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Name of the author :- Dr. Murlidhar A. Lokhande E-mail :- murlidhar lokhande@ yahoo.com Designation :- Professor Institution :- Department of commerce, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedker
Name of the author :- Dr. Murlidhar A. Lokhande E-mail :- murlidhar lokhande@ yahoo.com Designation :- Professor Institution :- Department of commerce, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedker Marathwada University, Aurangabad, (Maharashtra) Title of the topic :- Research in social sciences
Preparation of research design • Consider the following questions • What is the study about? – the statement of the problem • What is the scope of the study?- geographical, temporal, operational • What are the objectives of the study?--major objectives, sub objectives • What are the propositions to be tested? -hypothsis • What are the major concepts to be defined? • What is the method of the study? • What type of data are needed ?
What are the sources of data? • What is the universe or population? • What is the sample size? • What is the sampling technique to be used? • What methods are to be adopted for collecting the data? • What tools are to be used for collecting the data? • How the data are to be processed and presented? • What techniques are to be used for analyzing the data? • What is the significance of the study? • Consideration of time, money and efforts required for completion of the study.
What is research? • Careful examination, verifying, testing, investigating the facts, the theory or the problem under study again and again in order to prove or disprove their validity. • It is the study to find out cause and effect relationship in case of a specific problem. • Types of research:- • Pure research- • Undertaken for the sake of knowledge, testing and developing a theory, a method, a measurement or technique to study any problem such as consumers behavior. • Applied research: • Undertaken for the application of information gathered for policy formulation, understanding the facts.
Descriptive research:- • Undertaken for describing a situation, service or problem, for instance, attitudes of employees towards management, living conditions of a community. • Correlational research:- • Undertaken to discover the relationship/ associationship/interdependence between two or ore situations or facts, for instance, relationship between fertility and mortality. • Exploratory research:- • Exploring an area of knoledge which is unknown or unknown. • Explanatory research:- • Undertaken to explain or clarify the facts, for instance, how increased income results into high standard of living?
Characteristics of research:- • Reliance on scientific data • Use of relevant concepts • Objectivity • Ethical neutrality • Generalization • Verifiability • Logical reasoning
Research planning • Conceptualizing a research design • Reviewing the literature --Understanding the knowledge area in detail --helps in identifying the gaps in proposed study and the earlier studies --helps in improving your methodology --helps in comparing your findings with that of earlier study sources--- books, journals, reports --writing up literature review • Formulation of research problem What is the problem? Is the problem researchable? • SOURCES OF R. PROBLEM: Society, people- organisations, attitudes socio-economic-cultural-development programmes- impact, effectiveness evaluation, environment, phenomena-cause and effect relationship For instance, effects of industrial sickness in small industry sector
what is the impact of sickness on small scale units? • How does it affect the various activities of the units? • what are the effects of industrial sickness on economy? • Formulation of objectives:- • Main objectives: • To study the impact of industrial sickness on ss industrial units • Sub objectives: • To understand the causes of sickness • To study the effect of sickness on financial position of SSI units • Conceptulisation:- • concepts (mental images, perceptions) should be well defined. For instance, small units, sickness, profitability, working capital etc. • Hypothesis:- • Constructing instrument for data collection • Selecting sample • Writing a research proposal Conducting study • Collection of data • Processing data • Writing a research report
Variables:- a symbol to which numerals or values are attached, eg. Assets can be a house or car and their values in Rs., $ are variables • Independent variable – smoking • Dependent variable- cancer • Measurement scales for variables: • Nominal scale: classification, subdivision on the basis of characteristics • religion---hindu-islam-christian • gender---male / female • attitude---favourable / unfavourable • Ranking/ ordinal scale:- • ranking sub groups in a order • income---above average / average / below average
socio-economic status---upper / middle / lowAttitudinal/ likert scale--- 0-30 / 31-40 / 41-50Interval scale:- attitudinal scale-10-20/21-30/31-40Hypothesis • A hypothesis is a tentative proposition that predicts a particular relationship between two or more variables. • Serves the following purposes:- • what aspects of research problem to be investigated? • What type of data are to be collected? • Provides a focused approach and objectivity • Enables formulation of theory Characteristics:- • Simple, specific and conceptually clear • The average age of the male students in this college is higher than that of the students. • It should be capable of verification so that some conclusions are drawn.
Data collection:- Data is the information required for the purpose of the study. primary data sources :- Observation:- --participatory --non participatory Interviweing:- --structured --unstructured Questionnaire:- Mailed questionnaire Collective quetionnaire Types of questions- open ended –-possible answers are not given closed ended questions—possible answers are not given Qualities of questions- Simple language – no ambiguity—not question in a question—not based on assumptions
Secondary data sources:- • Government / semi government publications-census, survey reports, gazettes • Earlier research studies- Ph.d. thesis, study reports • Personal records • Mass medias-newspapers, magazines, electronic media-internet • Collection of data using attitudinal scales • Likert or summated scale— • Responses by the students regarding the lecturer:-categorical scale • Knows the subject well---strongly agree / agree /uncertain / disagree / strongly disagree • Seven point numerical scale:- • The lecture knows the subject well---7/6/5/4/3/2/1 • Thurstone scale--- • Guttman / cumulative scale
sampling:- • A sample is a sub group of the population. • Population-families, institutions/organisations,consumers etc. • selection of small group for collecting information– is sample size • The way of selecting a sample-sampling design • Each respondent is a sample unit • Sample statistics-findings based on responses Sampling methods:- PROBABILITY SAMPLING:- Simple Random Sampling- (for homogeneous population) Lottery method Table of random numbers
Suppose, you want to select 16 students out of 80 students in a class. The students will be selected from 1-80. • suppose, you select in the random number table , the 8th column, which has the numbers 09,34, 45, 76, 69, 54,07, 05, 09, 02, 49, 66 and the 3rd column which has the numbers 18, 52,12, 14, 05, 08, 06, 17, 15, 11, 13, 59 and the 6th column having the numbers-65, 77,01, 15,33, 08, 39,03, 24, 28, 79, 63 • As the sample size is 16, you will select the number in each of the above column below 16. So, from column 8th , the numbers selected will be– 09,07,05,09,02, from the 3rd column the numbers selected will be—12,14,05,08,06,11,13, and from the 6th column 01,15,08,03 will be selected.
Stratified random sampling:- • Proportionate • Disproportionate • When the population is heterogeneous, the population is divided in to subgroups representing homogeneous characteristics. • For instance, the researcher wants to study the employability of MBA students of Dr.BAMU, Aurangabad. • The number of final year students is 100. • Specialisation- Finance---40 • Marketing—30 • HR --20 • IT --10 • Suppose, 30 students are to be selected on proportionate sampling method, the proportion will be 0.4%, 0.3%, 0.2% and 0.1%. respectively for finance, marketing, HR and IT and accordingly the sample selected will be- finance—16, marketing-09, HR—04 and IT—01.
Systematic sampling:-mixed sampling method • Total population/sample size • Suppose you want to select 10 students out of 50 students in a class. • 50/10=5 • Select any number between 1-5. suppose you selected 4. so, sample selected will be-- 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49. • Cluster sampling:- • Random selection of sampling units consisting of population elements. • Suppose, one wants 1000 students out of 40, 000 students from the colleges affiliated to a university. The researcher can select 100 students from each college affiliated to the university. The cluster or sampling unit will be 10 colleges.
Non-probability sampling • Convenience sampling-selecting sample which are conveniently available • Purposive or judgement sampling- selecting sample deliberately on some pre determined criteria • Quota sampling- quotas are based on the basis of variables such as, sex, age or religion. • Suppose, one wants to study the socio-economic , 20 persons, the quota assignment will be:- • Sex –-male- 11, female-9 • Age—20-40=5, 41-50=8, 51-60=4, 61& above=3 • Religion—hindu=3, muslim=10, parsi=7 • Snowball sampling:-