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Title The Affordable Care Act

Title The Affordable Care Act. Subtitle: an interview with Margaret Stapleton by Margaret Stapleton. Q#1-Just what is the ACA?. Public Law 11-148; The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (3/23/2010).

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Title The Affordable Care Act

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  1. Title The Affordable Care Act • Subtitle: an interview with Margaret Stapleton by • Margaret Stapleton August 1, 2012

  2. Q#1-Just what is the ACA? • Public Law 11-148; The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (3/23/2010). • Public Law 11-151; The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (3/30/2010) • Amends hundreds of sections of the USC

  3. Q#2—Big deal? • Most important piece of American social justice legislation of the last 50 years. • In 2008, health care was the top issue among American voters, until the financial meltdown of the fall 2008 crowded out all other concerns. • 100 years coming.

  4. Q#3—What’s the big picture? • America’s health care system was broken—but lots of good ideas from smart people were ready and waiting for use. • ACA addresses all the issues that need fixing, including: • Uninsured and underinsured Americans • Cost of care and affordability of coverage • Capacity • Quality • UninsuUnr

  5. Q#4—Uninsured and underinsured? • Amended Medicaid to fill the gap in categories—”the newly eligible.” • Reformed private health insurance for individuals and groups. • Created affordable insurance for people with pre-existing conditions. • Created marketplaces for purchasing insurance-- Affordable Insurance Exchanges. • Defined benefits (“essential health benefits”)

  6. Q#5—How does ACA address cost and affordability? ? • Cost of care—dozens of reforms, including: electronic medical records; coordinated care entities; preventive care (without copayments); See Title III—Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care. • Affordability of coverage—community rating; medical loss ratios; insurance affordability programs for people under 400% FPL. See Title I—Quality, Affordable health Care for All Americans.

  7. Q#6—Capacity? Are there enough docs? • Important question. • Answer is “no,” , but not a problem caused by the ACA. • ACA part of the solution—See Title V—Health Care Workforce

  8. Q#7—How is ACA improving quality? • Dozens of good ideas. • See Title III—Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care. • See Title IV—Prevention of Chronic Disease and Improving public Health

  9. Q#8—Elephants? • Post NFIB v. Sebelius—Medicaid coverage for the “newly eligible” group; • Affordable Insurance Exchanges—Illinois will be a “state-partnership” exchange in year 1; • 2012 election.

  10. Q#9—Resources? • www.healthcare.gov • www.illinois.gov/healthcarereform • www.kff.org • www.povertylaw.org

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