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Announcing BSENG Bachelor of Software Engineering

Announcing BSENG Bachelor of Software Engineering. Faculty of Engineering University of Victoria. http://www.bseng.uvic.ca. People Depend on Software. Software is ubiquitous & central to our lives We interact daily with software systems At home —computer games

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Announcing BSENG Bachelor of Software Engineering

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  1. AnnouncingBSENGBachelor ofSoftware Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Victoria http://www.bseng.uvic.ca

  2. People Depend on Software • Software is ubiquitous & central to our lives • We interact daily with software systems • At home—computer games • At the office—on-line services • In the car—embedded control systems • We expect software to be reliable, efficient and effective in safety-critical systems as well as desktop computers BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  3. BSENG Degree Program • Innovative, attractive, and interdisciplinary • 16 months, integral, flexible co-op component • BSENG to be accredited by CEAB and CSAC • Start of program • Sep 2003 with First and Second Year of BSENG • BSENG final registration deadline: June 30, 2003 • UVic admissions office: http://web.uvic.ca/adms/ BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  4. BSENG Entry Points & Transfers • You can enter the BSENG directly in 1st Year • After 1st Year Engineering, you can pursue BSENG CENG, CSC, ELEC, MECH degrees • You can transfer from University Colleges into BSENG 3rd Year: starting Sep 2004 • You can transfer from BSENG to other UVic Engineering programs, including CSC BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  5. Faculty of EngineeringDegree Programs • Software Engineering (BSENG) • Computer Engineering (CENG) • Includes Software Engineering Specialization • Computer Science (CSC) • Includes Software Engineering Option • Electrical Engineering (ELEC) • Mechanical Engineering (MECH) • http://www.engr.uvic.ca BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  6. Announcing BSENGBachelor ofSoftware Engineering For further information please visit the BSENG Web Site http://www.bseng.uvic.ca

  7. What isSoftware Engineering? • SE is a systematic and disciplined approach to developing and evolving software • From early requirements engineering and design to long-term maintenance and evolution • SE applies both computer science and engineering principles and best practices to the creation, operation, and maintenance of software systems • SE deals with the entire spectrum of applications • From real-time embedded systems to long-lived information systems • From safety-critical systems to network-centric games BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  8. Demand forSoftware Engineers • The software industry has grown dramatically over the years • Mechanical and electronic devices in automobiles, airplanes, entertainment and communication equipment, manufacturing are being replaced by software components because software is more adaptable and can provide greater functionality. • Software is used in medical, transportation and financial systems to automate critical tasks. • Scientists and business researchers use software to sift through data warehouses to identify pertinent facts or trends. • Banking, insurance, and other businesses use software to automate and personalize the services they offer to their customers. • This proliferation of software applications has generated a growing demand for software professionals in Canada. BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  9. What are the differences betweenthe BSENG, CSC & CENG programs? • The three programs have common elements • stress an understanding of both digital hardware and software, albeit to varying degrees • hone students' problem-solving skills • Graduates of all three programs may compete for some of the same jobs • However, the programs have different objectives as illustrated on the next three slides BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  10. Computer Engineering (CENG) • Deals with designing, developing, and operating computer systems • Concentrates on digital hardware devices and computers, and the software that controls them • Advanced courses focus on standard designs and techniques for specific application domains • CENG emphasizes solving problems in digital hardware and at the hardware-software interface (i.e., firmware) level BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  11. Computer Science (CSC) • Focuses on understanding, designing, and developing programs and computers • Concentrates on data, data transformation, and algorithms • Advanced courses present specialized programming techniques and specific application domains • The CSC program is less structured than engineering programs, giving students more flexibility to build depth or breadth in a variety of application domains or in the fundamentals particularly in 3rd and 4th year. BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

  12. Software Engineering (BSENG) • Deals with building and evolving software systems • BSENG is more software-oriented and has a greater emphasis on large software applications than CENG • BSENG is more applied than CSC, placing greater emphasis on the entire software development process, from idea to final product • BSENG is also more disciplined than CSC, applying more systematic practices and engineering design to help ensure that products are reliable and safe • An important BSENG emphasis is communication skills BSENG—Faculty of Engineering

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