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Complex Numbers

Complex Numbers. Any positive real number b, where i is the imaginary unit and bi is called the pure imaginary number. Definition of pure imaginary numbers:. Definition of pure imaginary numbers:. i is not a variable it is a symbol for a specific number. Simplify each expression.

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Complex Numbers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Complex Numbers

  2. Any positive real number b, where i is the imaginary unit and bi is called the pure imaginary number. Definition of pure imaginary numbers:

  3. Definition of pure imaginary numbers: i is not a variable it is a symbol for a specific number

  4. Simplify each expression.

  5. Remember Remember Simplify each expression.

  6. Simplify. To figure out where we are in the cycle divide the exponent by 4 and look at the remainder.

  7. Simplify. Divide the exponent by 4 and look at the remainder.

  8. Simplify. Divide the exponent by 4 and look at the remainder.

  9. Simplify. Divide the exponent by 4 and look at the remainder.

  10. Definition of Complex Numbers Any number in form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is imaginary unit.

  11. Definition of Equal Complex Numbers Two complex numbers are equal if their real parts are equal and their imaginary parts are equal. If a + bi = c + di, then a = c and b = d

  12. When adding or subtracting complex numbers, combine like terms.

  13. Simplify.

  14. Simplify.

  15. Multiplying complex numbers. To multiply complex numbers, you use the same procedure as multiplying polynomials.

  16. I O F L Simplify.

  17. I O F L Simplify.

  18. The Habitat for humanity project utilizes volunteers to help build house for low – income families who might not be able to afford the purchase of a home. At a recent site, Habitat workers built a small storage shed attached to the house. The electrical blueprint for the shed called for two AC circuits connected in series with a total voltage of 220 volts. One of the circuits must have an impedance of 7-10j ohms, and the other needs to have an impedance of 9+5j ohms. According to the building codes, the impedance cannot exceed 20-5j ohms. Will the circuits, as designed, meet the code?

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