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How to Install Softaculous on a VPS/Dedicated server? Automation of technology moves beyond machines that perform laborious tasks. Web developers are committing to delivering a fully functional website in just days and clients are demanding even more of them. Softaculous on aVPS with more and more websites/applications coming up every day, people want their newest ideas to materialize on the web before someone else can beat them to it. To facilitate these timely demands, developers keep coming up with ideas of their own that make the most basic and commonly used tools as easily available as downloading a file from the internet. Softaculous is one such software that packs with the most useful applications that you may need visitors/users on your website to have access to.
Linux : How to Run a Network Speed Test in Linux Terminal There comes upon every developer, a time when the glitz of the latest Graphical User Interface has no more charm and all that matters is the commands and the codes that can be executed on the Linux terminal. But, even the best developers need to know how their application or system is performing from the perspective of the end-user. So, as the title may suggest, you will learn how to run a network speed test while being on the Linux Terminal.
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How to Reach Us If you’re having trouble, the first place to look for help is on our support page. If you still need our help, please fill the form below: Clousurph Address: CloudSurph, LLC1200 18th St NW,#700 Washington,DC, 20036, USAEmail: contactus@cloudsurph.com Web Address : https://www.cloudsurph.com/