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At Clever Care, we provide all original Medicare Advantage plan covers including drug, vision, hearing, dental, or wellness coverage. Speak to our licensed agent today!
ChoosingyourMedicareAdvantagePlancanbesimpleifyou havetherightguidance.Thisguidewillhelpyoudetermine the right coverage that satisfies all your healthcare requirements. Medicare Advantage Plan covers benefits like hearing, dental, vision treatment, and preventative services like annualphysicals,whicharenotincludedinMedicarePartA andPartB. Introduction
MedicareAdvantage Plan with$0Premiums Preventive Care Coverage PrescriptionDrugCoverage CoverageforHospitalStaysandDoctor Visits Medicare Advantage Plans->
Medicare Advantage Plan with$0Premiums Some Advantage Plans provide health benefits at no extra expense higher than what you have already paid for Medicare. Even though some premium plans do not have a monthly premium, there are others that do. Unless Medicaid oranyotherthirdpartycoversyourmedicalneeds,youmust continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Remember, in all service areas, prescription drug coverage plans are available.
PreventiveCare Coverage Medicare Advantage Plans include services that are not offeredbyMedicarePartAorMedicarePartB,including dental, vision, annual physicals, hearing, and emergency servicescoveragewhiletraveling.AfewMedicareAdvantage Plan providers also provide features like gym and fitness programs.
PrescriptionDrug Coverage IfyouareunsurewhetheryourequirePrescriptionDrug (MedicarePartD)coveragerightnow,youcanstillgeta MedicareAdvantagePlanthatincludesit.Ofcourse,the limits and copays apply. Additionally, out-of-network services can also be more expensive than in-network servicesforPPO,RPPO,andHMO-POSplans.
Coverage for HospitalStaysand DoctorVisits Some Medicare Advantage Plans are specially created to offercopaysforhospitalstays,specialist,anddoctorvisits. In many situations, you can even see a doctor without a prescription. Hence, before applying for a Medical Advantage Plan, it is crucial to make the right choice by closely comparing and analyzing costs and different advantages.
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