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WORKSHOP ON CABLE-BASED OCEAN OBSERVATORIES 11-12 JUNE 2007, RADISSON SAS HOTEL NORGE, BERGEN. Research topics within [Seafloor]. Participants: Kuvvet Atakan Jon Oddvar Hellevang Jørn Einen Svein Winther Christine Zuhlsdorf Roland Person. Main research topics of interest are:
WORKSHOP ON CABLE-BASED OCEAN OBSERVATORIES 11-12 JUNE 2007, RADISSON SAS HOTEL NORGE, BERGEN Research topics within [Seafloor] Participants: Kuvvet Atakan Jon Oddvar Hellevang Jørn Einen Svein Winther Christine Zuhlsdorf Roland Person
Main research topics of interest are: • Seismology (earthquake monitoring in association with larger tectonic processes, geohazards, precursory phenomena) • Marine geology (sedimentary processes, gas-hydrates etc.) • GeoBio interactions (interactions between the plate-tectonic and associated biological processes) • Instrumentation (developmental needs and capacities)
Main geographical target areas: - Mid-oceanic ridges - Continental margin
GeoBio: Interested in micro-organisms at deep waters (>500 m). There is a need for understanding the environmental parameters such as temp., chemical composition, hydrothermal activity, microbe-mineral interactions. Do not need continuous monitoring in the start. Data collection in terms of rock samples, water saples and experimental retrieval. Mostly interested in mid-oceanic ridges (Mohns and Knipovitch). Seismic data would be relevant to link (to identify new vents etc.). • Marine geology: Interested in the sedimentary processes on the seafloor. Pock-marks, their origin and development, stability over time. Interaction between the gas-hydrates, methane emmision, slope stability. Interested in quantifying and characterizing the gas-hydrate accumulates, their melting process and implications for the slope instability processes (usually in shallow waters). Main target area is the Norwegian continental margin. Mapping of the gas-hydrates is the prime objective in a regional context. Biological-diversity and ecosystems in pock-marks. Repeated micro-bathymetry measurements of the pock-marks (to see the chances in sedimentation). For mapping the gas-hydrates, the interest is in a larger area. Need continuous measurements of gas-seepage and idetify activities such as thermal vents (for further data collections in active periods). Video-monitoring of the vents. Geoacoustic equipment for detecting the vents, temperature and chemical composition measurements.
Seismology: A large proportion of earthquakes detected by the Norwegian National Seismic Network (NNSN is operated by the GEO, UiB), are located offshore. It is therefore natural to enhnace the observation capacity with ocean-bottom seismographs (OBS). In general detailed monitoring is needed in areas where earthquake activity is high (such as along the continental margin at Nordland-coast, offshore Møre etc.). Another scientific target area for detailed monitoring is along the mid-ocanic ridge in the northern Atlantic, where processes such as plate-tectonics of slow-spreading, interaction between the submarine volcanic activity and earthquakes. In addition, the micro-earthquake activity and the swarms can be used as precursors of the hydrothermal activity along the MOR. Microearthquake activity could also be monitored for gas-hydrates.
Instrumentation: CMR in Bergen is in general interested in developing instrumentation for various monitoring purposes. Currently two types of instrument development are being conducted. (1) CO2 monitoring in water. (2) Leakage of CO2 from geological storage into the sea-water. Target scientific problems are related to geological storage of CO2 and climate-change problems. There is generally a need for specific instrument development.
Link between the CMR-UiB in developing new instrumentation based on needs of the scientific objectives and the technological developments. • Data management, including the instruments, acqusition systems, communications, storage and processing. It is important to develop standards in data streams.