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Clever Maniacs collaborate with innovative companies to develop effective content strategies. Our experience in this field has led to a proven track record in enhancing our customers search engine rankings. We have 4 core values: Transparency, persistence, trust, and integrity. Delivery is our promise.
Clever Maniacs ideas
One Partner,One Solution It is no longerenough to stand out in a crowd, you must standabove.
Clever ManiacsStory CleverManiacswasformedin2010onthesimpleideathatbusinesses needtohaveoneplacewheretheycangetsoundbusinessadviceon marketingtheircompanyfromagroupofcleverandcreativebusiness people.
OUR MANIACS AREAWESOME Graphic Artists-Web Developers-Programmers-SEO Experts-Social Media Strategists-Business Development Managers-Writers-Video Editors-PressAgents Wehaveputtogetheranawardwinningteamofspecialistswithapassionfortheirfields.Withourfocuson resultsandasharedpurposeofmakingtheuserexperiencegreat,we are abletogetprojectsdonecorrectly every time and inless time.
“We couldn't be happier that you do all of our SEO.Youarethebestcompanyouttherehands down!Thankyouagain!” We have been working with Clever Maniacs for 4 years They completely redevelop our company website. We have been very impressed with the marketingandinternetexperiencethattheClever Maniacs Team have provided. They took time to assess our present needs for developing a brand, our mission statement and our goals for the future both professionally and personally. Clever Maniacs is recreating Divine Interventions into a highly visible, professionally marketablecompany to help it target the particular market of people and companies we help every day. We highly rec- ommend theirservices. VictoriaLewis 1stChoiceRVOutfitters.com "Phonecallstoourgunrangehavegoneup 133%,ouronlinestorehasreceivedasteady increase in online shoppers and our social media has never looked better. All of this, thankstotheteamatCleverManiacs." FrankAbay Miami GunRange NathanFearsandJulieCrocco Divine Interventions,LLC WhatOurCustomersAreSaying
Today’s localmarketing requiresafullservicemarketingsolution Your online reputation, where you rank on search results, your social engagement, yourvideostrategyandyourpublicrelationsallcombinetocreateyouronlinedigital footprint. Your Brand is the cornerstone of all of your online digital marketing campaigns and our program seamlessly integrates your marketing while enhancing your onlineimage. BRAND WEBSITE SEARCH REPUTATION SOCIAL PRESS VIDEO
@ OnsiteOptimization and Analytics is theFoundation
Our SearchService HOW ITWORKS Yourwebsitemustbeoptimizedforsearch. WeworkonyourURLs,tagging,contentadjustmentsandtechnicalmatters sothatwehaveagoodfoundationtostartrankingyoursite.
How You AreFound CONTENT We write engaging quality articles and blogs about your business and services. We announce your news with informative press releases. And we do amazing inforgraphics to tell your story. We take this well planned content and publish it all over the web so that folks lookingforwhatyouoffercanfindyouramazingbusiness! We help convert those visitors intocustomers.
HowYouAreFound-SearchEnginesandListings Accuratelistingsarecritical.Weoptimizeyourlistingsonthemajor search engines-Google,BingandYahoo.Wecreate100’sofcitations anddirectorylistingsusingyournamingproperties.Googlelikesthat.Ifwedetermineyourexistinglistingsare inacurrate,wewillletyouknowandyoucanaddourcleanupservicestoyourorder.
Clever Maniacs ideas Your Business Development Specialist Can Help You Select the PackageThat Will Help Your BusinessGrow.