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DINOKENG Environmental Management Framework

DINOKENG Environmental Management Framework. EMF and SEMP Report Public Open Days 4 & 7 November 2009. Progress to date. Status Quo Report Public Open Day #1 Internal Desired State Report Control Zones Authorities workshop SEMP EMF Report Public Open Day #2. Status Quo Report.

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DINOKENG Environmental Management Framework

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DINOKENG Environmental Management Framework EMF and SEMP Report Public Open Days 4 & 7 November 2009

  2. Progress to date • Status Quo Report • Public Open Day #1 • Internal Desired State Report • Control Zones • Authorities workshop • SEMP • EMF Report • Public Open Day #2

  3. Status Quo Report Project Steering Commi-ttee Project Inception Meeting (Final Work Plan) Literature Review Specialist Studies Sensitivity Mapping Key issues Public consultation Desired State & Environmental Control Zones Project Initiation Strategic Environmental Management Plan Public consultation Final EMF Final approval by Project Steering committee Adoption of EMF The EMF compilation process

  4. 1.Status Quo Findings 2.Desired State Projections 3.Control Zones & Conflict Resolution Measures 4.Environmental Management Framework 5.Strategic Environmental Management Plan Knowledge creation process

  5. Information overlays • 1. Status Quo Summary Maps • 2. Desired State • Ecological • Development & Planning • Tourism & Heritage • Agriculture • Infrastructure

  6. 3a. Conflicts

  7. 3b. Control Zones • Dinokeng Game Reserve • Dinokeng Rural North • Cultivation • Development Corridors & Consolidation • Roodeplaat Recreation Area • Dinokeng Rural South

  8. 5. SEMP structure Adaptive Management Value judgments - Environmental objectives Day-to-Day Decisions - Universal guidelines (e.g. densification) - Development guidelines

  9. Environmental Objectives • No net loss of ecosystem function, and maintaining environmental resilience • Integrated services planning • Environmental sustainability in design • Community-based, tourism-led development

  10. Universal Guidelines • Mining • Densification • Sensitive environments • General • Specific sensitivities • Systematic biodiversity conservation • Wetlands and watercourses • Tourism & heritage • Institutional structures & basic services

  11. Densification Considerations: • Management Zone • Location in Dinokeng • Densification parameter • Overall rationale

  12. Management Guidelines for individual Management Zones • General management • Roles & Responsibilities • Compatible land uses • Incompatible activities • Design standards & Infrastructural requirements • Natural resource management • Actions required (what, where, who, when) • Institutional structures

  13. Legal & Regulatory Processes • Legal context for EMF frameworks • Application within the EIA framework • Protected area proclamation • Adoption & implementation

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