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Clover Advertising Bristol: Experiences of Anderson Claudio. Clover Advertising Ltd 2nd Floor, Arclight House 3 Unity Street, Bristol BS1 5HH Tel: 0117 329 4388 http://www.cloveradvertising.com
CloverAdvertisingLtd 2ndFloor,ArclightHouse,3UnityStreet,BristolBS1 5HH Tel: 0117 329 4388| Web: http://www.cloveradvertising.com Anderson ClaudiosharestheCloverAdvertisingExperience Q:Whatwereyou doingbeforeyoustarted atClover Advertising? A: Before I startedworkingwith Clover I wasunemployedandlooking for ajob. My previousjobwasinPortugalwhere IworkedinTourism Entertainment. Q:Whatdoyou like aboutworkingwith Clover Advertising? A: I love the environment! I love the progressthat’spossible andthe people thatworkinthebusiness. Q:Whatfirstlyattracted you to thisrole? A: My initialattractionwasthe musiccomingfrom the meeting roomsandtheatmosphere inside the offices! The businesscame acrossasreally professionaltome, andthatcertainly attractedme.