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This ebook will let you know the history and facts of watches, eyewears, clothes, shoes, bags etc. You will come to know how fashion trends are changing day by day.<br><br>https://clothingtrial.com/history-and-facts-of-fashion-products
Contents Introduction Facts and history of hats Facts and History of Eyewear Facts and history of Jeans Facts and history of Watch Facts and history of Bags Facts and history of about shoes Usage policy: Thank You: References: 1 3 7 9 11 12 16 18 18 18
Introduction toknowmoreaboutsomeinterestingfactsaboutthetrendsofclothesandhistoryofyour favouriteaccessories.Thepassionofstylehasevolvedovertheperiodoftime.Fashion haschangedaswell.Buthowaboutlearningmoreabouttheirorigins,traditions,trends andtypesoverthepastyears.Wehavecompiledsomeinterestingfactsandinformation inthiseBooksoyoucanhavealookandenjoy. Therearelotsofstoreswhoofferclothingandaccessoriesdetails.Youwouldlike checkout. Thefactsaboutclothingandaccessoriesallaroundtheworldarehereforyouto 1
Facts and history of hats Thehatsareconsideredasoneoftheessentialpartsofthefashionandstyleright fromthebeginning.Ashumansbecomeforcouscousabouttheirclothing,theyalsotrybestfor theirstatusaswell.Thehatsplayanimportantroleinrepresentingthestatusofthepeople. Biggerandbetterhatsshowthehigherstatusofaperson.Thelowerstatuspeoplewearsmaller andsimplerhats. addsglamtotheoutfit.Thehatsarewornbythemenandwomenallaroundtheworldand foundinmuchtraditionalwearofallmostalltheculturesacrosstheglobe. Thehatsareworntoprotecttheheadfromthesunandrainmeanwhileitalso LISTOFHATSSTYLE •Turban:Ascarforpieceofsingleclothwrappedaroundtheheadwornasacustom ofdifferentcountries. •SunHat:Ahattocoverfaceandshoulderfromsunlight. •PeakedCap:Capwithflatsloppingcrown,bandandpeak.Wearbymilitarypersons oruniformedcivilianorganizations. •Beanie:Awintercapweavedfromwool,warmenoughtokeepawaythecold. •PartyHat:Apointedhat,wornatpartiesespeciallyonbirthdayswithcolourful patternanddesign. 3
Someinterestingfactsaboutthehatsare: •TherewasalawinEnglandthateverypersonwhoisabove7yearsmustwearahats orcapsonSundaysandholidays. •Fedoraisahatwornbythemenandwomennowadaysbutitwasmeantasa woman’shat. •Vikingsneverworehornedhelmets. •Thecolourofthehardhatrepresentstheroleandpositionofthepersonwearingit. Also,itisamustforsafety,suchaswhitehatsareforengineersandsupervisors. Whileblueisfortechnicaladvisersandgreenhatsareusedbysafetyinspector.Work ersonlywearyellowhardhats.Anorangeorpinkhatisusedbythevisitorsornew workers. •Inthemiddleof19th-centurybaseball,umpiresworetophatsduringthegame 5
Facts and History of Eyewear glassesareusedbecauseofthevisionproblemsbyfarsightedandnearsightedpeople.Butyou canalsousesomeforaddingmorestyleandfashiontoyourdaytodaylook.Thatiswhyitis moreimportantinfashionaccessoriesallaroundtheworld. Eyewearisanotherimportantpartofyourpersonality.Usually,theeyewearand •Visionissues: Asmentionedabovetheglassesareusedtoresolvethevisionissuesinpeople ofallages. •Protection: Notonlyforstylebutsunglasseshaveanotherimportantpartofourlives.It protectsyoureyesfromsunlight. •Style: Mostofthepeoplebelievethatthesunglassescompletestheirlookastheseare alwaysinfashion. •Improvesvision: Theglassesandsunglasseshelpyouinimprovingthevisionasitprovidespro tectionfromharmfulrays.Theyhelpyoureyesinimprovingthevision. Interestingfacts: •Sunglassesareoneofthefastestsellingaccessories,inevery90-secondonemensun glassessoldoneBay. •MillionsofAmericanswearsunglasses,estimatedover147million. •30millionAmericansoptforwearinglenses. •Glassandplasticarethemajorrawmaterialusedinmakingglasses. EvolutionofSunglasses: 7
Facts and history of Jeans youngstersaswellaspeopleofallages.thejeansalsohavelotsofinterestingfactsmention below: Jeanisoneofthelargestwornpantsallovertheworld.Itisverypopularamong •TheLevisjeanstakealmost37sewingoperationstocompletetheprocess. •Thefoundin1997,thejeanswereasoldas1000yearswhenfirstmadeandworn. •Asitisconsideredthatthebluejeansareaformofrisingagainstconformism,itgot bannedfromrestaurants,schoolsandtheatresinthe50s. •Asiaisoneofthelargestproducersofthedenim.Itisproducedfromthecotton.The majorcountriesareChina,BangladeshandIndiawhichcontributestototal50%of theproductionoftheworld. •Alldenimiswashedagainafterstitchingtopreventshrinkage. •WorldWarIIwastheeraofjeansasmanyAmericansoldiersworeitwhentheywere offduty. •Indigoisoneofthemostpopularcoloursofjeansasithidesthedustanddirtbetter thananyotherlightcolour. 9
Facts and history of Watch Thewatchisanothermostpopularaccessorieswornbythemen,womenandkids allovertheworld.Thewatchesonlyhelpsinshowingtimebutaddsstyleandclasstoyour look.Thewatchesarewornonthewristandtherearemanytypesofwatcheswhichare availableinthemarket. TypesofWatches 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. AnalogWatch Digital_Watch AutomaticWatch ChronographWatch DivingWatch DressWatch QuartzWatch MechanicalWatch PilotWatch FieldWatch SmartWatch LuxuryWatch •Thepocketwatchwasintroducedinthe15thcenturyandbecomewellknowninthe 16thcentury.Smallerwatchesweremadewhichareeasytocarryin1518. thesoldiertoaccesstime. •ThemodernwristwatchesweremadeandusedinthefirstWorldWarwhichallows •RolexreceivedtheveryfirstwristwatchChronometerawardsfromtheSchoolof Horology,Bienne. •Oneofthemostinexpensivemass-producedwatcheshasbeenintroducedbySwiss watchmakers(knownfortheirprecisionandexpensivewatches).Thiswasthe Swatch,releasedforthefirsttimein1983. 11
Facts and history of Bags Types of bags: •Antistatic bag, used for shipping electronic components •Backpack •Bag-in-box •Bin bag, garbage bag, or trash bag •Bodybag •Bookbag •Bulk bag, a name for a flexible intermediate bulk container •Burn bag •Diplomatic bag •Duffel bag •Flour Sack •Gunnysack •Handbag, purse •Messenger bag •Money bag •Paper bag •Plastic bag •Paper sack - multi-wall paper bag •Popcorn bag •Sandbag •Satchel (bag) •Sling bag, worn over the shoulder •Shopping bag •Plastic shopping bag •Reusable shopping bag •Thermal bag •Tote bag •Travel bag or suitcase 12
History of Bags: Bags are used over the hundreds of year by both men and women. In the old times, people used to wear bags to carry food and water in distant areas. As all these things were not available in old times, these things were carried as people go for hunt and travel or in search of food. Modern bags: add more style to your wardrobe. These are a fashion statement and also shows the class and social status of women. The bags are also used by the men as well as the students to carry the books and laptops while they are different in shape and design. The modern bags are used not only to carry the stuff from one place to another and to •The first use of the word “handbag” was in the early 1900s. It was used to describe men’s briefcases at the time. •The earliest records about the use of handbags that are documented are provided by 14thcentury hieroglyphics. •The first known handbag with a zipper was created by Hermes. It was introduced in 1923. •According to some studies, the average woman owns about 6 handbags. •The first most expensive handbag in the world was a clutch bag, made of platinum and more than 2000 diamonds. It was created by a Japanese designer in 2008 and it cost well over $2 million. •Men choose handbags by its brand more than women do. •In 2010, the Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamonds Purse was worth $3.8 million. Guinness gave the award for the most valuable handbag to Mouawad in the same year for the creation of the bag. 15
Facts and history of about shoes protect the feet from hotness, sand and any other pollution. The shoes are now not only used for the protecting the feet but also for the style and fashion. There are some interesting facts about the shoes which are mentioned below: The shoes are as old the clothes but were made and used after that. These are used to •The world sneaker comes from the sneak because the rubber sole allows you to sneak around. •The men were the first ones to wear heels. The heels help them to ride horses. •The most expensive shoes are sold for $660,000. It was worn by Dorothy’s iconic ruby red slippers from ‘The Wizard of Oz’, so earn this top spot. The original pair sold at an auction in 2000. •The first pair of right- and left-footed shoes were made in Philadelphia. •The first lady’s boot was created for Queen Victoria in 1840. 16
Usage policy: The collection of all the facts and details mentioned in this eBook is collected by the re- search of internet and is published on different websites. This content is intended for users interest only and not for commercial purpose. Thank You: Thank you for reading this book and for more suggestion and comments click here Visit the website: https://clothingtrial.com References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hat_styles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunglasses 18