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Premier Education Success Plan 2016-2017

The 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan focuses on engaging students and communities in premier education, with goals for dynamic learning experiences, staff development, communication, facilities enhancement, and resource investments.

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Premier Education Success Plan 2016-2017

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  1. District Improvement Plan2016-2017June 16, 2016

  2. District Improvement Plan Annual Progress Schedule

  3. District & Campus Improvement Planning • The District and Campus Plan will consist of: • Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation • Goals • System Safeguard Strategies • State Compensatory • Title I • Title I Personnel • Plan Notes • District/Campus Education Improvement Council • District Funding associated with Title I

  4. Vision Strategic Planning Flowchart Core Beliefs Mission Operational Goals & Targeted Objectives District Improvement Plan Superintendent ‘s Priority Goals Department Action Plans Campus Action Plans

  5. Core Beliefs We believe that: • Kids come first • Continuous improvement is essential for future success • The success of each student is the shared responsibility of students, families, schools, and communities • Environment influences learning

  6. Mission Northwest ISD, in partnership with parents and community, will engage all students in a premier education preparing them to be successful, productive citizens.

  7. Goals Goal I • Northwest ISD will design dynamic learning experiences to ensure that all students are future-ready learners. Goal II • Northwest ISD will recruit, develop, retain, and recognize an exceptional, highly motivated staff to optimize student engagement and learning. Goal III • Northwest ISD will communicate in a timely, open manner and engage parents and the community members in positive partnership opportunities in our schools. Goal IV • Northwest ISD will provide premier facilities and support systems that enhance a positive learning environment and foster student and community pride. Goal V • Northwest ISD will invest resources to ensure that students, parents, and the community receive optimal educational services.

  8. Goal I Northwest ISD will design dynamic learning experiences to ensure that all students are future-ready learners.

  9. Goal I • Continue to concentrate and expand Early Literacy programs and training • New teacher appraisal system T-Tess • Deploy Chromebooks Grades 6-12 • Google Educator Certification – Teacher Certifications • Communications on CBAS

  10. Goal II Northwest ISD will recruit, develop, retain, and recognize an exceptional, highly motivated staff to optimize student engagement and learning.

  11. Goal II • Streamline the EXIT process electronically • Stipend review • Customer service training for Central Office staff • Earn status as a Blue Zone Employer

  12. Goal III Northwest ISD will communicate in a timely, open manner and engage parents and the community members in positive partnership opportunities in our schools.

  13. Goal III • Explore a New to NISD Parent Orientation program • Develop train the trainer model for NISD mentors in the classroom • Redesign district and campus websites • Update website guidelines for the district, campus, teacher webpages

  14. Goal IV Northwest ISD will provide premier facilities and support systems that enhance a positive learning environment and foster student and community pride.

  15. Goal IV • Install ReadyOp Communications System for district-wide implementation • Develop a disaster recovery and business continuity plan • Audit and apply for “Energy Star Ratings” at all campuses • Plans for Elementary #18

  16. Goal V Northwest ISD will invest resources to ensure that students, parents, and the community receive optimal educational services.

  17. Goal V • Staff training webinars on email etiquette and the importance of FERPA and professionalism when discussing student records by email • Paperless process for purchasing • Replace the Acceptable Use Policy with a Responsible Use Policy for students • Implement an inventory system that provides for the management of district assets that includes aging and audit reports

  18. 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan Our Vision The best and most sought-after school district where every student is future ready: •Ready for college •Ready for the global workplace •Ready for personal success

  19. District Improvement Plan2016-2017June 16, 2016

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