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Essay writing. Do you agree that education should be treated like any other business? . Au brouillon: mobiliser du lexique. BUSINESS: A factory , a mill , a company Make money, make profits, be financially profitable, the return on investment , Spending , expenditures
Essaywriting Do youagreethateducationshouldbetreatedlikeanyother business?
Au brouillon: mobiliser du lexique • BUSINESS: A factory, a mill, a company Make money, make profits, befinancially profitable, the return on investment, Spending, expenditures Run a school, a buisness Improve, upgrade manufacture goods, innovate, R&D sector, come up with new products Target customers, tailorgoods to the needs of the customers, respond to the needs of To manage, operate a factory A mill-owner, a chiefexecutive Be competitive on the market, gain new marketshares Competition in a globalizedeconomy Efficiency, profitability The shareholders
Convoquer des structures pertinentes As vs. Like Likeanyotherbusiness, schools must check theirspendings. Schoolscannotbeoperatedlikefactories / as if theywerefactories. He worked as an educationcounsellor. Comparatif d’égalité: Schools are not expected to be as profitable as companies. Exprimer la différence: Unlikemost entrepreneurs, principals are not accountable to shareholders. While / whereascompaniesprioritizefinancialprofitability, schoolsprioritizeliteracy standards. Contrary to entrepreneurs, who must innovate to secure future profits, principals do not have to encourage educationalresearch. Studentoutcomes are not foreseable. Conversely, consumption patterns are predictable. Schoolscanhardlybecompared to / are in no waysimilar to businesses. One coulddraw a comparisonbetweenschools and businesses.
Au brouillon: classez vos idées Whatiscommon to businesses and schools: Competitionbetween state-runschools and charter or privateschools Accountabilityeither to shareholders or parents and the state (result-orientedpolicies) Public expenditures have to bechecked; principals have to reduce the cost of education Like businesses, the educationsectormaycontribute to a nation’swealth Whatdifferentiates the two: Profitabilityis not the first and foremostaim. Investing in educationdoes not provideimmediate return on investment. Career-readiness (whichcouldbelikened to a product’susefulness) is not the single goal of education. Civic educationisconnected to schoolgovernancewhile management methods are not keyed to citizenship.
Analysez des exemples précis Let’sconsiderthe R&D notion: in the economy, justlike in education, researchcangeneratehigher profits, or betterresults. For instance / for example, computer-assistedlearningmethodsmaybooststudent’sproficiency. The notion of accountabilitycanbeexemplified by the NCLB act. As a matter of factstate subsidies varyaccording to studentoutcome. A case in point is the new emphasis on empowerment. Let’squote the example of …
Donnez votre opinion après analyse I agree I am of a mindthat I would argue that I considerthat My contention isthat I believethat I amconvinced / satisfiedthat I wouldeasliyendorse the viewthat I disagree I do not sharethisview I findthisapproachrather disputable Such an argument seems to beflawed One may question thisoutlook This analysisshouldbe put to the test / shouldbequestioned
Introduisez le sujet Plusieurs types d’introductions sont possibles: • Approche surplombante: Educationalpolicies have always been fiercelydebated over as they are underlain by philosophical, or ideological issues. Because the running of the education system shapes the pupils’ lives and impacts the country’seconomic future, itis a complexfield of study. • Approche historique: The growingindustrialization of national economies and the pressure of globalizationrequirebettereducatedworkers. Education leadership isthereforeincreasinglyresult-oriented. Subcontracting and economiccompetition prompt leaders to impose new education standards. Are schoolsnowadayslikeanyother business? • Approche contextualisée: In some American states, schoolprincipals are nowtrained in a Management Institute and are expected to be efficient managers. The underlyingideaisthatschoolsneedbeoperatedlike business. The NCLB act, initatedunder the Bush presidencykeyed state funds to results and efficiency. Are weheadingtowards a managerialapproach of the school system?
Structurez l’argumentation Weshall first argue thateducational leadership isincreasinglysimilar to industrial leadership sinceaccountabilityisprioritorized in education. The system isnowresult-oriented. Weshallthenconsiderthe interplay of administrative and instructional leadership whichisspecific to education. This willlead us to the criticalanalysis of the notions of empowerment and responsibility. Teachers, pupils, and families are involved in the decision-makingprocess. Our last point willbefocused on the correlationbetweeneconomic performances (regional or national), vocational training and career-readiness.
Travaillez la formulation des idées EX: « The differentresearchintoeducation show thatwithequal money, the resultscanbebetteraccording to the policies of the country. » Scientific investigations into the education system have demonstratedthatreturns on investment varies according to the state policiesimplemented by the schoolboards: results are dependentbothuponfunding and educationalstrategies.
Exemple de production ON THE one hand, I can understand the comparison between the education system and a business. Indeed, education can be considered as an investment on the future. In public schools, education is financed by governements / STATE-FUNDED / STATE-RUN, so they expect to have their money back when the students start their professional life. In private schools, parents are the ones who pay, so both private and public education could be considered businesses, where the parents get their money's worth in the education of their children. On the other hand, I think it should not be treated like a business, because the main goal is not to make profit. Parents are not customers who pay for a service, and students are not the employees of a company. It’s not possible to imagine a school run like a business, where employees could get fired for not doing their job correctly. I think the main goal is to enlighten the society, but not only in order to compete with other countries ECONOMICALLY. In my opinion, the human DIMENSION is to be considered. I think governmentS only care about the economic issues but they don’t consider the human part. Of course, in a perfect world, schools would not be run like businesses but should have almost the same role as parents. A parent does whatever he can to help his kid get better. EDUCATION SHOULD ALSO DO SO AND help the children and not leave them behind when they ARE IN troubles.