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由 PISA 試題 反思我們的教學與評量. 國立中山大學 林煥祥. PISA 簡介. PISA - 學生基礎素養國際研究計畫 ( the P rogramme for I nternational S tudent A ssessment ) , 是 經濟 合作 發展組織 ( OECD ) 所發展 的 測驗項 目 。 其目的是 測試 十五 歲 學 生是否 具備參與 未 來社會 所必需的 基礎知識 和基本技能, 從 而建立 定期循環 ( 每三年 ) 的評量 指 標 , 為 各 國 制定教育政策提供参考, 以此來審視 、 評估國家 以及 學校 教育的整体成效 。.
由PISA試題 反思我們的教學與評量 國立中山大學 林煥祥
PISA簡介 PISA-學生基礎素養國際研究計畫(the Programme for International Student Assessment),是經濟合作發展組織(OECD)所發展的測驗項目。 其目的是測試十五歲學生是否具備參與未來社會所必需的基礎知識和基本技能,從而建立定期循環(每三年)的評量指標,為各國制定教育政策提供参考,以此來審視、評估國家以及學校教育的整体成效。
台灣執行狀況 PISA第一次評量在2000年,每隔3年舉行一次,2006有57個國家參與,參與國的GDP總和佔全球的86%。2012年參與的國家高達65個。 台灣自2006年加入,全國共有245所學校、8815名15歲學生被選樣接受測驗。 受測學制包含:國中、高中、五專、高職(包含實用技能班、建教合作班)、進修補校。
PISA 測驗主軸 PISA評量包括三個方面:閱讀素養、數學素養、和科學素養。 每次的評量都以某一項素養作為主項進行深入評測,其它兩項方面則進行綜合評測。 PISA2000的主項是閱讀,PISA2003是數學,PISA2006是科學,2009年的主項又回到閱讀,每9年形成一個大循環。
Reading Literacy • The capacity to understand, use and reflect on written texts in order to achieve one’s goals. To develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society. (OECD, 2003) • Reading involves understanding and reflection, and the ability to use reading to fulfil one’s goals in life.
Summary • The notion of reading literacy in PISA • 並非只是 decode and comprehend literal information. • 而是understand, use, andreflect on written texts. 並且participating as an active citizen in society. • 我國中小學語文課程綱要卻只有聽、說、讀、寫及注音符號應用等能力指標, 缺少國際間所重視的reflection等重要能力之培育.
Mathematical Literacy • The capacity to identify and understand the role that mathematics play in the world, to make well-founded judgments and to use and engage with mathematics in ways that meet the needs of that individual’s life as a constructive, concerned and reflective citizen. (OECD, 2003)
Scientific Literacy • The capacity to use scientific knowledge, to identify questions, and to draw evidence-based conclusion in order to understand and help make decisions about the natural world and the change made to it through human activity. (OECD,2005)
Three competencies assessed in PISA 2015 Scientific Literacy • Explain phenomena scientifically • Evaluate and design scientific inquiry • Interpret data and evidence scientifically
Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS, 2015 new) • CPS is the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come to a solution.
CPS competencies • 1. Establishing and maintaining shared understanding; • 2. Taking appropriate action; • 3. Establishing and maintaining team organization
Computer-Based Assessment • PISA 2015 將實施電腦化評量方式, 包括問卷的回答以及測驗卷之選擇題、建構反應題、以及其他各種形式題目的作答, 參與的學生都將在電腦上輸入答案。
Elements of an Interactive SL Unit Item Submissions
Elements of an Interactive SL Unit Item Submissions stimulus allows the student to interact The student’s choices change the information on screen
Elements of an Interactive SL Unit Item Submissions response formats simple multiple choice complex multiple choice constructed response new response formats responses captured by the interactive simulation stimulus allows the student to interact The student’s choices change the information on screen
Elements of a CPS Unit Item Submissions Use chat to discuss the results with your partners. Click on ‘Draft’ to get the new logo drafts from your partners or click on ‘Publish.”. • > Let’s start with a symbol for the logo. What do you think? • > ANNA: A tree symbol will be nice. • > JAN: No. It’s a bad idea. • > Can you suggest another idea? • > JAN: I’m not sure. • > ANNA: I would be glad to. >
Elements of a CPS Unit Item Submissions Use chat to discuss the results with your partners. Click on ‘Draft’ to get the new logo drafts from your partners or click on ‘Publish.”. • > Let’s start with a symbol for the logo. What do you think? • > ANNA: A tree symbol will be nice. • > JAN: No. It’s a bad idea. • > Can you suggest another idea? • > JAN: I’m not sure. • > ANNA: I would be glad to. task space: a space for the shared project. A space for actions and products >
Elements of a CPS Unit Item Submissions Use chat to discuss the results with your partners. Click on ‘Draft’ to get the new logo drafts from your partners or click on ‘Publish.”. • > Let’s start with a symbol for the logo. What do you think? • > ANNA: A tree symbol will be nice. • > JAN: No. It’s a bad idea. • > Can you suggest another idea? • > JAN: I’m not sure. • > ANNA: I would be glad to. dialogue space: a space for communication with teammates on the project >
Taiwan tops the league for school maths (From Financial Times, December 5th, 2007) • By David Turner in London • Taiwan has topped a prestigious international league table of 15-year-olds' mathematical ability, vaulting ahead of far richer countries. • The island state's performance in the Pisa tests of mathematics, devised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and published yesterday, reinforces its reputation as a hightechnology Asian tiger. • Taiwan also earned fourth place in the parallel Pisa science rankings, published last week, although in reading it was in 16th place.
科學教育的目標 • 1.樂於學習科學,欣賞科學之美,喜歡科學之奇及了解科學之用 • 2.發揮好奇心及創造力 ,使科學紮根於生 • 活文化之中 • 3.運用探究能力及科學知識解決問題,理 • 性批判並做出明智的抉擇 • 4.不斷提升科學素養,積極貢獻於經濟成 • 長及永續發展
何謂探究式的實驗? 但是我們的教學與評量是否已經提供這些能力的學習機會和評量方式﹖ • 以1965諾貝爾物理獎得主- • 費曼(Richard Feynman) 的演講為例 • Define problems • Make hypotheses • Design experimental procedure
科學素養評量例題─刺魚的行為 刺魚是一種容易在魚缸中生存的魚類。 雌性 雄性
科學例題─刺魚的行為(題目) • 於生育季節期間,雄性刺魚腹部會由銀色 轉成紅色 • 雄性刺魚會攻擊進入自己領土的其它任一 尾完整的公魚 • 如果一隻銀色雌性魚接近,他會試著帶她 入自己的巢,將蛋產在那。 • 在實驗中,一位學生想要觀察雄性刺魚如何表現出好鬥的行為。 • 將一尾雄性刺魚單獨放在學生的魚缸中。學生製作三尾穿有金屬線的蠟像模型魚。他將這三尾假魚分別掛置於魚缸中等長的時間。然後,學生計數雄性刺魚對於蠟像模型魚做出反應的次數。
科學例題─刺魚的行為(題目) 這個實驗的結果如下: 雄性刺魚攻擊 行為的次數 模型魚1 銀色 模型魚2 紅色 模型魚3 深紅色
科學例題─刺魚的行為(問題 1) 這個實驗是要嘗試著回答什麼樣的問題?
科學例題─刺魚的行為(問題 2) 在生育期間,雄性刺魚見到雌性刺魚會試著吸引她,而這求愛的行為看起來就好像在跳舞一樣。 在第二個實驗中,要觀察求愛行為。 同樣的,使用三尾穿有金屬線的蠟像模型魚。 一尾為紅色;二尾為銀色,其中一尾有平坦的腹部,另一尾有圓凸的腹部。 學生計數雄性刺魚對每尾模型魚做出求愛反應的次數。
科學例題─刺魚的行為(問題 2) 這個實驗結果如下: 雄性刺魚的求愛次數
科學例題─刺魚的行為(問題 2) 三個學生各別針對這個實驗做出結論。 依據圖表中給的資料,請問他們的結論是否正確? 請在每一個欄中圈出 ”是” 或 “否”
Science 23 August 2002:Vol. 297. no. 5585, pp. 1339 - 1343DOI: 10.1126/science.1073257Prev | Table of Contents | NextReports • Sexual Selection, Temperature, and the Lion's Mane • Peyton M. West* and Craig Packer • The mane of the African lion (Panthera leo) is a highly variable trait that reflects male condition and ambient temperature. We examined the consequences of this variation in a long-term study of lions in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Mane darkness indicates nutrition and testosterone and influences both female choice and male-male competition. Mane length signals fighting success and only appears to influence male-male assessment.
Dark-maned males enjoy longer reproductive life-spans and higher offspring survival, but they suffer higher surface temperatures, abnormal sperm, and lower food intake during hot months of the year. Maned males are hotter than females, and males have lighter and/or shorter manes in hotter seasons, years, and habitats. This phenotypic plasticity suggests that the mane will respond to forecasted increases in ambient temperature. • Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.