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Issues in Drug Abuse: Advanced Topics in Addiction (Psychology 486)

Dive deep into addiction psychology exploring biological mechanisms, treatment strategies, and political aspects. Enhance your knowledge with discussions, readings, and exams.

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Issues in Drug Abuse: Advanced Topics in Addiction (Psychology 486)

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  1. Issues in Drug Abuse:Advanced Topics in Addiction(Psychology 486) Course Objectives, Organization, & Requirements Michael A. Bozarth, Ph.D.Department of PsychologyPark B-77 North Campus bozarth@buffalo.edu

  2. Learning Objectives Continuation of PSY 451 addressing advanced topics in addiction

  3. Course Content • A Brief Synopsis of Addiction to Prototypic Addictive Drugs • Concept of addiction • Psychological processes • Biological mechanisms • Psychobiological model

  4. Course Content (cont.) • Advanced topics in addiction, including • factors that modulate addiction • addiction to a variety of illicit drugs • possible addiction to commonly used substances • possible nonchemical “addictions” • diagnosis & treatment of addiction • harm-reduction strategies • drug regulation and the politics of addiction

  5. Background & Prerequisites • Introductory Psychology • conditioning & learning theory • biological mechanisms of behavior • Research Methods & Statistics • experimental design • principles of scientific inference • Biopsychology or Behavioral Neuroscience • Drug Addiction (PSY 451)

  6. Seminar Format • Assigned readings • Discussions • Class attendance mandatory • Internet access essential

  7. Course Material • Textbook installments available at Jacob’s Copy Center throughout the semester • availability announced in class • read before corresponding lecture • Online material • Reserve list at UGL

  8. Course Grade • Attendance (70%) • Annotated bibliography (30%) • Examinations: written & oral recitation (pass/fail)

  9. Attendance (participation) • two excused absences during mandatory attendance period • 03 February through 16 April • 5% deduction per class period retroactive • no excuses, no make-up, no credit

  10. Annotated Bibliography • Read 1 to 2 professional papers each week corresponding to chapter topics • Make notes regarding article (“annotations”) • Compile material for submission by deadline • 15 to 20 papers (median 1.5 per week) • 10 to 20 single-spaced pages • Content may be distributed across course topics, or it may be thematic focused on a single topic

  11. Examinations • Written: Assesses basic knowledge in background material necessary for satisfactory participation in this “advanced” course • synopsis of PSY 451 • scores 80% and higher “pass” • Oral Recitation: Assesses material specific to this course • group discussions throughout the semester • individual recitations near the end of term

  12. Class Structure • First two weeks (add/drop period) • Q & A review in preparation for written exam • optional meeting period for PSY 451 students • Beginning third week • Tuesdays mostly lecture • Thursdays mostly discussions • Chapter assignments should be read before Tuesday lectures

  13. The course syllabus is available online at: www.AddictionScience.net/DrugIssues.html

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