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The Standard of Living of the workers in Alcoy (1836-1913): Real wages , nutrition and sanitary reform. José Joaquín García Gómez University of Alicante jjgarcia@ua.es. Index. Introduction The Consumer Price Index of Alcoy (1836-1913)
The Standard of Living of theworkers in Alcoy (1836-1913):Real wages, nutrition and sanitaryreform José Joaquín García Gómez University of Alicante jjgarcia@ua.es
Index • Introduction • The Consumer Price Index of Alcoy (1836-1913) • Real wages during the Industrialization: The case of Alcoy • Diet and nutritional status of the workers in Alcoy • Conclusions: the importance of public intervention
Introduction • Alcoy, pioneercity of the Industrial Revolution in Spain • High factory density • Accelerated demographic growth and anarchicurbanization: market failures and negative external effects • Slight improvement of the income per capita
Introduction • Negative medioambiental, sanitary,alimentary andworking conditions • Deterioration of non chrematistic welfare elements was not balanced by the monetary elements: drop of the standard of living
Introduction • Welfare only raised when recovering its non monetary elements: • Improvement of thenutritional status • Publicinterventiontomitigatethemarketfailures of theincipient industrial and capitalistsystem
Introduction • Our goal is to analyse: • Consumption (through its proxy, real wages) • Nutrition (through diet and calories) • Its impact on mortality and height (indicators of the standard of living)
CPI in Alcoy (1836-1913) • Prices of goods and services consumed by households, represented by a consumer basket. • 36.000 data references of local prices • Two sources: MERCURIAL and INSTITUTIONAL account books • Archives: Municipal, Provincial and National Statistical Office • Reduction to one annual price in each product, exchanging ancient monetary units to pesetas measures to metrical system
CPI in Alcoy (1836-1913) • Consumption baskets: • Hospital´s account books (1837, 1852, 1871, 1918) • Social Reforms Commission Reports (1884) • Applying Laspeyres formula:
Real wages during the industrialization: the case of Alcoy • 12.300 data • Sources: • 1836-1879: records of ARFPA, the Hospital´s account books and the budget settlements of the City Hall, completed with the occasional available statistics and historical press • 1880-1914: Census Books and Labor Agreements
Real wages during the industrialization: the case of Alcoy • Arithmetic mean of nominal wages in agricultural, industrial and buildingconstructionsectors • Deflation of the series using CPI • Result: lethargic and irregularevolution • Comparation and contrastwithmortality and height
Diet and nutritional status of the workers in Alcoy • Real wages (overall consumption) don´t explain welfare evolution during the industrialization of Alcoy • We choose food consumption and nutrition: • 5 Budgets of food consumption • Sources: Monthly summaries of introductions in 1884, 1897 y 1912, and Hospital food expenditures in 1852, 1868 y 1928 • Conversion to Kilocalories(source: www.bedca.com) • Comparation with mortality and height: strengthen correlation
Own elaboration from the explained data sources. Conversion to kcal. from Cussó (2005) and www.bedca.com
Conclusions • Lack of correlation between real wages (overall consumption and mortality and height • Other factors affected negatively to welfare (enviroment, nutrition, work conditions, sanitary state…) • These were the negative external effects of industrialization and urbanization • Nutrition is highly correlationed with mortality and height: the standard of living only rose when food did
Conclusions • Publicexpenditurein sanitaryreformmitigatedthenegativeexternaleffects of industrialization • Data compiledfrom municipal accountbooks • Strong correlation between public expenditure per capita in the sanitary reform and mortalityand height • Until the last decades of 19th higher real income and food consumption did not make up for a better life conditions • Between the late 19th century and 1913, when healthcare reform started up, we could already feel optimistic