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Learn the conditions of equilibrium, how to draw free body diagrams (FBDs), and solve problems involving rigid bodies in equilibrium. Understand the concepts of stationary and steady translation motion, as well as how to classify equilibrium problems.

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  1. 3 EQUILIBRIUM System isolation and equilibrium conditions

  2. Objectives Students must be able to #1 Course Objective • State the conditions of equilibrium, draw free body diagrams (FBDs), analyse and solve problems involving rigid bodies in equilibrium. Chapter Objectives • Analyse objects (particles and rigid bodies) in equilibriums • Classify problems in equilibrium into SD and SI categories

  3. Equilibrium Definition stationary relative to an “inertial reference frame”. An object is in equilibrium when it is stationary or in steady translation moving with Constant velocity Whether object in stationary (moving in steady translation) or not, depends on “reference frame”. really equilibrium? Equilibrium Newtonian Mechanics “Inertial Reference Frame” - Earth Frame - Central Universe Frame Centrifugal acceleration Earth At universe

  4. 3/1 Introduction A • - Equilibrium is the most important subject in statics. • In statics, we deal primarily with bodies at rest. • (i.e. they are in the state of “equilibrium”). A - More precisely, when a body is in equilibrium, the wrench resultant of all forces acting on it is zero; i.e. • These requirements are necessary and sufficientconditions for equilibrium; i.e. If is truebody in equilibrium If body in equilibrium is true • From the Newton’s second law of motion, a body that moves with constant velocity, rotates with constant angular velocity; i.e. “zero acceleration”, can also be treated as in a state of equilibrium.

  5. Equilibrium in 2D - All physical bodies are inherently 3D, but many may be treated as 2D; e.g. when all forces are on the same plane. 3/2 Mechanical system isolation • Before we apply the equilibrium conditions • we need to know what force or couple are involved. Isolate body • Draw Free Body Diagram (FBD) • FBD is used to isolate body (or bodies / system of bodies) so that force/couple acting on it can be identified.

  6. Free Body Diagram (FBD) • FBD is the sketch of the body under consideration that is isolated from all other bodies or surroundings. • The isolation of body clearly separate cause and effects of loads on the body. • A thorough understanding of FBD is most vital for solving problems.

  7. body in interest y y x x Construction of FBD 1) Pick body/combination of bodies to be isolated 2) Isolating the body. Draw “complete external boundary” of the isolated body Free Body Diagram 3) Add all forces and moments (including that are applied by the removed surrounding) 150 cm 50 cm 4) Indicate a coordinate system 5) Indicate necessary dimensions Most important step is solving problems in mechanics. *** If an FBD is not drawn (when it is needed), you will get no credit ( 0 point ) for the whole problem!!!! *** 150 cm 50 cm

  8. Note on drawing FBD y x Free Body Diagram • Establish the x, y, z axesin any suitable orientation. • Label all the known and unknown force magnitudes and directions on the diagram • The sense of a force having an unknown magnitude can be assumed. 150 cm 50 cm • Use different colours in diagrams • Body outline - blue • Load (force and couple) - red • Miscellaneous (dimension, angle, etc.) - black

  9. Equilibrium Solving Procedure • Formulate problems from physical situations. • (Simplify problems by making appropriate assumptions) • Draw the free body diagram (FBD)of objects under consideration • Substitute variables from the FBD into the equilibrium equations • Substitute the numbers and solve for solutions • Delay substitute numbers • Use appropriate significant figures • Technical judgment and engineering sense • Try to predict the answers • Is the answer reasonable? • State the condition of equilibrium

  10. Equilibrium Free Body Diagram (FBD) • FBD is the sketch of the body under consideration that is isolated from all other bodies or surroundings. • The isolation of body clearly separate cause and effects of loads on the body. • A thorough understanding of FBD is most vital for solving problems.

  11. Equilibrium Equilibrium FBD Construction • Select the body to be isolated • Draw boundaryof isolated body, excluding supports • Indicate a coordinate system by drawing axes • Add all applied loads (forces and couples)on the isolated body. • Add all to support reactions (forces and couples)represent the supports that were removed. • Beware of loads or support reactions with specific directions due to physical meanings • Add dimensions and other information that are required in the equilibrium equation

  12. EquilibriumHelp on FBD • Establish the x, y axes in any suitable orientation. • Label all the known and unknown applied load and support reaction magnitudes • Beware of loads or support reactions with specific directions due to physical meanings • Otherwise, directions of unknown loads and support reactions can be assumed.

  13. Equilibrium EquilibriumOn FBD Analyses Objective: To find support reactions • Apply the equations of equilibrium • Load components are positive if they are directed along a positive direction, and vice versa • It is possible to assume positive directions for unknown forces and moments. If the solution yields a negative result, the actual load direction is opposite of that shown in the FBD.

  14. Contents the heart () of Statics • Equilibrium of Objects • Particles (2D & 3D) • 2D Rigid Bodies • 3D Rigid Bodies Rigid Bodies • SD and SI Problems Ideal particle can not rotate. (no couple acting on it) Particle

  15. ParticlesFBD construction To construct a complete FBD of a particle • Select the particle to be isolated • Draw the particle as a point • Indicate a coordinate system • Add all active forces/moments (weight, etc.) • Add all support reactions (e.g. tension in the tangential direction of a cable, tensile and compressive forces in a compressed and stretched springs)

  16. ParticlesEquilibrium Analyses #2 Equations of Equilibrium • Apply the equations of equilibrium • Components are positive if they are directed along a positive axis, and negative if they are directed along a negative axis. • Assume the directions of unknown forces in the positive x, and y axes. If the solution yields a negative result, this indicates the sense of the force is the reverse of that shown on the FBD.

  17. Particle Equilibrium ParticlesEquilibrium in 3D z y x

  18. H-Ex3-1#1) The sphere has a mass of 6 kg and is supported as shown.Draw a free-body diagram of the sphere, the cord CE, and the knot at C.

  19. How many unknowns? y x How many Equations? Action-reaction pair - use same symbol - opposite direction

  20. FBD of A Determine the tension in cables AB and AD for equilibrium of the 250-kg engine shown.

  21. FBD of A

  22. Example Hibbeler Ex 3-3 #1 FBD of E 2unknown, 2 Eqs (at this stage) If the sack at A has a weight of 20 lb, determine the weight of the sack at B and the force in each cord needed to hold the system in the equilibrium position shown. 3unknown, 2 Eqs (at this stage) = ?

  23. Recommended FBD of E FBD of C

  24. Example Hibbeler Ex 3-5 #1 A 90-N load is suspended from the hook. The load is supported by two cables and a spring having a stiffness k = 500 N/m. Determine the force in the cables and the stretch of the spring for equilibrium. Cable AD lies in the x-y plane and cable AC lies in the x-z plane.

  25. 3D particle Equilibrium How many unknowns, how many equations? (no FBD, no score) perfect answer sheet

  26. Example Hibbeler Ex 3-7 #1 Determine the force developed in each cable used to support the 40-kN (4 tonne) crate shown. 3D particle Equilibrium

  27. Particle Equilibrium Hibbeler Ex 3-7 #2

  28. Particle Equilibrium Example Hibbeler Ex 3-7 #4

  29. 2D Equilibrium Equilibrium of 2D Rigid Bodies • Use similar analyses as the particles • Additional consideration • Action forces in supports/constraints • Free-body diagram (FBD) of 2D rigid bodies • Equilibrium equations (scalar form) for rigid bodies • Two-force and three-force members

  30. Force Reaction (2D)   tangent to the cable T To write an FBD, first, you will need to know what kind of force we will get when eliminating the environment/surrounding. 1) Flexible cable, belt, chain, or rope   always away from the body T

  31. N N F R N 2) Smooth surfaces - Contact force at contact point normal to the surface/contact plane only this direction - always compressive 3) Rough surfaces Not always this direction • A rough surface can produce a tangential force (F, friction) as well as a normal force (N) • direction of F depend on situations (chapter 6) only this direction

  32. N - Roller, rocker, or ball transmits a compressive force normal to the supporting surface N N N 4) Roller supports only this direction 5) Freely sliding guide The vector Nmay be up or down depend on problem. If not known, you may assume any of the two. After further calculation, if N is +, correct sense was assumed. If negative, N goes the other way. not always this direction M M existence due to its bending resistance

  33. Pin not free to turn Pin free to turn Rx Rx M Ry Ry M F V A 6) Pin connection not always this direction As a general rule, if a support prevents translationof a body in a given direction, thena force is developedon the body in the opposite direction. Similarly,if rotation is prevented, a coupleis exerted on the body. 7) Built-in or fixed support not always this direction Weld A A

  34. G W=mg F x is positive F x is negative 8) Gravitational attraction Resultant of the gravitational attraction is the weight W = mg and act toward center of the earth passing through the center mass G m 9) Spring action x F Normal distance For linear springs , F = kx

  35. Equilibrium You may assume either case. The sign will indicate its sense of direction later.

  36. 2D Equilibrium Equilibrium construction of a FBD To construct a complete FBD for a 2D rigid bodies • determine which bodyis to be isolated • draw external boundaryof isolated body • indicate a coordinate system (axes) • add all loads(forces and couples, be they applied or support) No FBDs  Cannot apply equilibrium conditions  NO SCORES

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