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From Research to Practice Examining Gender Differences to Increase Success for All

From Research to Practice Examining Gender Differences to Increase Success for All. Presentation to the American Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference March 2004 Edina Public Schools Minnesota.

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From Research to Practice Examining Gender Differences to Increase Success for All

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  1. From Research to Practice Examining Gender Differences to Increase Success for All Presentation to the American Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference March 2004 Edina Public Schools Minnesota

  2. Gender Gap is a serious issue in American education--our stories mirror the world District Conducted Gender Research --Findings, Implications, Discussions, and Communication Further Implementations and Practices Future Commitment--District strategic planning Presentation Organization

  3. Why Did Edina Start the Innovation of Gender Difference Research in 2001? • Superintendent’s observations of award ceremonies and student lists over years • Parent questions about class ranks and college applications • Educators’ experience in the classroom Do both boys and girls fully benefit from the American educational system and its instructional delivery?

  4. National and International News Support Edina’s Research Findings • Academic Achievement Gap Between Girls and Boys--Washington Bureau Special Report, Sep. 19, 2003 • The Gender Gap: Boys Lagging--CBS 60 Minutes, May 23, 2003 • Girls Top of the Class Worldwide--UK BBC news, Sept. 16, 2003 • Promoting Boys’ Achievement--New Zealand, Education Review Office, 2000 • Boys Performing Badly--Australia, The Age, 2002 • A Yawning Gap Between Girls’ and Boys’ Achievement in Canada has been Revealed. --International, 2003

  5. Female and Male Entry Rates to University Data Source: BBC News Report, 9-16-2003.

  6. The Gap between Girls and Boys in Literacy Scores at Age 15 Data Source: BBC News Report, 9-16-2003.

  7. Edina Gender Difference Research A District Innovation in 2001 • Superintendent’s objective in 2001 • Gender Task Force • Data collection and research • Communication of Findings at local, state and national levels • Implications and Considerations

  8. Further Gender Difference Practices A Continuous Innovation • Changes in the English Language Arts Curriculum and Instruction • Single-Gender Class Experiment • Differentiation Instruction in Gender Differences • Investigation of Gender Differences in learning in AP English Literature • Future Commitment--District Strategic Planning in 2004

  9. Research and FindingsPhase I

  10. Research Questions • Are there gender differences that influence student development and learning? • Can we identify evidence about gender differences in the classroom and school? • Are there behaviors, expectations, and systems that impact student learning? • How can classrooms and schools customize instruction best to meet the needs of both boys and girls?

  11. Literature Review • Research and commentary during the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s focused on “girls in crisis” in education. • academically • socially • psychologically • The 90’s introduced research, public discourse, and educational literature focusing on male underachievement. • academically • emotionally • socially

  12. Student Enrollment and Participation Secondary Class Rank and Honor Roll Elementary Reported Student Grades Student Reported Survey Data Post-College Status of Edina Graduates State, National, and International Data Data Collected

  13. Edina Public Schools Enrollment

  14. Edina Students Enrolled in Special Services and Remedial/Intervention Programs

  15. Edina Elementary Student Grades from Report Cards

  16. Edina Secondary School Class Rank, Honor Roll, and Awards

  17. Edina Scholars, 1997-2002

  18. Edina High School Students Enrolled in AP Courses

  19. Results from the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, Grade 5

  20. Edina Grade 10 PLAN Test Results

  21. School Engagement Surveys from Edina Secondary Students

  22. Edina Students Who Report They Spend Time Doing Homework Daily

  23. Students Report Spending at Least One Hour Doing These Activities Weekly, Grades 6, 9 & 12

  24. Edina Secondary Students Who Report Never Using Chemicals, Grades 6, 9 and 12

  25. Percent of Edina Students Suspended 2001

  26. Highest Level of Education Attained for the Class of 1996

  27. Percent of Students Who Had Completed High School Nationally

  28. Percent of High School Graduates Who Attended College Nationally

  29. A Widening Gap in AchievementNAEP Scores, 4th Graders, 2000

  30. Girls Also Dominate in Extracurricular Activities Data: Education Dept, National Center for Education Statistics.

  31. Most of the Industrialized WorldAges 25 to 34, with at least a college education Data: Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development

  32. Number of U.S. Women Awarded Degrees Per 100 Men Data: Andrew Sum, Northeastern University Center for Labor Market Studies.

  33. What Does It Mean for the Economy, Business and Society that Boys Are Falling Behind Girls in Education? • Leading more and more to a “girls’ club” in college • Threatening the marriage squeeze • Men could become losers in a global economy that values mental power For 30 years, the focus at schools has been to empower girls, in and out of the classroom. Adapted from The New Gender Gap, Business Week, May 26, 2003.

  34. Implementation and PracticesPhase II

  35. Progress in Implementation and Practices • Gender Considerations for Selecting Language Arts Materials • Differentiation Instruction in Gender Differences in Classroom • Single-Gender Class Experience • Continue investigation of gender differences in student learning style in AP English literature

  36. Language Arts Curriculum and Instruction Practice

  37. Gender Gap in Literacy Achievement • NAEP Testing • PISA Testing

  38. Changes in Elementary Language Arts • Examine Writing Instructional Practices --Writing Workshop --Clear goals and feedback --Spelling

  39. Changes in Elementary Language Arts • Reading Instructional Practices --Flexible Grouping --Classroom Libraries --Reading for Pleasure --Reading Comprehension Strategies

  40. Changes in Secondary Language Arts • Instructional Considerations --Teach and practice concrete discussion strategies --”Frontload skills” --Social and Physical Considerations --Inquiry --Student Control --Clear goals and feedback

  41. Changes in Secondary Language Arts • Curriculum --Young Adult fiction in Middle School --Non-fiction --Range of difficulty and length --Include humor, action/adventure --Non-print (Video, TV, Film, Internet) --Choice --Goal of Lifelong Reading

  42. Differentiating Instruction in Classrooms with Attention to Boys • Have lots of things for boys to touch, when reading and writing are be taught. • Use boy only groups when needed. • Encourage close bonding between teacher and students. • Allow physical movement in the classroom. • Offer opportunities for storytelling and other activities that develop imagination and verbal skills. • Minimize the amount of teacher talk in order to allow more discussion among students. • Allow the use of silent manipulative. • Allow sufficient waiting time, 3-5 full seconds, to answer questions.

  43. Boys and Learning • Some boys prefer to work independently. • Some boys may get bored easily and need stimulation. • Some boys enjoy abstract conversations, e.g., debates. • Some boys need to be able to move. • Some boys like non-fiction with diagrams and charts. • Some boys are visual. • Some boys need more time to process questions. * adopted from Frederick County Public Schools, Maryland

  44. Single-Gender Class Experiment Middle School Social Studies Classes

  45. Single-Gender Classes 2002-03 • In May 2003, two classes (24 males and 18 females) of 9th grade American government were selected as single-gender classes. • This research attempts to study different needs of boys and girls, and seeks approaches to reduce achievement gaps between genders embedded into NCLB.

  46. Study Design • The single-gender classes were scheduled for the first block of time with 89 minutes, every other day. • Two teachers, one female and one male, who taught these students in co-ed gender classes, taught the single-gender classes. • The curriculum, activities, and behavior management policies for the two single-gender classes were to be as similar as possible.

  47. Data Collection • Achievement data--students’ test scores from 2 quizzes and 2 tests before and after experiencing the single-gender classes. Data included students from the single-gender classes and randomly selected co-ed classes. • Survey data--students’ experience and opinions about the single-gender classes. • Teacher data--Teachers’ experiences and perspectives.

  48. Percent of Students Reporting Enjoying Being in Social Studies Class

  49. Percent of Student Reporting Students in Class Help Each Other

  50. Percent of Students Reporting Discipline and Class Order are Appropriately Maintained in Class

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