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LHCb sensitivity to with B h + h - and U-spin Symmetry. Laura Fabbri on behalf of the LHCb collaboration. Physics at LHC Vienna, 13 -17 July 2004. Outline. Physics motivation Extraction of the weak phase from the B d + - and B s K + K - decays
LHCb sensitivity to with Bh+h- and U-spin Symmetry Laura Fabbri on behalf of the LHCb collaboration Physics at LHC Vienna, 13 -17 July 2004
Outline • Physics motivation • Extraction of the weak phase from the Bd+-and BsK+K- decays • Bd(s)h+h-event selection • Strategy, event yields and background-to-signal ratios • CP sensitivity • Bayesian determination of • Conclusions Physics at LHC
CKM (new?) physics Indirect CKM fitsexpect 65o • When LHCb starts taking data in 2007, sin2 will be already known with very good accuracy • To isolate signals of new physics, it is crucial to measure the other two angles of the Unitarity Triangle, as ( -arg Vub) • In case of new physics, more complementary measurements of will help to understand where the new contributions come from • Bh+ h- have sizeable contribution from penguin graphs which may evidence new physics in loops from LHCb? Tree Diagram Penguin Diagram Physics at LHC
d =2Bd-Bd mixing phase(measured with BdJ/Ks) s =-22Bs-Bs mixing phase(can be probed with BsJ/) Extracting from Bd+-andBsK+K- 4 equations and 5 unknowns: d, ,d’,’ (hadronic parameters) and One needs other inputs to solve for [R.Fleischer, Phys. Lett. B459 (1999)] Physics at LHC
Unique solution for Using U-spin Symmetry Bd+- U-spin (d,s quark exchange) BsK+K- 6 eqs. and 5 unknowns the system can be solved unambiguously U-spin symmetry In this example Physics at LHC
Bd(s)h+h-event selection • Selection cuts are simultaneously optimized in order to maximize • Two major sources of backgrounds taken into account • Combinatorial background from bb inclusive events • Due to the huge minimum bias MC statistics required for a detailed study of combinatorial background, we make the plausible assumption that most of the combinatorial background will come from beauty events (presence of high pT and large IP tracks from B) • Specific background from B decayswith same two-track topology • e.g. BdK+-, BsK+K-, Bs+K- as backgrounds for Bd+- • After event selection, tagging and trigger algorithms are tuned on selected events LHCb Public Note 2003-123 Physics at LHC
, K B0(s) , K IP Beam axis (z) IPB L IP Selection cuts • Reconstruction and Particle ID • Each charged track identified asa Pion or Kaon using the Particle ID detectors (RICHs in particular) • Selection cuts on identified tracks • p • Max[pT(h+), pT(h-)] • Min[pT(h+), pT(h-)] • Max[IP/IP(h+), IP/IP(h-)] • Min[IP/IP(h+), IP/IP(h-)] • 2 of common vertex • Selection cuts on the candidate B • pT • IP/IP • L/L • Invariant mass Physics at LHC
Mass spectrasignals + specific backgrounds only Bd+- BdK+- Two-body background only if not using RICH… 17 MeV/c2 BsK+K- Bs+K- Mostly BdK+-(same signature) Physics at LHC
Proper time acceptance and resolution Acceptance suppression at low proper time due to cuts on IPs and distance of flight 1=341 fs 2=673 fs (15%) Resolution on proper time fitted with double Gaussian(single Gaussian 40 fs) Physics at LHC
Signal yields andbackground-to-signal ratios • Annual yields after L0+L1 triggers and offline selection (assumed bb = 0.5 mb and L =2fb-1/yr) Physics at LHC
CP sensitivity studiesFast Monte Carlo Simulation • In order to study the sensitivity on the angle we generated many data samples, each corresponding to different settings of the relevant unknown parameters: • Ms,, s, d, , etc. • The Fast Monte Carlo produces proper time and invariant mass distributions {(t, m)k; k=1, N}of tagged B decays (combinatorial background included). • The {(t, m)k; k=1, N} distributions are parameterized according to the proper time acceptance, resolution and invariant mass distributions obtained from the full GEANT simulation, which takes into account realistic pattern recognition, trigger and offline selection. Physics at LHC
Likelihood Fit • In order to extract CP asymmetries and mistag fraction simultaneously from data we perform a combined extended unbinned maximum likelihood fit of Bd+ - and BdK+ - (BsK+K- and Bs+K-) event samples (plus background) • BdK+ - (Bs+ K-) is a flavour specific decay and is used as control channel • Bd+ - (BsK+ K- ) and BdK+ - (Bs+ K-) have the same two-track topology (same tagging power) • extract the wrong tag probability from data itself • The fit is performed against 17 parameters describing the shape of the decay rate and invariant mass distributions • In particular we obtain the joint p.d.f. for the CP asymmetry coefficients Adir and Amix • Bivariate gaussians G(Adir, Amix) for the Bd+ - andGKK(Adir, Amix) for the BsK+ K- LHCb Public Note 2003-124 Physics at LHC
Bayesian approach to determine the p.d.f. • To propagate the experimental joint p.d.f. for Adir, Amix, the weak mixing phases dand s to a joint p.d.f. for d, and the Bayesian approach is used: Exp. joint p.d.f. (bivariate gaussian) for Gaussian priors for the weak mixing phases(from LHCb BdJ/KS and BsJ/) Physics at LHC
Perfect U-spin O(20%) U-spin breaking would induce only a few degreesshift on Sensitivity on from Bd+-andBsK+K- (1 year) Correct Solution 65o Fake solution(disappears with more statistics) d- plane 95% confidence region from Bd+- only 95% confidence region from BsK+K- only Yellow and White contours: 68% and 95% confidence regions using all the information Physics at LHC
Sensitivity scan () vs d=0.3, = 160°, =65°, s=-0.04°, s/s=0.1 () vs ms d=0.3, = 160°, s=-0.04°, s/s=0.1, ms=20 ps-1 Physics at LHC
Conclusions • The LHCb experiment will select and tag very large samples of Bd (Bs) charmless two-body decays • By combining the measurements of the Bd+-andBsK+K- asymmetry coefficients LHCb can measure with a 5° statistical uncertainty, in one year, assuming U-spin symmetry and Standard Model • This strategy could disclose new physics effects in penguin diagrams providing a different measurement of with respect to e.g. and • see LHCb talks by Eduardo Rodrigues and Sandra Amato Physics at LHC
Backup slides Physics at LHC
PAPenguin Annihilation Ccolour-suppressed Tree Pgluonic Penguin TTree PEWelectroweak Penguin PCEWcolour-suppressed electroweak Penguin EExchange AAnnihilation Charmless two-body decays of B mesons: diagrams Gronau, Hernandez, London and Rosner, Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 4529 Physics at LHC
Bd+-andBsK+K- decay amplitudes Bd+- BsK+K- Physics at LHC
Distributions of selection variables for BsK+K- and combinatorial bb background Bs Mass bb background ——— signal cut value and accepted region Max[IP/IP(K+), IP/IP(K-)] Min[IP/IP(K+), IP/IP(K-)] 2 of common vertex Bs pT Bs IP/IP Max[pT(K+), pT(K-)] Bs L/L Min[pT(K+), pT(K-)] Physics at LHC
Selection cuts Identifiedtracks candidate B Physics at LHC
Fast MC input values Nominal parameters: Bd +-, Bd K+- Bs K+K-, Bs +K- tagging efficiency 42% 50% wrong tagging fraction 35% 33% M 0.5 ps-1 20 ps-1 1/1.54 ps-1 1/1.46 ps-1 / 0 0.1 d 0.3 0.3 160o 160o 65o 65o weak mixing phase 0.82 -0.04 Sensitivity scan: parameters are varied one at a time d: 0.1 0.2 (0.3) 0.4 : 120o 140o(160o) 180o 200o : 55o(65o) 75o 85o 95o 105o s: 0 (-0.04) -0.1 -0.2 Ms (ps-1)15 (20) 25 30 s/ s: 0 (0.1) 0.2 Physics at LHC
Sensitivity on Resolution computed as half the 68% confidence interval Physics at LHC
U-spin Symmetry How much rely on it? • U-spin symmetry in the relations d=d’ and =’ is not broken within naïve factorization approximation (Fleischer, Phys. Lett. B459, 1999) • Fleischer and Matias (hep-ph/0204101) allow for a SU(3) violation of 20%: d’/d 0.8÷1.2 • Matias (hep-ph/0311042) claims that a SU(3) breaking of 20% would induce only a5o shifton ; a phase difference =’- as large as 40o induces only a shift on of1o • Beneke (hep-ph/0308040) estimates through QCD factorization a possible SU(3) violation at 30% level:d’/d 0.85÷1.3, ±15o • A better understanding of SU(3) breaking would be desirable, but a O(20%) breaking does not spoil the measurement Physics at LHC
Mass spectrasignals + combinatorial beauty background only BdK+- Bd+- BsK+K- BsK+K- Bs+K- Physics at LHC