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Chapter 6

Chapter 6. SQL. Agenda. Data Definition Language (DDL) Access Control. String Data Types. Boolean data: true, false, null, unknown value (true > false) Character data Fixed length: CHAR(4) Variable length: VARCHAR(30) Bit data: binary string BIT(4). Numeric Data Types.

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Chapter 6

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  1. Chapter 6 SQL

  2. Agenda • Data Definition Language (DDL) • Access Control

  3. String Data Types • Boolean data: true, false, null, unknown value (true > false) • Character data • Fixed length: CHAR(4) • Variable length: VARCHAR(30) • Bit data: binary string • BIT(4)

  4. Numeric Data Types • NUMERIC or NUMBER [precision, [scale]] • DECIMAL or DEC [precision, [scale]] • INTEGER or INT • SMALLINT (32,767) • FLOAT [precision] • REAL • DOUBLE PRECISION

  5. Datetime data • DATE: year, month, day (DD-MON-YY) • TIME [timeprecision (for second, default=0)] [with time zone (control hour and minute)]: hour:minute:second a.m. or p.m. • TIMESTAMP [timeprecision (for second, default=6] [with time zone (control hour and minute)]: date and times (DD-MON-YY hour:second:minute a.m. or p.m.)

  6. Integrity Enhancement Feature • Required data • Domain constraint • Entity integrity constraint • Referential integrity constraint • Enterprise constraint

  7. Required Data • Position VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

  8. Domain Constraint - I • CHECK (search condition) • sex CHAR(1) NOT NULL CHECK (VALUE IN (‘m’, ‘f’)) • credit AS NUMBER(3) CHECK (VALUE BETWEEN 0 AND 999) • major AS CHAR(3) DEFAULT ‘mis’ CHECK (VALUE IN (‘mis’, ‘man’, ‘act’, ‘obe’))

  9. Domain Constraint - II • CREATE DOMAIN domain name [AS] data type [DEFACULT default option] [CHECK (VALUE IN (search condition))] • CREATE DOMAIN sextype AS CHAR(1) DEFACULT ‘m’ CHECK (VALUE IN (‘m’,’f’)); • sex sextype NOT NULL • CREATE DOMAIN cnumber AS CHAR(2) CHECK (VALUE IN (SELECT cno FROM customer)); • cid cnumber NOT NULL • DROP DOMAIN domain name [RESTRICT l CASCADE] • DROP DOMAIN cnumber;

  10. Entity Integrity • PRIMARY KEY key name or key names NOT NULL • PRIMARY KEY sno NOT NULL • sno INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE • PRIMARY KEY (sno, classno, sdate) NOT NULL

  11. Referential Integrity • Referential action for ON UPDATE and ON DELETE • CASCADE • SET NULL • SET DEFAULT • NO ACTION • Examples • FOREIGN KEY hotelno REFERENCES hotel (hotelno) • FOREIGN KEY hotelno REFERENCES hotel (hotelno) ON DELETE SET NULL • FOREIGN KEY hotelno REFERENCES hotel (hotelno) ON UPDATE CASCADE

  12. Enterprise Constraint • Methods • CHECK clause • UNIQUE clause • CREATE ASSERTION statement • CREATE ASSERTION assertion name CHECK (assertion condition): for defining attribute contraint • CREATE ASSERTION toomuch CHECK (NOT EXIST (SELECT sno FROM enroll GROUP BY sno HAVING COUNT (*) >10));






  18. SQL DDL For Table • CREATE TABLE table-name (colm data-type [NOT NULL][UNIQUE] [DEFAULT option][CHECK search-cond][,...],[PRIMARY KEY (colm [,colm])],[FOREIGN KEY (colm [,colm]) REFERENCES (parent-table)[colms])

  19. Create A New Table Example • CREATE TABLE student (stuid NUMBER(5) NOT NULL CHECK (VALUE BETWEEN 00001 AND 99999), stuname CHAR(10), major CHAR(10), credit NUMBER(3), CONSTRAINT pkstudent PRIMARY KEY (stuid));

  20. Create A New Table Example • CREATE TABLE faculty (facid NUMBER (5) NOT NULL, facname CHAR(10), dept CHAR(10), rank CHAR(3) CHECK (VALUE IN (‘F’,’Aso’, Ast’)), CONSTRAINT pkfaculty PRIMARY KEY (facid));

  21. Create A New Table Example • CREATE TABLE class (course# NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, facid NUMBER(5), sched CHAR(10), room CHAR(10), CONSTRAINT pkclass PRIMARY KEY (course#), CONSTRAINT fkclassfaculty FOREIGN KEY (facid) REFERENCES faculty (facid));

  22. Create A New Table Example • CREATE TABLE enrollment (course# NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, stuid NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, grade CHAR(10), CONSTRAINT pkenroll PRIMARY KEY (course#, stuid), CONSTRAINT fkenrollclass FOREIGN KEY (course#) REFERENCES class (course#), CONSTRAINT fkenrollstudent FOREIGN KEY (stuid) REFERENCES student (stuid));

  23. Create A New Table Example • CREATE DOMAIN PropertyNo AS SMALLINT; • CREATE DOMAIN StaffNo AS CHAR(5) CHECK (VALUE IN (SELECT Sno FROM Staff); • CREATE DOMAIN Prent AS DECIMAL(6,2) CHECK (VLAUE BETWEEN 0 AND 9999.99); • CREATE TABLE PropertyForRent (Pno PropertyNo NOT NULL, Sno StaffNo CONSTRAINT StaffNotTooMuch CHECK (NOT EXIST (SELECT Sno FROM PropertyForRent GROUP BY Sno HAVING COUNT (*) >10)) NOT NULL, Rent Prent NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pkPropertyForRent PRIMARY KEY (Pno), CONSTRAINT fkPropertyForRentStaff FOREIGN KEY (Sno) REFERENCES Staff (Sno));

  24. SQL DDL For Table • DROP TABLE table-name [RESTRICT | CASCADE]; • ALTER TABLE table-name [ADD][MODIFY][COLUMN] colm data-type [NOT NULL][UNIQUE] [DEFAULT option][CHECK search-cond][,...][DROP [COLUMN]colm [RESTRICT|CASCADE]

  25. Example • ALTER TABLE enrollment MODIFY (grade NUMBER(3)); • ALTER TABLE enrollment ADD (datetake DATE not null); • DROP TABLE enrollment;

  26. SQL DDL For Table • ALTER TABLE table-name [ADD [CONSTRAINT[constrnt-name]]table-constrnt][DROP CONSTRAINT constrnt-name][RESTRICT | CASCADE]

  27. CREATE TABLE customer (lastname CHAR(20) NOT NULL, firstname CHAR(20) NOT NULL, customerid NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, address CHAR(10)); • ALTER TABLE customer ADD (CONTRAINT pkcustomer PRIMARY KEY (lastname, firstname)); • ALTER TABLE customer DROP CONSTRAINT pkcustomer; • ALTER TABLE customer ADD (CONTRAINT pkcustomer PRIMARY KEY (customerid));

  28. Example • CREATE TABLE purchaseorder (ponumber CHAR (5) NOT NULL, podate DATE) CONTRAINT pkpurchasorder PRIMARY KEY (ponumber)); • CREATE TABLE puchaseorderlineitem (ponumber CHAR(5) NOT NULL, lineitem CHAR(5) NOT NULL, quantity NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, CONTRAINT pkpuchaseorderlineitem PRIMARY KEY (ponumber, lineitem)); • ALTER TABLE puchaseorderlineitem ADD (CONSTRAINT fkpolineitem FOREIGN KEY (ponumber) REFERENCES purchaseorder (ponumber)); • ALTER TABLE puchaseorderlineitem DROP (CONSTRAINT fkpolineitem);

  29. SQL DDL For Index • CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index-name ON base-table-name (column [ASC | DESC] [, ... ) • DROP INDEX index-name

  30. Example • CREATE INDEX studentname ON student (stuname DESC); • CREATE INDEX majorcredit ON student (major, credit); • DROP INDEX majorcredit;

  31. SQL DDL For View • CREATE VIEW view-name [(view-colm [, ...])] AS SELECT ... [WITH [CASCADE|LOCAL] CHECK OPTION] • DROP VIEW view-name [RESTRICT | CASCADE]

  32. Example • CREATE VIEW substudent (studentid, studentname, major) AS SELECT stuid, stuname, major FROM student; • CREATE VIEW productprofit (productid, productname, profit) AS SELECT productid, productname, sale-cost FROM inventory; • DROP VIEW productprofit;

  33. Advantage of View • Data independence • Currency • Improved security • Reduced complexity • Convenience • Customization • Data integrity

  34. Disadvantage of View • Update restriction • Structure restriction (new attribute in the base table) • Performance (complex views)

  35. Access Control • GRANT system-privilege TO role-name • GRANT object-privilege ON [owner.] object-name TO role-name • GRANT role-name TO user-name • REVOKE privilege FROM role-name • REVOKE role-name FROM user-name


  37. Object Privileges • SELECT • INSERT • UPDATE • DELETE

  38. Examples • GRANT CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, CREATE USER TO manager; • GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON student TO manager; • GRANT manger TO tsai;

  39. REVOKE DELETE ON student FROM manager; • REVOKE manager FROM tsai;

  40. Student (Stuid, Stuname, Major, Credits) • Class (Course#, Facid, Sched, Room) • Faculty (Facid, Facname, Dept, Rank) • Enrollment (Course#, Stuid, Grade)

  41. Branch (Bno, Area, City) • Staff (Sno, Name, Position, Sex, Salary, Bno) • Property_for Rent (Pno, Area, City, Type, Rooms, Rent, Ono, Sno, Bno) • Renter (Rno, Name, Max_Rent) • Owner ( Ono, Name,) • Viewing (Rno, Pno, Date)

  42. Define City for Branch according to the following constraints: • Has to have a two character string value • Has to be equal to SF, NY, LA, or DC • Set default value to SF

  43. Define Sno for Staff according to the following constraints: • Has to have a three digits integer • Has to be between 111 and 999 • Has to be unique

  44. Define a domain citylocation for City according to the following constraints: • Has a two character string value • Has to be equal to SF, NY, LA, or DC • Set default value to SF • Define the City in the Branch or Property_for_Rent

  45. Define a domain noforsno according to the following constraints: • Has to have a three digits integer • Has to be equal to one of the sno in the Staff • Define the sno in the Property_for_rent using the domain noforsno

  46. Define an assertion that will limit 10 staff members in any branch

  47. Create staff table using following constraints • Sno is three digits integer, between 111 and 999, a primary key • Name and position are 30 alphanumeric fields • Sex has a default value (m) limits to m or f • Salary is between 50,000 and & 100,000 • Bno is equal to one value of bno in branch with 10 or less staff member, set null for delete, set cascade for update

  48. Points To Remember • Structured Query Language (SQL) • Data Definition Language (DDL) • Access Control

  49. Assignment • Review chapters 1-4, 5, and appendix C • Read chapters M-2, M-3 • Homework assignment • 6.10, 6.11(a, b, c, d), 6.12, 6.13, 6.14 • Due date:

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