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CS123 Engineering Computation Lab Lab 1

CS123 Engineering Computation Lab Lab 1. Bruce Char Department of Computer Science Drexel University Spring 2010. Welcome Back to CS123. Goals and objectives for this term – by the end of this term, students should be able to :

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CS123 Engineering Computation Lab Lab 1

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  1. CS123 Engineering Computation LabLab 1 Bruce Char Department of Computer Science Drexel University Spring 2010

  2. Welcome Back to CS123 • Goals and objectives for this term – by the end of this term, students should be able to : • Develop code scripts and programs using Maple’s “procedure” (proc) feature, including creation of time staged simulations • Use Maple’s Optimization feature to solve differential calculus problems involving maximum and minimum (optimal) solutions • Work with application programming interfaces (API’s)

  3. CS123 – Basic Schedule • 4 labs in even numbered weeks (2, 4, 6 and 8) • 4 quizzes in odd numbered weeks (3, 5, 7 and 9) • 4 pre-lab quizlets in weeks (1, 3, 5 and 7) • Proficiency Exam in week 10 • Flow of course similar to cs121 and cs122 • Be sure to review contents of course web site for details • www.cs.drexel.edu/complab/cs123/spring2010

  4. What’s New in CS123? • Different focus for Chat sessions • Discontinuation of formal on-line chat sessions • Will still be publishing hint sheets for most challenging quiz problems • Additional consultation activity • Tim Cheeseman and Dan De Sousa will again coordinate – goal is to significantly expand participation • By invitation, based on cs122 Winter term performance • Selected students will be contacted by end of week 2 via email

  5. Administrative Notes • Please contact your individual instructors with questions and problems • CLC (room 147 UC) will be staffed at same times as for cs122 in Winter (odd weeks – starting week 3) • Note that CLC is also staffed on Thursdays and Fridays • Missed work policies – same as in cs121 and cs122 • Makeup labs to be held on Monday at 6 PM (odd weeks). Must receive explicit approval from your instructor in order to attend! • Makeup quiz offered (30% penalty) – Thursday through Sunday after completion of regular quiz • No excused quizzes due to MapleTA login issues – please resolve any such issues immediately • No makeup quizlets

  6. Lab 1 Overview • Based on materials from Chapter 15 readings – writing programs as functions • Review of user defined function syntax and usage • Creating functions with Maple’s procedure feature • Use of global and local variables • Use of “if” and “looping” statements • Transforming scripts into procedures • Troubleshooting within procedures

  7. Lab 1 Overview • Lab 1 outline • Part 1.1 – building a time staged simulation program from specifications • In prior labs/quizzes, we encountered time staged simulation scripts: • Prey-predator problem • Moving particle and bouncing ball • Chemical reaction • In today’s lab, we will develop a simulation to model the cooling of a house • Starter script provided – must add logic to perform a time staged analysis using specified modeling relationships along with plots of the temperature profiles • Part 1.2 – extend the cooling simulation to include thermostat and air flow control functions • Will modify script created in Part 1.1 to incorporate these controls in the form of Maple procedures • The overall simulation model is described in depth in the introduction portion of the lab description

  8. Lab 1 Maple Concepts:Discussion and Demo • Demo of Maple features needed for this lab • Open the Maple worksheet demo file form the course web site • CS123Lab1Demo.mw • The following concepts are illustrated • User defined functions versus Maple procedures – comparison of syntax, pros and cons and invocation • Review of key constructs and logic associated with the time staged chemical reaction simulation from Lab 2 in cs122 • Analogous to code involved in today’s house cooling simulation

  9. Quiz Week (3) Activities • Quiz 1 will be released on Friday (4/9) at 6 PM • Deadline: Wednesday (4/14) at 4:30 PM • Makeup quiz – from Thursday (4/15) at 9 AM through Sunday (4/18) at 11:30 PM • 30% penalty • Pre-lab 2 quizlet • From Thursday (4/15 – noon) through Monday (4/19 – 8 AM) • Be sure to visit the CLC for quiz or general Maple assistance • Be on alert for information regarding extra consultation initiative

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