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This article discusses the crucial role of neurologists in the care and cure of stroke patients, including their involvement in the acute phase, diagnosis processes, and management strategies, highlighting the importance of quick and accurate interventions.
What neurologist may add to the care and cure of of stroke patients, or… What is the place of the neurologist in stroke medicine? Peter Sandercock Perugia December 2007
In the UK…to diagnose a rare cause of stroke by clinical examination?
Acute care: the neurologist will often be involved at all points in the ‘path of acute care’
Acute brain attack If neurologist finds NO clinical evidence of ‘stroke mimic’, e.g.: epileptic seizure, migraine, Hypo- orhyper-glycaemia, or other obvious non-stroke diagnosis -> do CT Non-stroke pathology Subdural, tumour CT/MR Scan Scan: Normal, Infarct, intracerebral bleed, SAH
NIHSS and ‘stroke’ vs ‘not stroke’ • About one third of patients with NIHSS 1-4 do not have an acute stroke • NIHSS > 4 is a useful indicator that the deficit is due to a stroke
If CT or MR excludes blood and ‘stroke mimic’ neurologist decides Probably ELIGIBLE for thrombolysis’ • Known time of onset • Unilateral neurological signs • Increasing NIH score (>4) • Abnormal vascular signs (AF, PVD) Probably NOT ELIGIBLE • Deficit first noted on waking from sleep • Prior cognitive impairment • Loss of consciousness at/soon after onset • Seizure • Can walk now ( too mild)
Man 75 years, arrives at ER 3.5 hrs after, sudden onset ‘dizziness’ and unsteadiness Exam: Unsteady when standing No limb ataxia NIHSS = 2 ? POCI ? POCI ?Hyper-attenuating basilar artery?
What to do? • MR and angiography not available • ‘Outside 3 hour window’: iv thrombolysis not approved • If this is a basilar thrombosis, could he deteriorate rapidly if not treated? • Randomised in IST-3
Migraine or ischaemic stroke? This 53-year-old female patient with acute headache and right-sided hemianopia. Not treated with thrombolysis, because significance of abnormality not appreciated Krings et al, Stroke. 2006;37:399-403.)
Initial CT (A to C) show a hyperattenuating posterior cerebral artery (arrow in B). On follow-up (D to F), a large PCA infarction is now visible.
Blood on CT can be missed if not looked for carefully Have disappeared if the patient presents a day or more after the haemorrhage Subarachnoid haemorrhage with focal deficit (eg hemiparesis) due to delayed cerebral ischaemia
Patient has clinical diagnosis of ‘acute stroke’ but CT is normal.
Can you diagnose ‘acute ischaemic stroke suitable for thrombolysis’ without DWI MR? Yes, if: • The time of onset of stroke symptoms is known precisely • You have an experienced stroke physician/stroke neurologist able to see the patient urgently in A&E or at CT scan room • Urgent non-contrast CT scan is interpreted by someone with expertise in acute stroke CT • -> MRI not essential; its place in routine acute stroke care yet to be determined
‘Telephone neurology’ in acute stroke to patient / family: confirm diagnosis, seek consent. Neurologist to general physician: advice, IST-3 helpline
Neurologists and ‘dizzy turns’ • a 50 year old woman (depressed, just started on anti-depressant) has an episode where speech is ‘dizzy and confused’. • At emergency department: BP 180/90. Normal examination. • diagnosis ‘?reaction to anti-depressant;’ • Management ‘stop drug and go home’, but does refer neurologist
Neurologist asks about other symptoms: the day before she describes a brief episode of loss of vision in the left eye (amaurosis fugax).
The correct diagnosis • An ocular and a cerebral TIA in the distribution of the left internal carotid artery • High early risk of stroke • Immediate action required
High early risk of stroke after TIA 14 OXVASC OCSP 12 10 8 Risk of stroke (%) 6 10% risk of stroke by 7 days 4 2 0 0 7 14 21 28 Days Lancet 2005; 366: 29-36
Management • Start dual antiplatelet therapy, statin and anti-hypertensive immediately • Immediate carotid ultrasound study - often performed by neurologist
Overall, 62% of patients referred with ‘TIA’ were found to have other diagnoses migraine syncope/pre-syncope ‘funny turn’ (= event it is not possible to categorise) vertigo or dizziness only epilepsy transient global amnesia cerebral tumour Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project: of 542 patients referred with possible TIAs, in 317 (62%) the diagnosis was not a TIA
Neurologist organises management of TIA and minor stroke • Urgent brain imaging if symptoms persist > 1-2 hours • high ABCD2 score, ?admit to hospital for treatment & investigation • Aspirin • Add dipyridamole in high-risk cases • Statin to lower cholesterol • Blood pressure lowering: diuretic and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor • Urgent non-invasive carotid imaging -> endarterectomy < 2 weeks if severe stenosis
The neurologist is often the leader of the multi-disciplinary team on the stroke unit
Research led by neurologists identified effective stroke treatments • Treatment acute ischaemic stroke • Aspirin, • Thrombolysis • Prevention • Anticoagulants in AF • Antiplatelet for secondary prevention after TIA/stroke • Carotid surgery for symptomatic stenosis
The neurologist has many roles in cure and care of stroke • Diagnosis of in acute phase • Management in the acute phase • Lead multidisciplinary team on stroke unit • Co-ordinate stroke services, including secondary prevention • Lead research