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Explore the evolution of evolutionary theories from Darwin's time to the Modern Synthesis era, including key developments in population genetics and post-Darwinian advancements by influential figures like Goldschmidt, Haldane, Dobzhansky, Mayr, and Eldridge. Delve into the Mutationist School, the Modern Synthesis period, Mayr's contributions, and Eldridge and Gould's Punctuated Equilibrium theory. Understand the genetic underpinnings, selection forces, species concepts, and speciation processes that shape evolutionary change in populations. Discover how mutation, selection, drift, and other factors interact to drive the diversity of life on Earth.
Modern Evolutionary Theory I. Post-Darwinian Facts II. Population Genetics III. Post-Darwinian Theory
III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) Richard Goldschmidt T. H. Morgan large mutations are the major agent of evolutionary change
III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) B. The Modern Synthesis (1940)
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle)
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) after one generation of random mating, and equilibrium is reached in genotypic frequencies.
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright - plant and animal breeding - statistical modelling of evolution - Drift - 'Wright' Effect
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright 3. 1930 - R. A. Fisher - statistician - ANOVA - The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright 3. 1930 - R. A. Fisher 4. 1932 - J. B. S. Haldane - The Causes of Evolution - Stressed the importance of selection over mutation
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright 3. 1930 - R. A. Fisher 4. 1932 - J. B. S. Haldane 5. 1937 - T. Dobzhansky - pop gen of D. psuedoobscura inversions - Genetics and the Origin of Species - 'isolating mechanisms'
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright 3. 1930 - R. A. Fisher 4. 1932 - J. B. S. Haldane 5. 1937 - T. Dobzhansky 6. 1942 - Ernst Mayr - naturalist, not geneticist - influenced Dobzhansky's interpretations - Systematics and the Origin of Species - biological species concept
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics 1. 1908-10: Hardy - Weinberg - (Castle) 2. 1912-1988: Sewall Wright 3. 1930 - R. A. Fisher 4. 1932 - J. B. S. Haldane 5. 1937 - T. Dobzhansky 6. 1942 - Ernst Mayr 7. 1942 - 1950: Huxley, Stebbins, Simpson
Post Darwinian Developments I. Genetics C. Population Genetics D. 1940's: The Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution Sources of Variation Agents of Change Mutation N.S.**** Recombination Drift**** - crossing over Migration - independent assortment Mutation Non-random Mating VARIATION look familiar?
III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) B. The Modern Synthesis (1940) C. Mayr's Contributions
III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) B. The Modern Synthesis (1940) C. Mayr's contributions 1. The Biological Species Concept a. Mayr - Biological species concept - defined species as"groups of potentially reproducing organisms separated from other such groups".
III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) B. The Modern Synthesis (1940) C. Mayr's contributions 1. The Biological Species Concept 2. Peripatric Speciation Evolutionary change should be most dramatic when the two most powerful agents (drift and selection) are at work: - when small groups of colonists settle a new habitat
III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) B. The Modern Synthesis (1940) C. Mayr's contributions D. Eldridge and Gould - 1972 - Punctuated Equilibrium
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 1. Consider a large, well-adapted population VARIATION TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 1. Consider a large, well-adapted population Effects of Selection and Drift are small - (it's already "well adapted" and it is large....) little change over time VARIATION TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 2. There are always small sub-populations "budding off" along the periphery of a species range...(Peripatric speciation...) VARIATION TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 2. Most will go extinct, but some may survive... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 2. These surviving populations will initially be small, and in a new environment...so the effects of Selection and Drift should be strong... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 3. These populations will change rapidly in response... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 3. These populations will change rapidly in response... and as they adapt (in response to selection), their populations should increase in size (because of increasing reproductive success, by definition). X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 3. As population increases in size, effects of drift decline... and as a population becomes better adapted, the effects of selection decline... so the rate of evolutionary change declines... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 4. And we have large, well-adapted populations that will remain static as long as the environment is stable... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 5. Since small, short-lived populations are less likely to leave a fossil, the fossil record can appear 'discontinuous' or 'imperfect' X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 5. Large pop's may leave a fossil.... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 5. Small, short-lived populations probably won't... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 6. So, the discontinuity in the fossil record is an expected result of our modern understanding of how evolution and speciation occur... X VARIATION X X TIME
- 1972 - Eldridge and Gould - Punctuated Equilibrium 6. both in time (as we see), and in SPACE (as changing populations are probably NOT in same place as ancestral species). X VARIATION X X TIME
Modern Evolutionary Theory I. Post-Darwinian Facts II. Population Genetics III. Post-Darwinian Theory A. Mutationist School (1900-1930) B. The Modern Synthesis (1940) C. Mayr's Contributions D. Punctuated Equilibrium (1972 - Eldridge and Gould) So, our modern evolutionary theory PREDICTS that transitional fossils should be rare, because most evolutionary change is occurring in small, isolated populations in new environments. This solves Darwin's remaining dilemma regarding the 'incompleteness' of the fossil record, and explains why we don't have intermediates for every possible lineage.