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Takahiro Matsumoto, Belle Collaboration Tokyo Metropolitan University Dec 03 11:50-12:10

Tagging with fully reconstructed B’s in B-factory experiments. Takahiro Matsumoto, Belle Collaboration Tokyo Metropolitan University Dec 03 11:50-12:10. Interesting decays B → ul n B → tn, Knn B → D tn etc. B. e- (8GeV). e + (3.5GeV). Υ(4S). p. B. Full Recon.

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Takahiro Matsumoto, Belle Collaboration Tokyo Metropolitan University Dec 03 11:50-12:10

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  1. Tagging with fully reconstructedB’s in B-factory experiments Takahiro Matsumoto, Belle Collaboration Tokyo Metropolitan University Dec 03 11:50-12:10

  2. Interesting decays • B → uln • B → tn, Knn • B → Dtn • etc B e- (8GeV) e+(3.5GeV) Υ(4S) p B Full Recon. Fully reconstructed B tagging -Offline single B meson beams with known p(B), flavor. -Large advantage to study decays including n and t Full reconstruction efficiency = O(0.1%) Need large data sample ⇒unique at B factories

  3. The KEKB Collider (8 x 3.5 GeV, X angle) World record: L=(1.0 x 1034)/cm2/sec Accumulated 158/fb by this summer • 152 million BBbar pairs KEKB Collider

  4. Event display for fully reconstructed two B’s

  5. Kinematicvariables for the Υ(4S) Energy difference: Beam-constrained mass:

  6. Fully reconstructed B tagging • B decay patterns • Hadronic : ~ 80% • A lot of decay modes with Br ≤ O(1%) • Semileptonic : ~20% • Mainly for BD*(e,m)n (~10%), B momentum unknown • Reconstruction • Hadronic : Collect as many modes as possible • Requires many CPU time due to multiple combination • Semileptoic : • Neutrino reconstruction with assumption of rest B at U(4s) CM frame

  7. B’s Reconstruction [Hadronic] • Collect known major modes [Belle] [ low efficiency, but high purity ] BD(*)(p,r,a1)-, D(*)DS(*), (J/Y, Y(2s), cc1)K(*) • Semi-inclusive reconstruction, BD(*)X [BaBar] [ high efficiency, but low purity ] X=n1p±n2K±n3KSn4p0, total charge ±1 n1 + n2≤ 5, n3≤2, n4≤2 Treatment of the multiple candidates • Select the best reduced c2 events to each mode ( from M(D), M(D*)-M(D), DE etc.) • Select the mode with the best purity

  8. BD(*)(p,r,a1)- • Main hadronic B decay sample [ Br ~ 1% ] • D(*) is D0, D+, D*0 or D*+ [ recon. from D*D(p,g) and DKnp ] • Recon. eff. : ~0.17% for B±, ~0.07% for B0 • High purity ~0.8 w/ 152 million BBbar

  9. BD(*)Ds(*) • Br ~1%, but low yield due to D and Ds reconstruction • Ds(*)+ is recon. from Ds*+Ds+g, Ds+K+K-p+,KsK+p+p-,KSK+ • ~7% yield of BD(*)(p,r,a1)- • Moderate purity ~ 0.6 Neutral B Charged B S= 4390 S= 8700 w/ 152 million BBbar

  10. BCharmonium • Color suppressed modes [ Br ~ 0.1% ] • Reconstructed modes • B-J/YK-, B0 (J/Y, Y(2s), cc1)KS, J/YK*0 • ~9% yield of BD(*)(p,r,a1)- • Very high purity ~0.95 [ due to clean recon. of J/Y l+l- ] Charged B Neutral B S= 9373 S= 7275 (CP modes= 3119) w/ 152 million BBbar

  11. BD(*)X [ semi-inclusive , BaBar ] • BD(*)(n1p±n2K±n3KSn4p0)± • In total, 1097 combinations! • c.f. 64 combinations for BD(*)(p,r,a1)- Mbc w/ lepton (Pl*>1 GeV/c) • High eff. • ~0.5% for B±, ~0.3% for B0 • Low purity: ~ 0.25 • ~0.67 w/ lepton (P*l>1 GeV/c) in recoil B side S ~30k BD(*)X is categorized by Mx region depending on purity and select the best purity mode for each event ( also mode dep. threshold cut on purity is applied ). *hep-ex/0307062 for Vub paper with BXuln w/ 89 million BBbar

  12. BHadronic, Summary • BD(*)(p,r,a1)-, D(*)DS(*), (J/Y, Y(2s), cc1)K(*) • eff. ~ 0.2% (0.1%) for charged (neutral) B • 150k B±, 69k B0 in 152 million BBbar sample • High purity ~ 0.81 • BD(*)X • eff. ~ 0.5 % (0.3%) for charged (neutral) B • Low purity ~ 0.25 How to improve eff. and quality? • Add more decay modes • ex. D+ K-p+p+, KSp+ add ~50% with D+K-p+p+p0 • Study BD(*)X in detail. By understanding structure of X, we can optimize the selection criteria further • Further cut tuning • etc. Steady improvement will be possible

  13. B’s reconstruction [Semileptonic] • Reconstructed modes • B-D0l-n ( Br=2.15±0.22% ) • D0K-p+, K-p+p0, K-p+p+p-, KSp0 *B-D*0l-n ( Br= 6.5 ±0.5%) is automatically included in the sample

  14. B-D(*)0l-n • B± tagged events = 714k, eff. = 1.7% • Purity for B-D(*)0l-n = 13.9% (Missing mass)2 for neutrino Large eff., but Large combinatoric backgrounds w/ 85 million BBbar

  15. Application to physics analysis • Fully reconstructed B tag sample is widely used for physics analysis since B-factory experiments succeeded to accumulate large sample of BBbar pairs • BXuln ( for Vub analysis ) • hep-ex/030762 [BaBar] • BKnn, tn • PRL86(2001)2950 [CLEO], BaBar conference paper • For the decays with low multiplicity (BKnn, tn etc.), we can suppress combinatoric background significantly, then semileptonic B tag ( ~1% eff. ) sample can be also utilized • Other interesting physics analyses are also expected • BD(*)tn, Btt etc. or detailed study of inclusive B decays

  16. Conclusions • A large number of fully reconstructed B sample is already available in B-factory  Provide tools for innovative B physics analysis • Reco. eff. • ~ 0.15%(0.4%) for Hadronic B tag [ () is for BD(*)X ] • ~ 1.7% for Semileptonic B tag* * useful for low multiplicity B decays • We already have a sample of more than 105 fully reconstructed B mesons. We expect a lot of interesting physics results with these sample in near future

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