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The Manchester Resource Broker. Donal K. Fellows Research Support Services, Manchster Computing 19 th October 2004. Outline of Architecture. User. Resource Broker. User submits work-plan to Resource Broker. Broker gives list of offers back to user, each with a Ticket.
The ManchesterResource Broker Donal K. Fellows Research Support Services,Manchster Computing 19th October 2004
Outline of Architecture User Resource Broker User submits work-planto Resource Broker Broker gives list ofoffers back to user,each with a Ticket Broker gets offerswith QoS attachedfrom target systems Target reportsperformance databack to broker User submits jobto target systemby attaching theTicket to their job Target Grid Systems
General Server Architecture Client Broker Plug-In Gateway Firewall NJS Broker NJS Broker NJS Broker NJS Broker UUDB TSI TSI TSI Resource Resource Resource
Key: UNICORE Components EUROGRID Broker Globus Components GRIP Broker Inheritance relation Internal Broker Architecture To outside world Look up signing identity IDB NJS UUDB Verify delegatedidentities Look upconfiguration Broker hosted in NJS Broker Look up staticresources Get signed ticket (contract) TicketManager Delegate to Grid architecture-specificengine for local resource check Delegate to application-domain expert code LocalResourceChecker ExpertBroker Pass untranslatable resources to Unicore resource checker UnicoreRC GlobusRC DWDLMExpert ICMExpert Other Look updynamicresources Look up resources Delegate resource domain translation Get back set ofresource filters and set ofuntranslatable resources ComputeResource TSI GRAM MDS Translator OntologicalTranslator SimpleTranslator Look up translations appropriateto target Globus resource schema Ontology
Grid Architectures using the Broker Users VirtualOrganisationBrokers OrganizationFirewalls SystemBrokers ComputeResources