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Overview of Integrated 60GHz Front End Chip Set and Test Results for millimeter-wave study group, potential applications in consumer electronics, computing, and beyond, with measured performance and design details.
January, 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Completely Integrated 60 GHz ISM Band Front End Chip Set and Test Results] Date Submitted: [9January, 2006] Source: [Brian Gaucher] Company [IBM Research] Address [1101 Kitchawan Ave Yorktown Heights, NY 10598] Voice:[914-945-2596], FAX: [914-945-4134], E-Mail: [bgaucher@us.ibm.com] Re: [] Abstract:[Overview of Integrated 60 GHz Front End Chip Set and Test Results] Purpose:[Contribution for millimeter-wave study group ] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. B. Gaucher IBM Research
Completely Integrated 60 GHz ISM Band Front End Chip Set and Test Results IBM Research mmWave Design Team B. Gaucher IBM Research
Our Vision for Silicon mmWave ICs Discrete GaAs 60-GHz Radio Integrated SiGe 60-GHz Radio Bring “mmWave to the masses” B. Gaucher IBM Research
High-Speed Wireless Need Driven by Multiple Markets Low power, short range 100-500Mbps link • Consumer electronics • Replacement for 1394 Fire Wire and other cables • Potential for 150M consumer electronic devices, such as TVs, home automation camera/camcorder, game consoles, music players etc. by 2009. • Streaming High Definition Video • Computer & peripherals • Replacement for USB, monitor cable, parallel ports and other cables – • Potential for 100M computers and peripherals by 2009. • Other application needs outside home • Healthcare, SOHO, industrial control, wireless sensor network, smartphones, last mile access, positioning & measurements (asset management), radar… Computer applications HD Video 1.5 Gbps Consumer electronic applications B. Gaucher IBM Research
Redefining Home Networks with mmWave Freedom to locate anywhere BS/CS/Digital Terrestrial Analog Signal Digitally Stored TV Program (Compressed) Digitally Stored TV Program (Compressed) Base Station on the ceiling & Backbone HD Uncompressed Digital Stream Internet Access PC Multiple Data Streams Internet Digital Media Adaptor HDD Home Server / Router TV Monitor TV Monitor No penetration through walls (High Security) PC Ultra High-Speed Stream HD-DVD Player Camcorder B. Gaucher IBM Research
BB Amp IF Mixer I (0 - 500MHz) 0.4G IF Amp Image-reject LNA 8.8G Input 59-64 GHz 9.2G 62G ÷2 PFD CP LPF 52.8G Q (0 - 500MHz) x3 ÷ 32 17.6G PLL Ref. CLK 0.5-0.6 GHz 60-GHz Receiver in SiGe BiCMOS 8HP Integration Level • 342 NPNs • 1200 FETs • 77 transmission lines • 15 inductors • 715 resistors • 189 MIMs • 53 pads • Highest integration level for millimeter-wave circuits • Complexity approaching that seen at 5 GHz. Size: 3.4 x 1.6 mm2 B. Gaucher IBM Research
60-GHz Receiver: Measured Results Summary • First RF-to-baseband 60G silicon receiver built, to our knowledge. • Receiver hits nearly all performance targets. • Achieves the highest integration level for mmWave. B. Gaucher IBM Research
IF Mixer Image-reject Driver I (0 - 500MHz) 0.4G IF Amp PA 8.8G 9.2G Output 59-64 GHz ÷2 62G 52.8G PFD CP LPF Q (0 - 500MHz) x3 ÷ 32 17.6G PLL Ref. CLK 0.5-0.6 GHz 60-GHz Transmitter in SiGe BiCMOS 8HP Integration Level • 359 NPNs • 1040 FETs • 157 transmission lines • 13 inductors • 521 resistors • 270 MIMs • 60 pads • High integration level is unique for millimeter-wave. • Complexity approaching that seen in early commercial implementation at 5 GHz. Size: 4 x 1.5 mm2 B. Gaucher IBM Research
Gain = 33 dB Psat = 16 dBm oCP1dB = +12 dBm 60-GHz Transmitter Measured Results Summary • First 60-GHz baseband-to-RF 60G silicon transmitter built, to our knowledge. • Transmitter hits nearly all performance targets. • Again, highest integration level for mmWave. B. Gaucher IBM Research
Measured Performance of SiGe Chip Set B. Gaucher IBM Research
Chip-on-Board Package for TX/RX Chips Tx or Rx Chip Antenna encapsulate Folded Dipole Reflector Flip-Chip Wire-Bond • *World’s First Functional 60GHz “Chip-on-board” Package! • All wire bonds • Standard FR4 board ~ 8 mm Tx or Rx Board *More detail available under CDA B. Gaucher IBM Research
60GHz Radio Test System using Software Baseband Demodulation/Data Recovery Gen1 Receiver IC* 1Gs/s BB Amp IF Mixer VGA Image-rejectLNA 0G 8b A/D IF Amp I PC captures sample buffer and demodulates in non real-time 9G 9G PC ÷2 63G Input 59-64 GHz 54G 8b A/D x3 Q PCI A/D Card ÷ 32 PLL TxIC 18G LPF CP PFD Modulation : DQPSK for 1Gb/s Directional Antennas OFDM for 1Gb/s Omni Antennas Signal Generator ~500MHz Gen1 Transmitter IC* ÷ 32 PLL Data/Modulation Source TxIC 18G LPF CP PFD Output 59-64 GHz BB Amp x3 12b D/A ARB loops Real-time Modulation frame To radio PA I Memory Buffer ÷2 12b D/A IF Amp Image-reject Driver Q IF Mixer 1Gs/s *More detail available under CDA B. Gaucher IBM Research
OFDM Link Demonstration using 60G Rx/Tx with Antennas 630Mbps Receivedconstellation 630Mbps 60-GHz OFDM Link 630MbpsQPSK-OFDM 60GHz Tx Module 60GHz Rx Module ARB PCA/D 7dBi pk.gain • Rx/Tx modules used with software radio with 700Ms/s ADC. QPSK-OFDM modulation used. • Error-free operation demonstrated at 630Mbps at 10m. • Link budget corroborated, with 7dB NF, 10dBm output power, 2dB package loss in Rx/Tx, 7dBi antenna gain and 88dB path loss for 10m. 10m reference separation Rx-Gain +35dBNF = 7dB Tx -67dBm +14dBm -74dBm -69dBm +9dBm +7dBm Pkgloss (-2dB) AntennaGain(7dBi) ChannelLoss 10m(-88dB) AntennaGain(7dBi) Pkgloss(-2dB) I Q IQ Level-15dBm kTBF = -80dBm (500MHz BW)C/N = 11dB B. Gaucher IBM Research
1Gbps 60-GHz ASK Link diff bipolar data I+ I+ ARBGen. Amp 60 GHzRx with Antenna 60 GHzTx with Antenna Detector I- I- Σ Q+ Q+ Amp Detector Q- Q- 1m reference sep. Measured eye-diagram of rectified I and Q at 1Gbps, across 1m wireless link ASK Link Demonstration using 60G Rx/Tx with Antennas • On-off keying (OOK) used to enable a simple modulation to be used without A/D converters. • Same 60G Rx/Tx modules used, demonstrating good data eyes to 1Gbps. • Rough setup with ARB and scope. Moving towards PRBS generator to drive bipolar encoder on Tx side, then will add clock and data recovery on the Rx side. This will allow true BER measurements to be made. , • This scheme addresses Multi Gb/s point to point links. • 8dBi antennas suitable for proto-typing, but >10m coverage will require waveguide-launch modules with directional antennas. B. Gaucher IBM Research
Third Gen Eval Boards Second Gen Eval Boards First Gen Packaged Die Eval Board Bare Die Receiver Transceiver Sept 2005 Aug, 2006 Bare Die Transmitter Integration Functionality Receiver CMOS Building Blocks Building Blocks Individual Comp’ts Individual Comp’ts Transmitter LNA LNA PA PA 2006-2008 Mar, 2006 Aug, 2005 Feb. 2004 2006 2004 2005 2007 60-GHz Chipset Road Map Addresses: AM-OOK, FM-FSK Mod and Demod B. Gaucher IBM Research
Summary Low cost package 2Q06 • Fully integrated, “baseband-to-millimeter wave” Gbps SiGe radio chip sets are a reality • SiGe integration also makes possible the use of standard IC package solutions • Our Gen1 chipset consists of a complete I/Q receiver and transmitter • Baseband to/from 60GHz VCO/PLL, Filters, Mixers… • Capable of analog Up/Dn conversion or high-speed I/Q modulation • Gen1 chips are currently: • Packaged on a PCB eval board and includes an integral 7 dBi antenna, capable of Gbps rates over 10M, when drive by appropriate baseband. • For directional links, we also have a waveguide interface for the chips to be available in 2Q06. • Gen2 chips are in test with eval boards expected in 2Q06. They will have both a PCB with integral antenna and waveguide interface. Chip on board-Today Waveguide Interface 2Q06 We gratefully acknowledge partial funding for this effort under DARPA contract N66001-05-C-8013 B. Gaucher IBM Research