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ILIAS-next, an FP7 Integrating Activity led by Andrea Giuliani, aims to unify and structure European Underground Science, focusing on Low Energy Astroparticle Physics and interdisciplinary activities. It coordinates networks, joint research, and key technologies for underground labs, promoting transnational access and collaboration in various fields of science. The project includes Networking Activities, Trans-national Access, Joint Research Activities, and SCInet activities to enhance research infrastructures and support scientific exploration.
“ILIAS-next” will be centred around • The European Underground Laboratories in terms of infrastructures • “Low Energy” Astroparticle Physics in terms of science Interdisciplinary activities ILIAS-next Andrea Giuliani University of Insubria and INFN Milano-Bicocca “ILIAS-next” is an FP7 Integrating Activity that will represent Underground Science and Research in Europe “ILIAS-next” aims at being the first unified entity in the world to coordinate and structure the Underground Science as a whole
Brigitte Sambain European Commission, DG RTD Support to existing Research Infrastructures • Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of research infrastructures in a given field, implemented through: • A bottom-up approach for proposals open to all fields of science • Targeted approach with topics defined in cooperation with the FP7 thematic areas • [ICT based e-infrastructures in support of scientific research]
Society Industry Outreach Applied research Structure and coordinate the scientific communities operating in the framework of Underground labs Extend to non-physics science n mass Dark Matter Gravitational Waves Low Energy Neutrinos Science Ultimate questions on the Universe Purposes of ILIAS-next Networks Transnational Accesses Joint Research Activities Develop key technologies for underground science
Integrating Activity in FP7 • Structure better and integrate, on a European scale, the way research infrastructures operate and develop • Normally all major RI’s in Europe in one field • At least 3 MS or AS • 3 types of activities in one project • (1) Networking Activities • (2) Trans-national Access and/or service activities • (3) Joint Research Activities • Based on the continuation of the successful FP6 instrument “I3” • Project type: combination of collaborative project + coordination and support actions
Transnational access TA1 – transnational access to European underground Labs TA2 – low-background services in underground laboratories Networks Joint Research Activities N1 – management N2 – DeepNET - underground labs N3 – DMnet - dark matter N4 – NMnet - neutrino mass N5 – GWnet - gravitational waves N6 – THnet - theory N7 – non physics sciences JRA1 – low background JRA2 – detectors JRA3 – technologies JRA4 – support experiments JRA5 – simulations SCInet Activities in “ILIAS-next”
Networks WP1 – Deep underground laboratory network WP2 – Site improvements and extensions WP3 - Relations with industry and society N2 WP1 - European strategy and coordination of dark matter and axion research WP2 - Direct, indirect and accelerator search theory and experiment coordination WP3 - Data, statistics and analysis coordination WP4 - Axions and axion-like particles theory and experiment coordination N3 WP1 - Low energy physics in neutrino mass experiments WP2 - Single and double beta decay analysis for neutrino mass experiments WP3 - Nuclear matrix elements for double beta decay WP4 - Discussion table and think tank for new experimental and theoretical approaches N4 WP1 - Strategy and coordination WP2 - Detectors commissioning and upgrade WP3 - Data analysis WP4 - Gravitational wave sources WP5 - Public outreach N5 WP1 – Underground Astroparticle physics Theory and Phenomenology European strategy WP2 – Astrophysics and Cosmology as a Laboratory for Particle Physics WP3 – Massive Neutrinos and coordination N6
(1) Networking Activities • To foster a culture of co-operation between the research infrastructures and the related scientific communities • Forms of activities: • Towards a common long-term strategy : foresight… • Towards good practice: exchange of personnel and visits, standards and quality… • Towards the users: training, feedback, coordination… • Towards virtual research communities: Web-sites, common softwares, databases, data management… • Setting up of technical workshops, forums, working groups and studies…
Transnational Access access to teams of researchers to the European Deep Underground Lab. Coordinate and provide a financial instrument for the access of external users to the scientific facilities and infrastructures available in the European Deep Underground Laboratories. TA1 access of samples for measurements Increase and improve the analytical power of European underground science by bringing together deep, semi-deep and shallow underground laboratories with expertise in measuring radioactivity. TA2
(2) Trans-national Access and/or Service activities • Provide trans-national access to researchers or research teams to one or more infrastructures among those operated by the participants • "Hands on" access • Remote access: provision of reference material, sample analysis… Remote access to distributed infrastructures: “trans-nationality” will not apply • Provide research infrastructures related services to the scientific community • Access to scientific services freely available through communication networks, e.g. databases available on the web
Joint Research Activities WP1 - Common strategy and optimisation of resources for ultra low-level measurements and analyses WP2 - New and innovative ultra low-level measurement techniques and methods WP3 - Joint R&D on new methods and techniques for measuring radioactive gases WP4 – Application of deep UG science infrastructures to interdisc.activities J1 WP1 - Very low temperature solid state detectors WP2 - Noble liquid and gas detectors WP3 - Advanced semiconductor detectors with active and passive BKG control WP4 - Scintillation detectors optimized for rare event search J2 WP1 - Large Cryogenic Infrastructure WP2 - Readout Electronics and Data Acquisition WP3 - Shielding Construction Technologies J3 WP1 -Common issues, JRA coordination, outreach, reporting WP2 -Study of muon induced background at existing experiments WP3 -Dedicated beams experiments to study background activation and detector response WP4 -Experiments to check double beta decay matrix elements J4 WP1 – Background from radioactivity WP2 – Background induced by cosmic rays WP3 – Modelling detectors and physics processes J5
(3) Joint Research Activities • Explore new fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the efficient and joint use of the participating research infrastructures To improve the services provided by the infrastructures (in quality and/or quantity) • Forms of activities: • Instrumentation / prototype development • Development of methods, protocols, standards… • Development of software, middleware, algorithm; Database creation, upgrade, curation… • Development and curation of samples
Science in ILIAS-next Science will be focused on six main areas: Neutrino Mass Scale and nature Dark Matter Low Energy Neutrinos and Proton Decay Gravitational Waves Theoretical Astroparticle Physics Interdisciplinary activities
Dedicated network NW4: NMnet • Low energy physics in neutrino mass experiments • Single and double beta decay analysis for neutrino mass experiments • Nuclear matrix elements for double beta decay • Discussion table and think tank for new experimental and theoretical approaches Experiments and technological developments in JRAs • Experiments to measure double beta decay matrix elements (JRA4) • High energy resolution mcalorimeters for direct measurement of neutrino mass (JRA2) • Semiconductor detectors with active background suppression techniques (JRA2) • Studies on scintillator detectors (JRA2) Neutrino Mass Scale and nature - the quest for neutrino mass scale and nature is central in the comprehension of fundamental interactions, of the development of large scale structure in the Universe and of the prevalence of matter with respect to antimatter. ILIAS-next will coordinate the research in this field, which is mainly conducted through underground searches (Double Beta Decay and possible future Single Beta Decay measurements), and will develop new technologies able to revolutionize the field and to set the bases for next generation experiments.
Dedicated network NW3: DMnet • European strategy and coordination of dark matter and axion research • Direct, indirect and accelerator search theory and experiment coordination • Data, statistics and analysis coordination • Axions and axion-like particles theory and experiment coordination Experiments and technological developments in JRAs • Physics and technology of noble liquid and gas detectors (JRA2) • Recoil calibration of dark matter detectors (JRA4) Dark Matter- Dark Matter, which constitutes most of the matter present in our Universe, remains a fundamental mystery and has a central role in cosmology. ILIAS-next will provide European coordination in this field and will develop the most promising key technologies to discover the elementary particle candidates to the composition of Dark Matter through deep underground experiments.
Network NW2: DEEPnet • Site improvement and extensions Connection with LAGUNA Technological developments in JRAs • Studies on liquid argon Connection with LAGUNA • Liquid scintillators for low energy n detection: transparency, radiopurity, light yield Low Energy Neutrinos and Proton decay - several crucial physics phenomena in the Universe and in the Earth lead to the emission of low energy neutrinos, whose detection is possible only in huge underground structures. ILIAS-next will study and deepen the connection between low energy neutrinos and other Astroparticle Physics topics, and will study technical developments useful for their detection and common to other frontier research fields, such as Proton decay. No dedicated network
JRA1 : Ultra low background techniques for deep underground science infrastructures • Ultra low- level measurements and analyses • Development of novel ultra low-level measurement techniques and methods • R&D on new methods and techniques to measure radioactive noble gases JRA2: Advanced techniques for rare event detection • Very low temperature solid state detectors JRA3: Support technologies for underground operation • Shielding construction technologies JRA4: High energy and nuclear physics support experiments • Study of muon induced background at existing experiments • Dedicated beams experiments to study bkg activation and detector response JRA5: Supporting simulations and data analysis for underground physics • Background from radioactivity • Background induced by cosmic rays • Modelling detectors and physics processes Experiments, technological developments and simulations in JRAs common to rare event search (Mn, DM, LEn)
Dedicated network NW5: GWnet • Detectors commissioning and upgrades • Data analysis • Gravitational waves sources • Outreach and Coordination Connection with ET Network NW2: task about low seismic activity areas Technological developments common to rare event search and gravitational waves JRA1 : Ultra low BKG techniques for deep UG science infrastructures • Suppression of gravity-gradient noise JRA3 Support technologies for underground operation • Large cryogenics infrastructures • Readout electronics and Data Acquisition Gravitational Waves - coordination will be provided for the European search for Gravitational Waves, with special care for a project for a future underground interferometer. Several technological developments common to other underground research topics will be pursued.
Theory network NW6: THnet • Astrophysics and Cosmology as a Laboratory for Particle Physics • Massive Neutrinos • Underground Astrophysics Theory and Phenomenology European Strategy and Coordination Theoretical Astroparticle Physics - a network of theorists will provide the bases for the coordination and the planning of the experimental activities, and will establish the connection with accelerator physics (a large impact on astroparticle physics is expected from LHC results) and high energy cosmic phenomena (multimessenger approach).
Planned dedicated network for underground science in general: SCInet N7 • Underground science and engineering coordination and user panel • Deep geo - geophysics, geology, geo-engineering and mining engineering • Deep life - geo-microbiology, life and environmental science • Deep com - commercial, industrial and security applications Technological developments in JRA1 • Radiodating, Earth science and environmental applications Interdisciplinary activities - Technologies for the reduction of the radioactive background, deeply developed in ILIAS-next for Astroparticle Physics research, and in general underground research spaces are becoming more and more interesting to other fields of physics (e.g. physics of the atmosphere and of the environment) as well as for non-physics research like geology, hydrology, biology etc. Implementation of underground techniques can open up new channels of synergy and interdisciplinary research, with benefit also for applied research. These aspects will be developed in ILIAS-next, that aspires to be a coordination centre for underground science cutting the boundaries between different disciplines.
The individual proposals are well-structured, with list of deliverables and implementation plan Preliminary list of beneficiaries [~ 35] Preliminary budget [13.6 Meuro] We have a management team with a coordinator Present situation • We have a proposal, including individual proposals for the various activities • Approved Designed Studies: LAGUNA, ET establish connections
Expected size of an Integrating Activity under FP7 (1) • Duration: 4 years max • EC contribution: • Expected to be in the range of 3 to 10 M€. Higher EC contribution possible only in well justified cases (e.g. facilities serving very large communities of users). Not foreseen to be more than 15 M€ • Number of contractors: • Experience shows that a project with more than 20 contractors is difficult to manage • Not all partners need to be contractors
In ILIAS-next ~ 10 % ~ 34 % ~ 10 % ~ 46 % Expected size of an Integrating Activity under FP7 (2) • What should be the normal balance of the activities? • Management : 5 to 10% • Networking activities : 15 to 20% • TA/service activities: 25 to 35% • Joint research activities: 35 to 45% • No fixed rule, « one size does not fit all »
Innovation with respect to ILIAS • New points in ILIAS-next structure: • more clear and full connection to underground laboratories • additional aspects of science beyond (astroparticle) physics, connected to underground environment: geoscience, microbiology. • new structure of JRAs, which are technologically oriented and connect transversally communities dedicated to different physics issues • additional TA, which foresees the exchange of materials to be measured in underground labs • richer participation of underground labs: one new laboratory as beneficiary, contacts with emerging sites in East Europe, role of semi-deep labs • more focus on the link to industry • deep connection and integration with other projects of the European astroparticle programme funded in FP7, such as the Design Study LAGUNA (escavation issues and detector technology) and ET (underground site for gravitational wave searches) and possibly other projects connected to Dark Matter search.
FP7 Call 3 outline (1) • For Integrating Activities and Support to policy development and programme implementation • Publication: 30 November 2007 • Closure: 29 February 2008 • Indicative budget for Integrating Activities:81.1 M€ (+ 192 M€ from the 2009 budget) • For both bottom up and targeted approach • Indicative budget for Policy devt: 9 M€ • Results within 4 months after closure date • First contracts will come into force before the end of 2008
FP7 Call 3 outline (2) • Procedure for evaluation • remote + panel evaluation • 1 Panel organised in 5 thematic sub-panels* • Math., computer related sciences, analytical facilities • Physics, astronomy, nuclear & particle physics • Biomedical and life sciences • Environmental sciences and non-nuclear energy • Social sciences and humanities * Computer and data treatment experts in each sub-panel • 2 priority lists (I3 and support measures)
Evaluation process • All FP7 proposals will be assessed according to the same three (3) criteria: • S/T quality (threshold 3/5) • Implementation (threshold 3/5) • Impact (threshold 3/5) • Criteria are further specified in revised work programme and respective guides for applicants • Experts: • 5 experts to be used for evaluation of IAs : 3 scientists (1 specialist), 1 RI policy, 1 manager • 3 experts for Support measures