs (absent or late primitive reflexes, rigidity, tremor)
Neuropsychology - semantic loss –comprehension and naming, face and object recognition.
Brain imaging – predominant anterior temporal abnormality
Neary et.al.1998.
8. Case BH, 67 years old Presentation:
Reported by family: Recent memory impaired, constantly talking about distant past
Deterioration in personal hygiene, previously meticulous in her appearance
Unable to cook even simple things – cracked eggs open onto cold element, used an egg beater to mix water in the sink when she was believing she was making a cake, boiled the cattle without a water
Chain smoker
Preoccupied by food – would use hands to shove large amounts of food in her mouth, occasionally chokes and brings it back up, sometimes would not swallow food completely before spitting it up
Started to be verbally abusive
On interview denied all the above symptoms
On the word repetitive, perseverating on single words and ideas,
Preoccupied with one idea at the time, difficult to distract
Socially inappropriate (leave the toilet door open), undress on her way to toilet
Pacing constantly
Moderately dependent in her ADLs
Affect labile, shallow
9. CASE BH History of presenting problems
No psychiatric problems until 9-10 years
Started to drink very heavily and drank for 7 years (prior to this she was a social drinker)
Medical problems involve hearing deficits, ongoing weight loss, history of B12 deficiency Relevant Investigations
MMSE in August 2006 25/30
CT head January 2007 - reported no abnormalities
MRI head January 2007 – reported no abnormalities
Medication at the time of assessment - thiamine
10. Neuropsychological Assessment FrSBe – Frontal Systems Behavioural Scale
SCIP Severe Cognitive Impairment Profile
WMS III Logical Memory I and II
Word List I and II
Family Pictures I and II
Background information
Born Fijian, came to New Zealand at the age of 7 – English first language
Finished high school
Married with four children, two living locally, husband and children very supportive
Professional background: initially worked in modeling, then as a machinist
Right handed
Premorbidly: meticulous, polite, gentle
11. Neuropsychological Assessment Co-operative with assessment, with fluctuating level of interest and motivation, getting distressed and tearful when could not perform, quickly re-storing mood
FrSBe – family rating –completed by son who is living with parents at present – Measures: apathy, disinhibition and executive dysfunction before the illness and current- significant increase on all three dimensions – increase in disexecutive dysfunction being themost prominent SCIP – too easy
Picture completion – patchy performance, needed to be reminded of task requirements (SS 3)
Vocabulary – poverty of language, perseveration, some concrete answers (SS 7)
Digit Symbol-Coding – (SS 4)
Similarities – switched to differences, concrete answers (e.g. fork-spoon – have handles, boat - car have steering wheel) SS -4
Block Design – SS 4, did not manage to shift from 3-dimensional to 2-dimensional model
12. Neuropsychological Assessment Arithmetic – SS 4
Matrix Reasoning SS 7
Digit Span SS 9 – forward 7 digits, backward 3 digits
Information – SS 8
Picture Arrangement SS 7 – lack of attention for details, misinterpret ting some details (e.g. dog wants something) difficulty in sequencing events, correct description of pictures but does not recognize that they don’t fit into story, does not attempt to correct herself Comprehension SS 6 – some answers overly general, not able to give meaning to proverbs
Logical Memory I – SS 4; II-SS 1
Family Pictures I – SS 3; II – SS3
Word List: 1st recall – 2 words, Total recall I– SS 10 II- 13 List B – 7 words
EXIT – 25/50 evidence of utilization behavior, absent primitive reflexes,
13. Neuropsychological Assessment Attention
Processing speed
Visuo spatial constructional
Exexutive functioning
14. Case EB, 62 years old Presentation
Depressed mood, anxious and “stressed”, “unnerved” by small thing
Emotional and tearful
Poor sleep and appetite
Believes she had done “ bad things” during her life and ruminating about these
Some paranoid ideas
Decline in memory and functioning (worsening in particular in last 3 months) could not operate washing machine or vacuum cleaner, leaves herself messages all over the place and then gets confused with all these messages
Preoccupied with some traumatic events, happened many years ago (40 years)
ON interview:
Some psychomotor retardation,
Mood dysphonic,
Affect restricted
Loosened association and tangential replies
15. Case EB History of the problem
Cognitive and functional decline noticed in last year but more pronounced in last three months
History of depressed mood spanning from her early 20’s
In her 40’s became more religious
Further change occurred when EB went to India (10 years ago), Daughter described her mother’s behavior being out of her character when she visited her in 2000.
Personal history:
Born in New Zealand, the oldest of 4,
Finished high school, discontinued as needed to help to her family
Vague historian, said could not remember
Has one daughter, was briefly married two times
Father developed dementia in his early sixties
On the ward:
Mood up and down, still feeling guilty for past “errors”
Describes her thinking as “muddled”
Continually struggling with everyday tasks (e.g.using shower)– distressed about this
Attended ot activities – reported difficulty to participate in different word puzzles
16. Neuropsychological Assessment Relevant investigations
MMSE in January 2007 20/30
CT head January 2007 – reported normal
MRI head January 2007 – reported normal
At the time of assessment: 20 mg Citalopram and 1,0 mg Risperidone
Medical background
Nil of note Tests administered:
FrSBe – Frontal Systems Behavioural Scale
SCIP Severe Cognitive Impairment Profile
WMS III Logical Memory I and II
Word List I and II
Family Pictures I and II
Visual reproduction
17. Neuropsychological Assessment Presented with slightly stooped body posture, shuffling gait, expressionless face, monotonous voice
Co-operative with assessment, high level of motivation, recognized errors but unable to correct them, became distressed FrSBe - family rating done by daughter reflected significant increase in apathy and executive dysfunction, relative to her pre-morbid functioning; self rating form - managed to do half of it (discontinued due to distress), part that has been done was congruent with family rating
18. Neuropsychological Assessment SCIP – moderately severe impairment
Picture Completion – (SS 6), difficulty with naming, concentrating on peripheral details, missing context, busy describing picture without identifying missing detail, tangential, frequently losing a goal, talking about differences, failing on items involving sequencing
Vocabulary – (SS-7) – difficulty in formulating concepts, repetitive use of words (difficulty in changing cognitive set) e.g. designate – “to give instruction to somebody else”, reluctant –”instruction given to somebody but they are not keen to do it”, yesterday “ day of the week – 7 days in a week, when we go to be to sleep we wake up the next day, today is finished and then the next day is yesterday.”
Digit Symbol coding (SS – 3), made one error copied symbol of the next number instead of the required, recognized the error but unable to correct it
19. Neuropsychological Assessment Similarities (SS – 6)
Block Design (SS 3) –
Digit Span (SS 7) digits forward 5, backwards 3,
Information – (SS 6)
Comprehension (SS 7), answers lacking reachness, never given more than one aspect Memory testing
WMS III impaired on all of the tests of memory , no evidence of learning,
Proactive onterference
EXIT -25/30 reflected difficulty with planning
20. Outcome/ overview Both patients ended going to a resthome,
prior to this admission both of them lived at home Confirmation that mixed pictures are more common than clear-cut to fit to diagnostic criteria
Raises the question of how useful is neuroimaging in diagnosis or maybe what is a critical mass of atrophy or critical change in brain that causes significant changes in behaviour and functioning